Added special handling for 'string' types with format 'uri' 3 of 4 checklist items completed
[Spring] Disable jdk8 when using responseWrapper 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Fix for Java JAX-RS tests in Windows platform 3 of 4 checklist items completed
Update jackson-datatype-jsr310/joda to the latest version 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[JAVA] fix artifactVersion overriding snapshot parameter when set 3 of 4 checklist items completed
[JAVA] remove File.separator use for default project/Test/source Folder 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[JAVA] fix artifactVersion is not taken from specification 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[JAX-RS] Fix default value for container 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[JAVA][KOTLIN] fix var Naming for all uppercase with Numbers 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[JAX-RS] Fix JSON polymorphism 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[jaxrs-spec] equals/hashCode methods in POJOs ignore parent variables 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Minor code review fixes (JAX-RS, JS Flow) 0 of 4 checklist items completed
Fix JaxRS-Jersey template for files upload 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Generate setters for readonly properties in server code 4 of 4 checklist items completed
Java RESTEASY : fix defaultValue annotation double quoted in API operations 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[java-server-msf4j] fix and upgrade 4 of 4 checklist items completed
[Java] Bean Validation for decimalmin/max incorrect when exclusive set 4 of 4 checklist items completed
JAX-RS/CXF 1158 Options to generate fully functional method bodies passing fully populated test data 4 of 4 checklist items completed