• Info.plist files are now included in generated Xcode projects
  • provisioning_profile_search_path was removed from apple_bundle and apple_test rules and is instead configurable via .buckconfig: https://buckbuild.com/concept/buckconfig.html#apple
  • Buck now generates a valid compilation database for clang tools
  • buck query now lets you specify a regular expression when using --output-attributes: https://buckbuild.com/command/query.html
  • buck query now outputs attributes in snake case (as you write them in your build files) instead of camelCase (as Buck knows them internally)
  • Added support for Halide via halide_library: https://buckbuild.com/rule/halide_library.html
  • Thanks to @joshzana, Buck now properly ignores disabled activities when using the buck install command with Android APKs