An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Ian Schmitz authoredUnverified7b196fa4
const execa = require('execa');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const tempy = require('tempy');
const ReactScripts = require('./scripts');
module.exports = class TestSetup {
constructor(fixtureName, templateDirectory, { pnp = true } = {}) {
this.fixtureName = fixtureName;
this.templateDirectory = templateDirectory;
this.testDirectory = null;
this._scripts = null;
this.setup = this.setup.bind(this);
this.teardown = this.teardown.bind(this);
this.isLocal = !(process.env.CI && process.env.CI !== 'false');
this.settings = { pnp: pnp && !this.isLocal };
async setup() {
await this.teardown();
this.testDirectory =;
await fs.copy(
path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'template'),
await fs.copy(this.templateDirectory, this.testDirectory);
await fs.remove(path.resolve(this.testDirectory, 'test.partial.js'));
await fs.remove(path.resolve(this.testDirectory, '.disable-pnp'));
const packageJson = await fs.readJson(
path.resolve(this.testDirectory, 'package.json')
const shouldInstallScripts = !this.isLocal;
if (shouldInstallScripts) {
packageJson.dependencies = Object.assign({}, packageJson.dependencies, {
'react-scripts': 'latest',
packageJson.scripts = Object.assign({}, packageJson.scripts, {
start: 'react-scripts start',
build: 'react-scripts build',
test: 'react-scripts test',
packageJson.license = packageJson.license || 'UNLICENSED';
await fs.writeJson(
path.resolve(this.testDirectory, 'package.json'),
await execa(
this.settings.pnp ? '--enable-pnp' : null,
cwd: this.testDirectory,
if (!shouldInstallScripts) {
await fs.ensureSymlink(
path.join(this.testDirectory, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'react-scripts')
await execa('yarnpkg', ['link', 'react-scripts'], {
cwd: this.testDirectory,
get scripts() {
if (this.testDirectory == null) {
return null;
if (this._scripts == null) {
this._scripts = new ReactScripts(this.testDirectory);
return this._scripts;
async teardown() {
if (this.testDirectory != null) {
try {
await fs.remove(this.testDirectory);
} catch (ex) {
if (this.isLocal) {
throw ex;
} else {
// In CI, don't worry if the test directory was not able to be deleted
this.testDirectory = null;
this._scripts = null;