cra.js 3.96 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const cp = require('child_process');
const cleanup = () => {
  console.log('Cleaning up.');
  // Reset changes made to package.json files.
  cp.execSync(`git checkout -- packages/*/package.json`);
  // Uncomment when snapshot testing is enabled by default:
  // rm ./template/src/__snapshots__/App.test.js.snap
const handleExit = () => {
  console.log('Exiting without error.');
const handleError = e => {
  console.error('ERROR! An error was encountered while executing');
  console.log('Exiting with error.');
process.on('SIGINT', handleExit);
process.on('uncaughtException', handleError);
console.log('Assuming you have already run `yarn` to update the deps.');
console.log('If not, remember to do this before testing!');
// Temporarily overwrite package.json of all packages in monorepo
// to point to each other using absolute file:/ URLs.
const gitStatus = cp.execSync(`git status --porcelain`).toString();
if (gitStatus.trim() !== '') {
  console.log('Please commit your changes before running this script!');
  console.log('Exiting because `git status` is not empty:');
const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '..');
const packagesDir = path.join(rootDir, 'packages');
const packagePathsByName = {};
fs.readdirSync(packagesDir).forEach(name => {
  const packageDir = path.join(packagesDir, name);
  const packageJson = path.join(packageDir, 'package.json');
  if (fs.existsSync(packageJson)) {
    packagePathsByName[name] = packageDir;
Object.keys(packagePathsByName).forEach(name => { const packageJson = path.join(packagePathsByName[name], 'package.json'); const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJson, 'utf8')); Object.keys(packagePathsByName).forEach(otherName => { if (json.dependencies && json.dependencies[otherName]) { json.dependencies[otherName] = 'file:' + packagePathsByName[otherName]; } if (json.devDependencies && json.devDependencies[otherName]) { json.devDependencies[otherName] = 'file:' + packagePathsByName[otherName]; } if (json.peerDependencies && json.peerDependencies[otherName]) { json.peerDependencies[otherName] = 'file:' + packagePathsByName[otherName]; } if (json.optionalDependencies && json.optionalDependencies[otherName]) { json.optionalDependencies[otherName] = 'file:' + packagePathsByName[otherName]; } }); fs.writeFileSync(packageJson, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), 'utf8'); console.log( 'Replaced local dependencies in packages/' + name + '/package.json' ); }); console.log('Replaced all local dependencies for testing.'); console.log('Do not edit any package.json while this task is running.'); // Finally, pack react-scripts. // Don't redirect stdio as we want to capture the output that will be returned // from execSync(). In this case it will be the .tgz filename. const scriptsFileName = cp .execSync(`npm pack`, { cwd: path.join(packagesDir, 'react-scripts') }) .toString() .trim(); const scriptsPath = path.join(packagesDir, 'react-scripts', scriptsFileName); // Now that we have packed them, call the global CLI. cp.execSync('yarn cache clean'); const args = process.argv.slice(2); // Now run the CRA command const craScriptPath = path.join(packagesDir, 'create-react-app', 'index.js'); cp.execSync( `node ${craScriptPath} --scripts-version="${scriptsPath}" ${args.join(' ')}`, { cwd: rootDir, stdio: 'inherit', } ); // Cleanup handleExit();