launchEditor.js 9.45 KiB
 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const os = require('os');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const shellQuote = require('shell-quote');
function isTerminalEditor(editor) {
  switch (editor) {
    case 'vim':
    case 'emacs':
    case 'nano':
      return true;
  return false;
// Map from full process name to binary that starts the process
// We can't just re-use full process name, because it will spawn a new instance
// of the app every time
  '/Applications/': 'atom',
  '/Applications/Atom Beta':
    '/Applications/Atom Beta',
  '/Applications/': 'brackets',
  '/Applications/Sublime Text':
  '/Applications/Sublime Text Text 2':
    '/Applications/Sublime Text',
  '/Applications/Visual Studio': 'code',
  atom: 'atom',
  Brackets: 'brackets',
  code: 'code',
  emacs: 'emacs',
  '': 'idea',
  '': 'phpstorm',
  '': 'pycharm',
  '': 'rubymine',
  sublime_text: 'sublime_text',
  vim: 'vim',
  '': 'webstorm',
}; const COMMON_EDITORS_WIN = [ 'Brackets.exe', 'Code.exe', 'atom.exe', 'sublime_text.exe', 'notepad++.exe', 'clion.exe', 'clion64.exe', 'idea.exe', 'idea64.exe', 'phpstorm.exe', 'phpstorm64.exe', 'pycharm.exe', 'pycharm64.exe', 'rubymine.exe', 'rubymine64.exe', 'webstorm.exe', 'webstorm64.exe', ]; function addWorkspaceToArgumentsIfExists(args, workspace) { if (workspace) { args.unshift(workspace); } return args; } function getArgumentsForLineNumber(editor, fileName, lineNumber, workspace) { const editorBasename = path.basename(editor).replace(/\.(exe|cmd|bat)$/i, ''); switch (editorBasename) { case 'atom': case 'Atom': case 'Atom Beta': case 'subl': case 'sublime': case 'sublime_text': case 'wstorm': case 'charm': return [fileName + ':' + lineNumber]; case 'notepad++': return ['-n' + lineNumber, fileName]; case 'vim': case 'mvim': case 'joe': case 'emacs': case 'emacsclient': return ['+' + lineNumber, fileName]; case 'rmate': case 'mate': case 'mine': return ['--line', lineNumber, fileName]; case 'code': case 'Code': return addWorkspaceToArgumentsIfExists( ['-g', fileName + ':' + lineNumber], workspace ); case 'appcode': case 'clion': case 'clion64': case 'idea': case 'idea64': case 'phpstorm': case 'phpstorm64': case 'pycharm': case 'pycharm64': case 'rubymine': case 'rubymine64':
case 'webstorm': case 'webstorm64': return addWorkspaceToArgumentsIfExists( ['--line', lineNumber, fileName], workspace ); } // For all others, drop the lineNumber until we have // a mapping above, since providing the lineNumber incorrectly // can result in errors or confusing behavior. return [fileName]; } function guessEditor() { // Explicit config always wins if (process.env.REACT_EDITOR) { return shellQuote.parse(process.env.REACT_EDITOR); } // We can find out which editor is currently running by: // `ps x` on macOS and Linux // `Get-Process` on Windows try { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { const output = child_process.execSync('ps x').toString(); const processNames = Object.keys(COMMON_EDITORS_OSX); for (let i = 0; i < processNames.length; i++) { const processName = processNames[i]; if (output.indexOf(processName) !== -1) { return [COMMON_EDITORS_OSX[processName]]; } } } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { const output = child_process .execSync('powershell -Command "Get-Process | Select-Object Path"', { stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'ignore'], }) .toString(); const runningProcesses = output.split('\r\n'); for (let i = 0; i < runningProcesses.length; i++) { // `Get-Process` sometimes returns empty lines if (!runningProcesses[i]) { continue; } const fullProcessPath = runningProcesses[i].trim(); const shortProcessName = path.basename(fullProcessPath); if (COMMON_EDITORS_WIN.indexOf(shortProcessName) !== -1) { return [fullProcessPath]; } } } else if (process.platform === 'linux') { // --no-heading No header line // x List all processes owned by you // -o comm Need only names column const output = child_process .execSync('ps x --no-heading -o comm --sort=comm') .toString(); const processNames = Object.keys(COMMON_EDITORS_LINUX); for (let i = 0; i < processNames.length; i++) { const processName = processNames[i]; if (output.indexOf(processName) !== -1) { return [COMMON_EDITORS_LINUX[processName]]; } } } } catch (error) { // Ignore...
} // Last resort, use old skool env vars if (process.env.VISUAL) { return [process.env.VISUAL]; } else if (process.env.EDITOR) { return [process.env.EDITOR]; } return [null]; } function printInstructions(fileName, errorMessage) { console.log(); console.log('Could not open ' + path.basename(fileName) + ' in the editor.') ); if (errorMessage) { if (errorMessage[errorMessage.length - 1] !== '.') { errorMessage += '.'; } console.log('The editor process exited with an error: ' + errorMessage) ); } console.log(); console.log( 'To set up the editor integration, add something like ' + chalk.cyan('REACT_EDITOR=atom') + ' to the ' +'.env.local') + ' file in your project folder ' + 'and restart the development server. Learn more: ' +'') ); console.log(); } let _childProcess = null; function launchEditor(fileName, lineNumber) { if (!fs.existsSync(fileName)) { return; } // Sanitize lineNumber to prevent malicious use on win32 // via: if (lineNumber && isNaN(lineNumber)) { return; } let [editor, ...args] = guessEditor(); if (!editor) { printInstructions(fileName, null); return; } if (editor.toLowerCase() === 'none') { return; } if ( process.platform === 'linux' && fileName.startsWith('/mnt/') && /Microsoft/i.test(os.release()) ) { // Assume WSL / "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" is being used, and // that the file exists on the Windows file system. // `os.release()` is "4.4.0-43-Microsoft" in the current release // build of WSL, see:
// When a Windows editor is specified, interop functionality can // handle the path translation, but only if a relative path is used. fileName = path.relative('', fileName); } let workspace = null; if (lineNumber) { args = args.concat( getArgumentsForLineNumber(editor, fileName, lineNumber, workspace) ); } else { args.push(fileName); } if (_childProcess && isTerminalEditor(editor)) { // There's an existing editor process already and it's attached // to the terminal, so go kill it. Otherwise two separate editor // instances attach to the stdin/stdout which gets confusing. _childProcess.kill('SIGKILL'); } if (process.platform === 'win32') { // On Windows, launch the editor in a shell because spawn can only // launch .exe files. _childProcess = child_process.spawn( 'cmd.exe', ['/C', editor].concat(args), { stdio: 'inherit' } ); } else { _childProcess = child_process.spawn(editor, args, { stdio: 'inherit' }); } _childProcess.on('exit', function(errorCode) { _childProcess = null; if (errorCode) { printInstructions(fileName, '(code ' + errorCode + ')'); } }); _childProcess.on('error', function(error) { printInstructions(fileName, error.message); }); } module.exports = launchEditor;