diff --git a/scripts/build.js b/scripts/build.js index 09ef8bdafdb4a03594ea5376650dee492ac7e4a7..00bd29c63196ac18ff0074624e2e08ad5d147b2d 100644 --- a/scripts/build.js +++ b/scripts/build.js @@ -25,5 +25,12 @@ webpack(config).run(function(err, stats) { process.exit(1); } - console.log('Build successfully generated in the build/ folder'); + console.log('Successfully generated a bundle in the build folder!'); + console.log(); + console.log('You can now serve it with any static server:'); + console.log(' cd build'); + console.log(' python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000'); + console.log(' open http://localhost:9000'); + console.log(); + console.log('It is optimized and ready to be deployed for production.'); });