-[Integrating with a Node Backend](#integrating-with-a-node-backend)
-[GitHub Pages](#github-pages)
-[Something Missing?](#something-missing)
## Updating to New Releases
@@ -459,7 +462,15 @@ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
Check out [this tutorial](https://www.fullstackreact.com/articles/using-create-react-app-with-a-server/) for instructions on integrating an app with a Node backend running on another port, and using `fetch()` to access it. You can find the companion GitHub repository [here](https://github.com/fullstackreact/food-lookup-demo).
## Deploying
## Deployment
### Now
See [this example](https://github.com/xkawi/create-react-app-now) for a zero-configuration single-command deployment with [now](https://zeit.co/now).
### Heroku
Use the [Heroku Buildpack for create-react-app](https://github.com/mars/create-react-app-buildpack).
### GitHub Pages
@@ -479,11 +490,12 @@ It could look like this:
Now, whenever you run `npm run build`, you will see a cheat sheet with a sequence of commands to deploy to GitHub pages:
@@ -493,10 +505,6 @@ Note that GitHub Pages doesn't support routers that use the HTML5 `pushState` hi
* You could switch from using HTML5 history API to routing with hashes. If you use React Router, you can switch to `hashHistory` for this effect, but the URL will be longer and more verbose (for example, `http://user.github.io/todomvc/#/todos/42?_k=yknaj`). [Read more](https://github.com/reactjs/react-router/blob/master/docs/guides/Histories.md#histories) about different history implementations in React Router.
* Alternatively, you can use a trick to teach GitHub Pages to handle 404 by redirecting to your `index.html` page with a special redirect parameter. You would need to add a `404.html` file with the redirection code to the `build` folder before deploying your project, and you’ll need to add code handling the redirect parameter to `index.html`. You can find a detailed explanation of this technique [in this guide](https://github.com/rafrex/spa-github-pages).
### Heroku
Use the [Heroku Buildpack for create-react-app](https://github.com/mars/create-react-app-buildpack).
## Something Missing?
If you have ideas for more “How To” recipes that should be on this page, [let us know](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/issues) or [contribute some!](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/edit/master/template/README.md)