From 77265f31b14cea2835b799f586bc7de8bd9d5934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe Haddad <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 23:37:21 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Prepare for 1.0.11 release (#2924)

* Prepare for release

* Make sure there's a break
--- | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 0e2c349eb..b82304032 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,114 @@
+## 1.0.11 (2017-08-09)
+#### :bug: Bug Fix
+* `create-react-app`
+  * [#2884]( Improve offline heuristic for proxied environments. ([@bsyk](
+    When a Yarn proxy is set, we will check its connectivity if we cannot reach Yarn's registry. This is often the case when DNS lookups must be made through the proxy.
+  * [#2853]( Allow use of scoped packages with a pinned version. ([@wileybenet](
+* `react-dev-utils`
+  * [#2796]( Properly escape HTML tags in error overlay. ([@ccloli](
+    Elements printed in their entirety would sometimes render as HTML. This should no longer happen and should properly render as text.
+* `react-dev-utils`, `react-scripts`
+  * [#2834]( Make `formatWebpackMessages` return all messages ([@onigoetz](
+* `react-scripts`
+  * [#2806]( Fix SockJS version compatibility. ([@christianbundy](
+  * [#2738]( Fix Jest `node` file resolution. ([@mostafah](
+#### :nail_care: Enhancement
+* `react-scripts`
+  * [#2818]( Allow sourcemaps to be disabled. ([@viankakrisna](
+    As applications grow more complex, it is possible webpack may run out of memory while generating source maps. They may now be disabled by setting `GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false`.
+  * [#2913]( Allow flags to be passed to node when running `react-scripts`. ([@koistya](
+  * [#2574]( Upgrade to `webpack@3`. ([@themre](
+  * [#2747]( Simplify webpack configuration using `Rule.oneOf`. ([@Furizaa](
+* `react-dev-utils`, `react-scripts`
+  * [#2468]( Allow importing `package.json`. ([@iamdoron](
+  * [#2650]( Make UglifyJS error friendlier. ([@viankakrisna](
+* `create-react-app`
+  * [#2785]( Change error wording and list conflicting files when initializing app. ([@OwenFlood](
+* `react-dev-utils`
+  * [#2761]( Don't prompt to install serve if already installed. ([@OwenFlood](
+  * [#2754]( Auto-detect JetBrains IDEs. ([@danrr](
+  * [#2740]( Support PyCharm in `launchEditor`. ([@danrr](
+  * [#2723]( Reorder vim arguments in `launchEditor` so `--remote` works. ([@trygveaa](
+* `eslint-config-react-app`, `react-scripts`
+  * [#2735]( Upgrade to `eslint@4`. ([@trungdq88](
+* `eslint-config-react-app`
+  * [#2701]( Set `allowTaggedTemplates` to true (eslint). ([@denkristoffer](
+#### :memo: Documentation
+* Other
+  * [#2728]( Add Electrode to alternatives. ([@animesh10](
+  * [#2788]( Update link for motion. ([@viankakrisna](
+  * [#2697]( Fix env list ordering. ([@alexeyraspopov](
+* `react-dev-utils`
+  * [#2798]( Update note about `webpackHotDevClient` support. ([@ForbesLindesay](
+* `react-scripts`
+  * [#2822]( Add explicit "Opting Out of Caching" header. ([@gaearon](
+  * [#2725]( Fixed typo. ([@zeel](
+  * [#2668]( Document `basename` feature in `react-router`. ([@viankakrisna](
+  * [#2719]( Remove Windows note for `source-map-explorer`. ([@hodanny](
+* `babel-preset-react-app`
+  * [#2732]( Update link to issue blocking JSX hoisting. ([@ForbesLindesay](
+#### :house: Internal
+* `create-react-app`, `eslint-config-react-app`, `react-dev-utils`, `react-error-overlay`, `react-scripts`
+  * [#2923]( Update deps. ([@Timer](
+* `eslint-config-react-app`
+  * [#2718]( Re-enable flowtype warning. ([@oskarkook](
+* Other
+  * [#2700]( Unstage `yarn.lock` pre-commit. ([@jdcrensh](
+* `react-scripts`
+  * [#2873]( Use template strings. ([@monkindey](
+#### Committers: 26
+- 864907600cc ([ccloli](
+- Ade Viankakrisna Fadlil ([viankakrisna](
+- Alexey Raspopov ([alexeyraspopov](
+- Andreas Hoffmann ([Furizaa](
+- Animesh Dutta ([animesh10](
+- Ben Sykes ([bsyk](
+- Christian Bundy ([christianbundy](
+- Dan Abramov ([gaearon](
+- Dan Ristea ([danrr](
+- Danny Ho ([hodanny](
+- Forbes Lindesay ([ForbesLindesay](
+- Joe Haddad ([Timer](
+- Jon Crenshaw ([jdcrensh](
+- Kiho · Cham ([monkindey](
+- Konstantin Tarkus ([koistya](
+- Kristoffer ([denkristoffer](
+- Mostafa Hajizadeh ([mostafah](
+- Oskar Köök ([oskarkook](
+- Owen Flood ([OwenFlood](
+- Stéphane Goetz ([onigoetz](
+- Trygve Aaberge ([trygveaa](
+- Wiley Bennett ([wileybenet](
+- [iamdoron](
+- [themre](
+- zeel ([zeel](
+- Đinh Quang Trung ([trungdq88](
+### Migrating from 1.0.10 to 1.0.11
+Inside any created project that has not been ejected, run:
+npm install --save --save-exact react-scripts@1.0.11
+yarn add --exact react-scripts@1.0.11
 ## 1.0.10 (June 29, 2017)
 #### :bug: Bug Fix
@@ -110,7 +221,7 @@ yarn add --exact react-scripts@1.0.9
   * [#2600]( Add empty mock for `dgram` Node module. ([@micopiira](
   * [#2458]( Add names to module factories in development. ([@Zaccc123](
   * [#2551]( In new projects, unregister service worker and force reload if `service-worker.js` is not found. ([@ro-savage](
 * `babel-preset-react-app`, `react-dev-utils`, `react-scripts`
   * [#2658]( Bump dependencies. ([@gaearon](
@@ -119,7 +230,7 @@ yarn add --exact react-scripts@1.0.9
   * [#2657]( Put `react-scripts` in `dependencies`, not `devDependencies`. ([@gaearon](
   * [#2635]( Silence unhelpful npm warnings. ([@gaearon](
 * `react-dev-utils`
   * [#2637]( Auto-detect Brackets editor from error overlay. ([@petetnt](
@@ -176,7 +287,7 @@ yarn add --exact react-scripts@1.0.9
   * [#2397]( Fix command in cleanup. ([@ro-savage](
   * [#2388]( Fix wrong path expansion in end-to-end test. ([@gaearon](
   * [#2387]( Catch "No tests found" during CI. ([@EnoahNetzach](
 * `react-scripts`
   * [#2408]( E2E testing enhancements. ([@EnoahNetzach](
@@ -573,7 +684,7 @@ yarn add --dev --exact react-scripts@1.0.1
 We’ve been working on this release for the past few months, and there are many big impovements, from migrating to webpack 2 to a brand new runtime error overlay and built-in support for Progressive Web Apps.
-So instead of just enumerating them here, we decided to write a blog post about all the new features.  
+So instead of just enumerating them here, we decided to write a blog post about all the new features.<br>
 Check it out: **[What’s New in Create React App](**.
 Have you read it? Now let's see how to update your app to the latest version.