diff --git a/scripts/init.js b/scripts/init.js
index 314224b0704bc51cb369433f9abcc0788c5c5c5c..22a83269274a6e27f2f03b7acc757d740817b680 100644
--- a/scripts/init.js
+++ b/scripts/init.js
@@ -96,15 +96,24 @@ module.exports = function(appPath, appName, verbose, originalDirectory) {
     console.log('Success! Created ' + appName + ' at ' + appPath + '.');
     console.log('Inside that directory, you can run several commands:');
-    console.log('  * npm start: Starts the development server.');
-    console.log('  * npm test: Starts the test runner.');
-    console.log('  * npm run build: Bundles the app into static files for production.');
-    console.log('  * npm run eject: Removes this tool. If you do this, you can’t go back!');
+    console.log(chalk.cyan('npm start'));
+    console.log('  Starts the development server.');
+    console.log();
+    console.log(chalk.cyan('npm test'));
+    console.log('  Starts the test runner.');
+    console.log();
+    console.log(chalk.cyan('npm run build'));
+    console.log('  Bundles the app into static files for production.');
+    console.log();
+    console.log(chalk.cyan('npm run eject'));
+    console.log('  Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configs,');
+    console.log('  and scripts into the app directory.');
+    console.log('  If you do this, you can’t go back!');
     console.log('We suggest that you begin by typing:');
     console.log('  cd', cdpath);
-    console.log('  npm start');
+    console.log('  ' + chalk.cyan('npm start'));
     if (readmeExists) {
       console.log(chalk.yellow('You had a `README.md` file, we renamed it to `README.old.md`'));