Commit c24314d9 authored by Fabiano Brito's avatar Fabiano Brito Committed by Ian Schmitz
Browse files

Dark scheme overlay (#7052)

parent a51729cb
main 3.x amyrlam-patch-1 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/follow-redirects-1.14.8 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/nanoid-3.3.1 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/prismjs-1.27.0 feat/audits github-actions-ci github/fork/AMS777/patch-3 github/fork/Aghassi/patch-1 github/fork/AkiJoey/master github/fork/AlexWebLab/patch-1 github/fork/Amila-Rukshan/patch-1 github/fork/AmyShackles/patch-1 github/fork/Andarist/fix/manifest-handle-all-entrypoints github/fork/Andarist/improve-code-comments github/fork/Andarist/remove-babel-core-from-preset-deps github/fork/AriPerkkio/pr/fix-slow-app-creation github/fork/AryaAnish121/patch-1 github/fork/AshmeetSingh987/master github/fork/Ayushparikh-code/patch-1 github/fork/BenBonno/main github/fork/Bluefitdev/master github/fork/Bnaya/webpack-ignore-irrelevant-warnings github/fork/BogdanDor/remove-webpackHotDevClient github/fork/BrainEno/yakai911 github/fork/CarlRibbegaardh/feature/filename github/fork/CarlRibbegaardh/feature/tsconfig-config github/fork/CharlesStover/001 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create-react-app@3.4.0 create-react-app@3.3.1 create-react-app@3.3.0 cra-template-typescript@1.2.0 cra-template-typescript@1.1.3 cra-template-typescript@1.1.2 cra-template-typescript@1.1.1 cra-template-typescript@1.1.0 cra-template-typescript@1.0.3 cra-template-typescript@1.0.2 cra-template-typescript@1.0.1 cra-template-typescript@1.0.0 cra-template@1.2.0 cra-template@1.1.3 cra-template@1.1.2 cra-template@1.1.1 cra-template@1.1.0 cra-template@1.0.3 cra-template@1.0.2 cra-template@1.0.1 cra-template@1.0.0 confusing-browser-globals@1.0.11 confusing-browser-globals@1.0.10 babel-preset-react-app@10.0.1 babel-preset-react-app@10.0.0 babel-preset-react-app@9.1.2 babel-preset-react-app@9.1.1 babel-preset-react-app@9.1.0 babel-plugin-named-asset-import@0.3.8 babel-plugin-named-asset-import@0.3.7 babel-plugin-named-asset-import@0.3.6 babel-plugin-named-asset-import@0.3.5
2 merge requests!12191Lim.Pisey.168:/Identified - We are currently investigating reports of missing build logs. The issue has been identified and a resolution is in progress. We will provide a further update when available.Mar 21, 09:02 UTC,!12853brikk
Showing with 442 additions and 370 deletions
+442 -370
...@@ -1577,20 +1577,20 @@ Unhandled Promise rejections will now crash tests. You can fix them by explicitl ...@@ -1577,20 +1577,20 @@ Unhandled Promise rejections will now crash tests. You can fix them by explicitl
After the regular update procedure above, add these line to `<head>` in `public/index.html`: After the regular update procedure above, add these line to `<head>` in `public/index.html`:
```html ```html
<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
<!-- <!--
manifest.json provides metadata used when your web app is added to the manifest.json provides metadata used when your web app is added to the
homescreen on Android. See homescreen on Android. See
--> -->
<link rel="manifest" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json"> <link rel="manifest" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/manifest.json" />
``` ```
Add `<noscript>` to `<body>` in `public/index.html`: Add `<noscript>` to `<body>` in `public/index.html`:
```html ```html
<noscript> <noscript>
You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
</noscript> </noscript>
``` ```
Then create a file called `public/manifest.json` that looks like this: Then create a file called `public/manifest.json` that looks like this:
...@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ You can adjust various development and production settings by setting environmen ...@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ You can adjust various development and production settings by setting environmen
| INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK | 🚫 Ignored | ✅ Used | By default, Create React App will embed the runtime script into `index.html` during the production build. When set to `false`, the script will not be embedded and will be imported as usual. This is normally required when dealing with CSP. | | INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK | 🚫 Ignored | ✅ Used | By default, Create React App will embed the runtime script into `index.html` during the production build. When set to `false`, the script will not be embedded and will be imported as usual. This is normally required when dealing with CSP. |
| IMAGE_INLINE_SIZE_LIMIT | 🚫 Ignored | ✅ Used | By default, images smaller than 10,000 bytes are encoded as a data URI in base64 and inlined in the CSS or JS build artifact. Set this to control the size limit in bytes. Setting it to 0 will disable the inlining of images. | | IMAGE_INLINE_SIZE_LIMIT | 🚫 Ignored | ✅ Used | By default, images smaller than 10,000 bytes are encoded as a data URI in base64 and inlined in the CSS or JS build artifact. Set this to control the size limit in bytes. Setting it to 0 will disable the inlining of images. |
| EXTEND_ESLINT | ✅ Used | ✅ Used | When set to `true`, ESLint configs that extend `eslint-config-react-app` will be used by `eslint-loader`. Any rules that are set to `"error"` will stop the application from building. | | EXTEND_ESLINT | ✅ Used | ✅ Used | When set to `true`, ESLint configs that extend `eslint-config-react-app` will be used by `eslint-loader`. Any rules that are set to `"error"` will stop the application from building. |
| TSC_COMPILE_ON_ERROR | ✅ Used | ✅ Used | When set to `true`, you can run and properly build TypeScript projects even if there are TypeScript type check errors. These errors are printed as warnings in the terminal and/or browser console. | | TSC_COMPILE_ON_ERROR | ✅ Used | ✅ Used | When set to `true`, you can run and properly build TypeScript projects even if there are TypeScript type check errors. These errors are printed as warnings in the terminal and/or browser console. |
...@@ -248,7 +248,9 @@ function createApp( ...@@ -248,7 +248,9 @@ function createApp(
if (npmInfo.npmVersion) { if (npmInfo.npmVersion) {
console.log( console.log(
chalk.yellow( chalk.yellow(
`You are using npm ${npmInfo.npmVersion} so the project will be bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools.\n\n` + `You are using npm ${
} so the project will be bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools.\n\n` +
`Please update to npm 5 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n` `Please update to npm 5 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n`
) )
); );
...@@ -262,7 +264,9 @@ function createApp( ...@@ -262,7 +264,9 @@ function createApp(
if (yarnInfo.yarnVersion) { if (yarnInfo.yarnVersion) {
console.log( console.log(
chalk.yellow( chalk.yellow(
`You are using Yarn ${yarnInfo.yarnVersion} together with the --use-pnp flag, but Plug'n'Play is only supported starting from the 1.12 release.\n\n` + `You are using Yarn ${
} together with the --use-pnp flag, but Plug'n'Play is only supported starting from the 1.12 release.\n\n` +
`Please update to Yarn 1.12 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n` `Please update to Yarn 1.12 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n`
) )
); );
...@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ ...@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.18.2", "eslint-plugin-import": "2.18.2",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "6.2.3", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "6.2.3",
"eslint-plugin-react": "7.14.3", "eslint-plugin-react": "7.14.3",
"flow-bin": "^0.63.1", "flow-bin": "^0.110.0",
"html-entities": "1.2.1", "html-entities": "1.2.1",
"jest": "24.9.0", "jest": "24.9.0",
"jest-fetch-mock": "2.1.2", "jest-fetch-mock": "2.1.2",
...@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ ...@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { black } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const closeButtonStyle = { const closeButtonStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
color: black, color: theme.closeColor,
lineHeight: '1rem', lineHeight: '1rem',
fontSize: '1.5rem', fontSize: '1.5rem',
padding: '1rem', padding: '1rem',
...@@ -18,15 +19,19 @@ const closeButtonStyle = { ...@@ -18,15 +19,19 @@ const closeButtonStyle = {
position: 'absolute', position: 'absolute',
right: 0, right: 0,
top: 0, top: 0,
}; });
type CloseCallback = () => void; type CloseButtonPropsType = {|
function CloseButton({ close }: {| close: CloseCallback |}) { close: () => void,
function CloseButton({ close }: CloseButtonPropsType) {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return ( return (
<span <span
title="Click or press Escape to dismiss." title="Click or press Escape to dismiss."
onClick={close} onClick={close}
style={closeButtonStyle} style={closeButtonStyle(theme)}
> >
× ×
</span> </span>
...@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ ...@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { redTransparent, yellowTransparent } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
const _preStyle = { const _preStyle = {
position: 'relative', position: 'relative',
...@@ -20,16 +20,6 @@ const _preStyle = { ...@@ -20,16 +20,6 @@ const _preStyle = {
borderRadius: '0.25rem', borderRadius: '0.25rem',
}; };
const primaryPreStyle = {
backgroundColor: redTransparent,
const secondaryPreStyle = {
backgroundColor: yellowTransparent,
const codeStyle = { const codeStyle = {
fontFamily: 'Consolas, Menlo, monospace', fontFamily: 'Consolas, Menlo, monospace',
}; };
...@@ -39,9 +29,20 @@ type CodeBlockPropsType = {| ...@@ -39,9 +29,20 @@ type CodeBlockPropsType = {|
codeHTML: string, codeHTML: string,
|}; |};
function CodeBlock(props: CodeBlockPropsType) { function CodeBlock({ main, codeHTML }: CodeBlockPropsType) {
const preStyle = props.main ? primaryPreStyle : secondaryPreStyle; const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const codeBlock = { __html: props.codeHTML }; const primaryPreStyle = {
backgroundColor: theme.primaryPreBackground,
color: theme.primaryPreColor,
const secondaryPreStyle = {
backgroundColor: theme.secondaryPreBackground,
color: theme.secondaryPreColor,
const preStyle = main ? primaryPreStyle : secondaryPreStyle;
const codeBlock = { __html: codeHTML };
return ( return (
<pre style={preStyle}> <pre style={preStyle}>
...@@ -6,81 +6,76 @@ ...@@ -6,81 +6,76 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react';
import { black } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import type { Element as ReactElement } from 'react'; import type { Element as ReactElement } from 'react';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const _collapsibleStyle = { const _collapsibleStyle = {
color: black,
cursor: 'pointer', cursor: 'pointer',
border: 'none', border: 'none',
display: 'block', display: 'block',
width: '100%', width: '100%',
textAlign: 'left', textAlign: 'left',
background: '#fff',
fontFamily: 'Consolas, Menlo, monospace', fontFamily: 'Consolas, Menlo, monospace',
fontSize: '1em', fontSize: '1em',
padding: '0px', padding: '0px',
lineHeight: '1.5', lineHeight: '1.5',
}; };
const collapsibleCollapsedStyle = { const collapsibleCollapsedStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
..._collapsibleStyle, ..._collapsibleStyle,
color: theme.color,
background: theme.background,
marginBottom: '1.5em', marginBottom: '1.5em',
}; });
const collapsibleExpandedStyle = { const collapsibleExpandedStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
..._collapsibleStyle, ..._collapsibleStyle,
color: theme.color,
background: theme.background,
marginBottom: '0.6em', marginBottom: '0.6em',
}; });
type Props = {| type CollapsiblePropsType = {|
children: ReactElement<any>[], children: ReactElement<any>[],
|}; |};
type State = {| function Collapsible(props: CollapsiblePropsType) {
collapsed: boolean, const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
|}; const [collapsed, setCollapsed] = useState(true);
class Collapsible extends Component<Props, State> {
state = {
collapsed: true,
toggleCollapsed = () => { const toggleCollapsed = () => {
this.setState(state => ({ setCollapsed(!collapsed);
collapsed: !state.collapsed,
}; };
render() { const count = props.children.length;
const count = this.props.children.length; return (
const collapsed = this.state.collapsed; <div>
return ( <button
<div> onClick={toggleCollapsed}
? collapsibleCollapsedStyle(theme)
: collapsibleExpandedStyle(theme)
{(collapsed ? '' : '') +
` ${count} stack frames were ` +
(collapsed ? 'collapsed.' : 'expanded.')}
<div style={{ display: collapsed ? 'none' : 'block' }}>
<button <button
onClick={this.toggleCollapsed} onClick={toggleCollapsed}
style={ style={collapsibleExpandedStyle(theme)}
collapsed ? collapsibleCollapsedStyle : collapsibleExpandedStyle
> >
{(collapsed ? '' : '') + {`▲ ${count} stack frames were expanded.`}
` ${count} stack frames were ` +
(collapsed ? 'collapsed.' : 'expanded.')}
</button> </button>
<div style={{ display: collapsed ? 'none' : 'block' }}>
{`▲ ${count} stack frames were expanded.`}
</div> </div>
); </div>
} );
} }
export default Collapsible; export default Collapsible;
...@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ ...@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';
import { black } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import type { Node as ReactNode } from 'react'; import type { Node as ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const overlayStyle = { const overlayStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
position: 'relative', position: 'relative',
display: 'inline-flex', display: 'inline-flex',
flexDirection: 'column', flexDirection: 'column',
...@@ -28,56 +29,50 @@ const overlayStyle = { ...@@ -28,56 +29,50 @@ const overlayStyle = {
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
wordBreak: 'break-word', wordBreak: 'break-word',
lineHeight: 1.5, lineHeight: 1.5,
color: black, color: theme.color,
}; });
type Props = {| type ErrorOverlayPropsType = {|
children: ReactNode, children: ReactNode,
shortcutHandler?: (eventKey: string) => void, shortcutHandler?: (eventKey: string) => void,
|}; |};
type State = {| let iframeWindow: window = null;
collapsed: boolean,
class ErrorOverlay extends Component<Props, State> { function ErrorOverlay(props: ErrorOverlayPropsType) {
iframeWindow: window = null; const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
getIframeWindow = (element: ?HTMLDivElement) => { const getIframeWindow = (element: ?HTMLDivElement) => {
if (element) { if (element) {
const document = element.ownerDocument; const document = element.ownerDocument;
this.iframeWindow = document.defaultView; iframeWindow = document.defaultView;
onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
const { shortcutHandler } = this.props;
if (shortcutHandler) {
} }
}; };
const { shortcutHandler } = props;
componentDidMount() { useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown); const onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (this.iframeWindow) { if (shortcutHandler) {
this.iframeWindow.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown); shortcutHandler(e.key);
} }
} };
window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
componentWillUnmount() { if (iframeWindow) {
window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown); iframeWindow.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
if (this.iframeWindow) {
this.iframeWindow.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);
} }
} return () => {
window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
if (iframeWindow) {
iframeWindow.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
}, [shortcutHandler]);
render() { return (
return ( <div style={overlayStyle(theme)} ref={getIframeWindow}>
<div style={overlayStyle} ref={this.getIframeWindow}> {props.children}
{this.props.children} </div>
</div> );
} }
export default ErrorOverlay; export default ErrorOverlay;
...@@ -6,15 +6,16 @@ ...@@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { darkGray } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const footerStyle = { const footerStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
fontFamily: 'sans-serif', fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
color: darkGray, color: theme.footer,
marginTop: '0.5rem', marginTop: '0.5rem',
flex: '0 0 auto', flex: '0 0 auto',
}; });
type FooterPropsType = {| type FooterPropsType = {|
line1: string, line1: string,
...@@ -22,8 +23,9 @@ type FooterPropsType = {| ...@@ -22,8 +23,9 @@ type FooterPropsType = {|
|}; |};
function Footer(props: FooterPropsType) { function Footer(props: FooterPropsType) {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return ( return (
<div style={footerStyle}> <div style={footerStyle(theme)}>
{props.line1} {props.line1}
<br /> <br />
{props.line2} {props.line2}
...@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ ...@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { red } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const headerStyle = { const headerStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
fontSize: '2em', fontSize: '2em',
fontFamily: 'sans-serif', fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
color: red, color: theme.headerColor,
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
// Top bottom margin spaces header // Top bottom margin spaces header
// Right margin revents overlap with close button // Right margin revents overlap with close button
...@@ -20,14 +21,15 @@ const headerStyle = { ...@@ -20,14 +21,15 @@ const headerStyle = {
flex: '0 0 auto', flex: '0 0 auto',
maxHeight: '50%', maxHeight: '50%',
overflow: 'auto', overflow: 'auto',
}; });
type HeaderPropType = {| type HeaderPropType = {|
headerText: string, headerText: string,
|}; |};
function Header(props: HeaderPropType) { function Header(props: HeaderPropType) {
return <div style={headerStyle}>{props.headerText}</div>; const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return <div style={headerStyle(theme)}>{props.headerText}</div>;
} }
export default Header; export default Header;
...@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ ...@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { red, redTransparent } from '../styles'; import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const navigationBarStyle = { const navigationBarStyle = {
marginBottom: '0.5rem', marginBottom: '0.5rem',
...@@ -18,26 +19,28 @@ const buttonContainerStyle = { ...@@ -18,26 +19,28 @@ const buttonContainerStyle = {
}; };
const _navButtonStyle = { const _navButtonStyle = {
backgroundColor: redTransparent,
color: red,
border: 'none', border: 'none',
borderRadius: '4px', borderRadius: '4px',
padding: '3px 6px', padding: '3px 6px',
cursor: 'pointer', cursor: 'pointer',
}; };
const leftButtonStyle = { const leftButtonStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
..._navButtonStyle, ..._navButtonStyle,
backgroundColor: theme.navBackground,
color: theme.navArrow,
borderTopRightRadius: '0px', borderTopRightRadius: '0px',
borderBottomRightRadius: '0px', borderBottomRightRadius: '0px',
marginRight: '1px', marginRight: '1px',
}; });
const rightButtonStyle = { const rightButtonStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
..._navButtonStyle, ..._navButtonStyle,
backgroundColor: theme.navBackground,
color: theme.navArrow,
borderTopLeftRadius: '0px', borderTopLeftRadius: '0px',
borderBottomLeftRadius: '0px', borderBottomLeftRadius: '0px',
}; });
type Callback = () => void; type Callback = () => void;
...@@ -49,14 +52,15 @@ type NavigationBarPropsType = {| ...@@ -49,14 +52,15 @@ type NavigationBarPropsType = {|
|}; |};
function NavigationBar(props: NavigationBarPropsType) { function NavigationBar(props: NavigationBarPropsType) {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const { currentError, totalErrors, previous, next } = props; const { currentError, totalErrors, previous, next } = props;
return ( return (
<div style={navigationBarStyle}> <div style={navigationBarStyle}>
<span style={buttonContainerStyle}> <span style={buttonContainerStyle}>
<button onClick={previous} style={leftButtonStyle}> <button onClick={previous} style={leftButtonStyle(theme)}>
</button> </button>
<button onClick={next} style={rightButtonStyle}> <button onClick={next} style={rightButtonStyle(theme)}>
</button> </button>
</span> </span>
...@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ ...@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import ErrorOverlay from '../components/ErrorOverlay'; import ErrorOverlay from '../components/ErrorOverlay';
import Footer from '../components/Footer'; import Footer from '../components/Footer';
import Header from '../components/Header'; import Header from '../components/Header';
...@@ -19,31 +20,28 @@ const codeAnchorStyle = { ...@@ -19,31 +20,28 @@ const codeAnchorStyle = {
cursor: 'pointer', cursor: 'pointer',
}; };
type Props = {| type CompileErrorContainerPropsType = {|
error: string, error: string,
editorHandler: (errorLoc: ErrorLocation) => void, editorHandler: (errorLoc: ErrorLocation) => void,
|}; |};
class CompileErrorContainer extends PureComponent<Props, void> { function CompileErrorContainer(props: CompileErrorContainerPropsType) {
render() { const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const { error, editorHandler } = this.props; const { error, editorHandler } = props;
const errLoc: ?ErrorLocation = parseCompileError(error); const errLoc: ?ErrorLocation = parseCompileError(error);
const canOpenInEditor = errLoc !== null && editorHandler !== null; const canOpenInEditor = errLoc !== null && editorHandler !== null;
return ( return (
<ErrorOverlay> <ErrorOverlay>
<Header headerText="Failed to compile" /> <Header headerText="Failed to compile" />
<div <div
onClick={ onClick={canOpenInEditor && errLoc ? () => editorHandler(errLoc) : null}
canOpenInEditor && errLoc ? () => editorHandler(errLoc) : null style={canOpenInEditor ? codeAnchorStyle : null}
} >
style={canOpenInEditor ? codeAnchorStyle : null} <CodeBlock main={true} codeHTML={generateAnsiHTML(error, theme)} />
> </div>
<CodeBlock main={true} codeHTML={generateAnsiHTML(error)} /> <Footer line1="This error occurred during the build time and cannot be dismissed." />
</div> </ErrorOverlay>
<Footer line1="This error occurred during the build time and cannot be dismissed." /> );
} }
export default CompileErrorContainer; export default CompileErrorContainer;
...@@ -6,45 +6,46 @@ ...@@ -6,45 +6,46 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react';
import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import CodeBlock from './StackFrameCodeBlock'; import CodeBlock from './StackFrameCodeBlock';
import { getPrettyURL } from '../utils/getPrettyURL'; import { getPrettyURL } from '../utils/getPrettyURL';
import { darkGray } from '../styles';
import type { StackFrame as StackFrameType } from '../utils/stack-frame'; import type { StackFrame as StackFrameType } from '../utils/stack-frame';
import type { ErrorLocation } from '../utils/parseCompileError'; import type { ErrorLocation } from '../utils/parseCompileError';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
const linkStyle = { const linkStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
fontSize: '0.9em', fontSize: '0.9em',
marginBottom: '0.9em', marginBottom: '0.9em',
}; });
const anchorStyle = { const anchorStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
textDecoration: 'none', textDecoration: 'none',
color: darkGray, color: theme.anchorColor,
cursor: 'pointer', cursor: 'pointer',
}; });
const codeAnchorStyle = { const codeAnchorStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
cursor: 'pointer', cursor: 'pointer',
}; });
const toggleStyle = { const toggleStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
marginBottom: '1.5em', marginBottom: '1.5em',
color: darkGray, color: theme.toggleColor,
cursor: 'pointer', cursor: 'pointer',
border: 'none', border: 'none',
display: 'block', display: 'block',
width: '100%', width: '100%',
textAlign: 'left', textAlign: 'left',
background: '#fff', background: theme.toggleBackground,
fontFamily: 'Consolas, Menlo, monospace', fontFamily: 'Consolas, Menlo, monospace',
fontSize: '1em', fontSize: '1em',
padding: '0px', padding: '0px',
lineHeight: '1.5', lineHeight: '1.5',
}; });
type Props = {| type StackFramePropsType = {|
frame: StackFrameType, frame: StackFrameType,
contextSize: number, contextSize: number,
critical: boolean, critical: boolean,
...@@ -52,26 +53,19 @@ type Props = {| ...@@ -52,26 +53,19 @@ type Props = {|
editorHandler: (errorLoc: ErrorLocation) => void, editorHandler: (errorLoc: ErrorLocation) => void,
|}; |};
type State = {| function StackFrame(props: StackFramePropsType) {
compiled: boolean, const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
|}; const [compiled, setCompiled] = useState(false);
class StackFrame extends Component<Props, State> {
state = {
compiled: false,
toggleCompiled = () => { const toggleCompiled = () => {
this.setState(state => ({ setCompiled(!compiled);
compiled: !state.compiled,
}; };
getErrorLocation(): ErrorLocation | null { const getErrorLocation = (): ErrorLocation | null => {
const { const {
_originalFileName: fileName, _originalFileName: fileName,
_originalLineNumber: lineNumber, _originalLineNumber: lineNumber,
} = this.props.frame; } = props.frame;
// Unknown file // Unknown file
if (!fileName) { if (!fileName) {
return null; return null;
...@@ -83,109 +77,106 @@ class StackFrame extends Component<Props, State> { ...@@ -83,109 +77,106 @@ class StackFrame extends Component<Props, State> {
} }
// Code is in a real file // Code is in a real file
return { fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber || 1 }; return { fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber || 1 };
} };
editorHandler = () => { const editorHandler = () => {
const errorLoc = this.getErrorLocation(); const errorLoc = getErrorLocation();
if (!errorLoc) { if (!errorLoc) {
return; return;
} }
this.props.editorHandler(errorLoc); props.editorHandler(errorLoc);
}; };
onKeyDown = (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<>) => { const onKeyDown = (e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<any>) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') { if (e.key === 'Enter') {
this.editorHandler(); editorHandler();
} }
}; };
render() { const { frame, contextSize, critical, showCode } = props;
const { frame, contextSize, critical, showCode } = this.props; const {
const { fileName,
fileName, lineNumber,
lineNumber, columnNumber,
columnNumber, _scriptCode: scriptLines,
_scriptCode: scriptLines, _originalFileName: sourceFileName,
_originalFileName: sourceFileName, _originalLineNumber: sourceLineNumber,
_originalLineNumber: sourceLineNumber, _originalColumnNumber: sourceColumnNumber,
_originalColumnNumber: sourceColumnNumber, _originalScriptCode: sourceLines,
_originalScriptCode: sourceLines, } = frame;
} = frame; const functionName = frame.getFunctionName();
const functionName = frame.getFunctionName();
const url = getPrettyURL(
const compiled = this.state.compiled; sourceFileName,
const url = getPrettyURL( sourceLineNumber,
sourceFileName, sourceColumnNumber,
sourceLineNumber, fileName,
sourceColumnNumber, lineNumber,
fileName, columnNumber,
lineNumber, compiled
columnNumber, );
); let codeBlockProps = null;
if (showCode) {
let codeBlockProps = null; if (
if (showCode) { compiled &&
if ( scriptLines &&
compiled && scriptLines.length !== 0 &&
scriptLines && lineNumber != null
scriptLines.length !== 0 && ) {
lineNumber != null codeBlockProps = {
) { lines: scriptLines,
codeBlockProps = { lineNum: lineNumber,
lines: scriptLines, columnNum: columnNumber,
lineNum: lineNumber, contextSize,
columnNum: columnNumber, main: critical,
contextSize, };
main: critical, } else if (
}; !compiled &&
} else if ( sourceLines &&
!compiled && sourceLines.length !== 0 &&
sourceLines && sourceLineNumber != null
sourceLines.length !== 0 && ) {
sourceLineNumber != null codeBlockProps = {
) { lines: sourceLines,
codeBlockProps = { lineNum: sourceLineNumber,
lines: sourceLines, columnNum: sourceColumnNumber,
lineNum: sourceLineNumber, contextSize,
columnNum: sourceColumnNumber, main: critical,
contextSize, };
main: critical,
} }
const canOpenInEditor = const canOpenInEditor =
this.getErrorLocation() !== null && this.props.editorHandler !== null; getErrorLocation() !== null && props.editorHandler !== null;
return ( return (
<div> <div>
<div>{functionName}</div> <div>{functionName}</div>
<div style={linkStyle}> <div style={linkStyle(theme)}>
style={canOpenInEditor ? anchorStyle(theme) : null}
onClick={canOpenInEditor ? editorHandler : null}
onKeyDown={canOpenInEditor ? onKeyDown : null}
tabIndex={canOpenInEditor ? '0' : null}
{codeBlockProps && (
<span <span
style={canOpenInEditor ? anchorStyle : null} onClick={canOpenInEditor ? editorHandler : null}
onClick={canOpenInEditor ? this.editorHandler : null} style={canOpenInEditor ? codeAnchorStyle(theme) : null}
onKeyDown={canOpenInEditor ? this.onKeyDown : null}
tabIndex={canOpenInEditor ? '0' : null}
> >
{url} <CodeBlock {...codeBlockProps} />
{codeBlockProps && (
onClick={canOpenInEditor ? this.editorHandler : null}
style={canOpenInEditor ? codeAnchorStyle : null}
<CodeBlock {...codeBlockProps} />
<button style={toggleStyle} onClick={this.toggleCompiled}>
{'View ' + (compiled ? 'source' : 'compiled')}
</span> </span>
)} <button style={toggleStyle(theme)} onClick={toggleCompiled}>
</div> {'View ' + (compiled ? 'source' : 'compiled')}
); </button>
} </span>
} }
export default StackFrame; export default StackFrame;
...@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ ...@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import React from 'react'; import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { ThemeContext } from '../iframeScript';
import CodeBlock from '../components/CodeBlock'; import CodeBlock from '../components/CodeBlock';
import { applyStyles } from '../utils/dom/css';
import { absolutifyCaret } from '../utils/dom/absolutifyCaret'; import { absolutifyCaret } from '../utils/dom/absolutifyCaret';
import type { ScriptLine } from '../utils/stack-frame'; import type { ScriptLine } from '../utils/stack-frame';
import { primaryErrorStyle, secondaryErrorStyle } from '../styles';
import generateAnsiHTML from '../utils/generateAnsiHTML'; import generateAnsiHTML from '../utils/generateAnsiHTML';
import { codeFrameColumns } from '@babel/code-frame'; import { codeFrameColumns } from '@babel/code-frame';
...@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ type StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType = {| ...@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ type StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType = {|
type Exact<T> = $Shape<T>; type Exact<T> = $Shape<T>;
function StackFrameCodeBlock(props: Exact<StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType>) { function StackFrameCodeBlock(props: Exact<StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType>) {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const { lines, lineNum, columnNum, contextSize, main } = props; const { lines, lineNum, columnNum, contextSize, main } = props;
const sourceCode = []; const sourceCode = [];
let whiteSpace = Infinity; let whiteSpace = Infinity;
...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function StackFrameCodeBlock(props: Exact<StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType>) { ...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function StackFrameCodeBlock(props: Exact<StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType>) {
linesBelow: contextSize, linesBelow: contextSize,
} }
); );
const htmlHighlight = generateAnsiHTML(ansiHighlight); const htmlHighlight = generateAnsiHTML(ansiHighlight, theme);
const code = document.createElement('code'); const code = document.createElement('code');
code.innerHTML = htmlHighlight; code.innerHTML = htmlHighlight;
absolutifyCaret(code); absolutifyCaret(code);
...@@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ function StackFrameCodeBlock(props: Exact<StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType>) { ...@@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ function StackFrameCodeBlock(props: Exact<StackFrameCodeBlockPropsType>) {
if (text.indexOf(' ' + lineNum + ' |') === -1) { if (text.indexOf(' ' + lineNum + ' |') === -1) {
continue; continue;
} }
// $FlowFixMe
applyStyles(node, main ? primaryErrorStyle : secondaryErrorStyle);
// eslint-disable-next-line // eslint-disable-next-line
break oLoop; break oLoop;
} }
...@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ let boundErrorHandler = null; ...@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ let boundErrorHandler = null;
type ErrorCallback = (error: Error) => void; type ErrorCallback = (error: Error) => void;
function errorHandler(callback: ErrorCallback, e: Event): void { function errorHandler(callback: ErrorCallback, e: Event): void {
// $FlowFixMe
if (!e.error) { if (!e.error) {
return; return;
} }
...@@ -6,14 +6,16 @@ ...@@ -6,14 +6,16 @@
*/ */
import 'react-app-polyfill/ie9'; import 'react-app-polyfill/ie9';
import React from 'react'; import React, { createContext } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import CompileErrorContainer from './containers/CompileErrorContainer'; import CompileErrorContainer from './containers/CompileErrorContainer';
import RuntimeErrorContainer from './containers/RuntimeErrorContainer'; import RuntimeErrorContainer from './containers/RuntimeErrorContainer';
import { overlayStyle } from './styles'; import { overlayStyle } from './styles';
import { applyStyles } from './utils/dom/css'; import { applyStyles, getTheme } from './utils/dom/css';
let iframeRoot = null; let iframeRoot = null;
const theme = getTheme();
export const ThemeContext = createContext();
function render({ function render({
currentBuildError, currentBuildError,
...@@ -23,19 +25,23 @@ function render({ ...@@ -23,19 +25,23 @@ function render({
}) { }) {
if (currentBuildError) { if (currentBuildError) {
return ( return (
<CompileErrorContainer <ThemeContext.Provider value={theme}>
error={currentBuildError} <CompileErrorContainer
editorHandler={editorHandler} error={currentBuildError}
/> editorHandler={editorHandler}
); );
} }
if (currentRuntimeErrorRecords.length > 0) { if (currentRuntimeErrorRecords.length > 0) {
return ( return (
<RuntimeErrorContainer <ThemeContext.Provider value={theme}>
errorRecords={currentRuntimeErrorRecords} <RuntimeErrorContainer
close={dismissRuntimeErrors} errorRecords={currentRuntimeErrorRecords}
editorHandler={editorHandler} close={dismissRuntimeErrors}
/> editorHandler={editorHandler}
); );
} }
return null; return null;
...@@ -57,6 +63,6 @@ = '0'; ...@@ -57,6 +63,6 @@ = '0';
// Keep popup within body boundaries for iOS Safari // Keep popup within body boundaries for iOS Safari['max-width'] = '100vw';['max-width'] = '100vw';
iframeRoot = document.createElement('div'); iframeRoot = document.createElement('div');
applyStyles(iframeRoot, overlayStyle); applyStyles(iframeRoot, overlayStyle(theme));
document.body.appendChild(iframeRoot); document.body.appendChild(iframeRoot);
window.parent.__REACT_ERROR_OVERLAY_GLOBAL_HOOK__.iframeReady(); window.parent.__REACT_ERROR_OVERLAY_GLOBAL_HOOK__.iframeReady();
...@@ -6,14 +6,109 @@ ...@@ -6,14 +6,109 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
const black = '#293238', export type Theme = {|
darkGray = '#878e91', // Colors for components styles
red = '#ce1126', background: string, // Page background
redTransparent = 'rgba(206, 17, 38, 0.05)', color: string, // Base text
lightRed = '#fccfcf', headerColor: string, // Header text
yellow = '#fbf5b4', primaryPreBackground: string, // <pre/> Error background
yellowTransparent = 'rgba(251, 245, 180, 0.3)', primaryPreColor: string, // <pre/> Error text
white = '#ffffff'; secondaryPreBackground: string, // <pre/> Warning background
secondaryPreColor: string, // <pre/> Warning text
footer: string, // Footer text
anchorColor: string, // Link color
toggleBackground: string, // Toggle stack background
toggleColor: string, // Toggle stack text
closeColor: string, // Close button color
navBackground: string, // Navigation arrow background
navArrow: string, // Navigation arrow color
// ANSI colors
// base00: string; // Default Background
base01: string, // Lighter Background (Used for status bars)
// base02: string, // Selection Background
base03: string, // Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting
// base04: string, // Dark Foreground (Used for status bars)
base05: string, // Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators
// base06: string, // Light Foreground (Not often used)
// base07: string, // Light Background (Not often used)
base08: string, // Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted
// base09: string, // Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url
// base0A: string, // Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background
base0B: string, // Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted
base0C: string, // Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes
// base0D: string, // Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings
base0E: string, // Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed
// base0F: string, // Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags e.g. <?php ?>
const lightTheme: Theme = {
// Colors for components styles
background: 'white',
color: 'black',
headerColor: '#ce1126',
primaryPreBackground: 'rgba(206, 17, 38, 0.05)',
primaryPreColor: 'inherit',
secondaryPreBackground: 'rgba(251, 245, 180, 0.3)',
secondaryPreColor: 'inherit',
footer: '#878e91',
anchorColor: '#878e91',
toggleBackground: 'transparent',
toggleColor: '#878e91',
closeColor: '#293238',
navBackground: 'rgba(206, 17, 38, 0.05)',
navArrow: '#ce1126',
// Light color scheme inspired by
// base00: '#ffffff',
base01: '#f5f5f5',
// base02: '#c8c8fa',
base03: '#6e6e6e',
// base04: '#e8e8e8',
base05: '#333333',
// base06: '#ffffff',
// base07: '#ffffff',
base08: '#881280',
// base09: '#0086b3',
// base0A: '#795da3',
base0B: '#1155cc',
base0C: '#994500',
// base0D: '#795da3',
base0E: '#c80000',
// base0F: '#333333',
const darkTheme: Theme = {
// Colors for components styles
background: '#353535',
color: 'white',
headerColor: '#e83b46',
primaryPreBackground: 'rgba(206, 17, 38, 0.1)',
primaryPreColor: '#fccfcf',
secondaryPreBackground: 'rgba(251, 245, 180, 0.1)',
secondaryPreColor: '#fbf5b4',
footer: '#878e91',
anchorColor: '#878e91',
toggleBackground: 'transparent',
toggleColor: '#878e91',
closeColor: '#ffffff',
navBackground: 'rgba(206, 17, 38, 0.2)',
navArrow: '#ce1126',
// Dark color scheme inspired by
// base00: '#1d1f21',
base01: '#282a2e',
// base02: '#373b41',
base03: '#969896',
// base04: '#b4b7b4',
base05: '#c5c8c6',
// base06: '#e0e0e0',
// base07: '#ffffff',
base08: '#cc6666',
// base09: '#de935f',
// base0A: '#f0c674',
base0B: '#b5bd68',
base0C: '#8abeb7',
// base0D: '#81a2be',
base0E: '#b294bb',
// base0F: '#a3685a',
const iframeStyle = { const iframeStyle = {
position: 'fixed', position: 'fixed',
...@@ -25,30 +120,12 @@ const iframeStyle = { ...@@ -25,30 +120,12 @@ const iframeStyle = {
'z-index': 2147483647, 'z-index': 2147483647,
}; };
const overlayStyle = { const overlayStyle = (theme: Theme) => ({
width: '100%', width: '100%',
height: '100%', height: '100%',
'box-sizing': 'border-box', 'box-sizing': 'border-box',
'text-align': 'center', 'text-align': 'center',
'background-color': white, 'background-color': theme.background,
}; });
const primaryErrorStyle = { export { iframeStyle, overlayStyle, lightTheme, darkTheme };
'background-color': lightRed,
const secondaryErrorStyle = {
'background-color': yellow,
export {
...@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ ...@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
*/ */
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
import { lightTheme, darkTheme } from '../../styles';
let injectedCount = 0; let injectedCount = 0;
const injectedCache = {}; const injectedCache = {};
...@@ -44,4 +46,11 @@ function applyStyles(element: HTMLElement, styles: Object) { ...@@ -44,4 +46,11 @@ function applyStyles(element: HTMLElement, styles: Object) {
} }
} }
export { getHead, injectCss, removeCss, applyStyles }; function getTheme() {
return window.matchMedia &&
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches
? darkTheme
: lightTheme;
export { getHead, injectCss, removeCss, applyStyles, getTheme };
...@@ -9,44 +9,27 @@ ...@@ -9,44 +9,27 @@
import Anser from 'anser'; import Anser from 'anser';
import { AllHtmlEntities as Entities } from 'html-entities'; import { AllHtmlEntities as Entities } from 'html-entities';
import type { Theme } from '../styles';
var entities = new Entities(); const entities = new Entities();
// Color scheme inspired by
// var base00 = 'ffffff'; // Default Background
var base01 = 'f5f5f5'; // Lighter Background (Used for status bars)
// var base02 = 'c8c8fa'; // Selection Background
var base03 = '6e6e6e'; // Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting
// var base04 = 'e8e8e8'; // Dark Foreground (Used for status bars)
var base05 = '333333'; // Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators
// var base06 = 'ffffff'; // Light Foreground (Not often used)
// var base07 = 'ffffff'; // Light Background (Not often used)
var base08 = '881280'; // Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted
// var base09 = '0086b3'; // Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url
// var base0A = '795da3'; // Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background
var base0B = '1155cc'; // Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted
var base0C = '994500'; // Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes
// var base0D = '795da3'; // Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings
var base0E = 'c80000'; // Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed
// var base0F = '333333'; // Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags e.g. <?php ?>
// Map ANSI colors from what babel-code-frame uses to base16-github // Map ANSI colors from what babel-code-frame uses to base16-github
// See: // See:
var colors = { const colors = (theme: Theme) => ({
reset: [base05, 'transparent'], reset: [theme.base05, 'transparent'],
black: base05, black: theme.base05,
red: base08 /* marker, bg-invalid */, red: theme.base08 /* marker, bg-invalid */,
green: base0B /* string */, green: theme.base0B /* string */,
yellow: base08 /* capitalized, jsx_tag, punctuator */, yellow: theme.base08 /* capitalized, jsx_tag, punctuator */,
blue: base0C, blue: theme.base0C,
magenta: base0C /* regex */, magenta: theme.base0C /* regex */,
cyan: base0E /* keyword */, cyan: theme.base0E /* keyword */,
gray: base03 /* comment, gutter */, gray: theme.base03 /* comment, gutter */,
lightgrey: base01, lightgrey: theme.base01,
darkgrey: base03, darkgrey: theme.base03,
}; });
var anserMap = { const anserMap = {
'ansi-bright-black': 'black', 'ansi-bright-black': 'black',
'ansi-bright-yellow': 'yellow', 'ansi-bright-yellow': 'yellow',
'ansi-yellow': 'yellow', 'ansi-yellow': 'yellow',
...@@ -61,28 +44,28 @@ var anserMap = { ...@@ -61,28 +44,28 @@ var anserMap = {
'ansi-white': 'darkgrey', 'ansi-white': 'darkgrey',
}; };
function generateAnsiHTML(txt: string): string { function generateAnsiHTML(txt: string, theme: Theme): string {
var arr = new Anser().ansiToJson(entities.encode(txt), { const arr = new Anser().ansiToJson(entities.encode(txt), {
use_classes: true, use_classes: true,
}); });
var result = ''; let result = '';
var open = false; let open = false;
for (var index = 0; index < arr.length; ++index) { for (let index = 0; index < arr.length; ++index) {
var c = arr[index]; const c = arr[index];
var content = c.content, const content = c.content,
fg = c.fg; fg = c.fg;
var contentParts = content.split('\n'); const contentParts = content.split('\n');
for (var _index = 0; _index < contentParts.length; ++_index) { for (let _index = 0; _index < contentParts.length; ++_index) {
if (!open) { if (!open) {
result += '<span data-ansi-line="true">'; result += '<span data-ansi-line="true">';
open = true; open = true;
} }
var part = contentParts[_index].replace('\r', ''); const part = contentParts[_index].replace('\r', '');
var color = colors[anserMap[fg]]; const color = colors(theme)[anserMap[fg]];
if (color != null) { if (color != null) {
result += '<span style="color: #' + color + ';">' + part + '</span>'; result += '<span style="color: ' + color + ';">' + part + '</span>';
} else { } else {
if (fg != null) { if (fg != null) {
console.log('Missing color mapping: ', fg); console.log('Missing color mapping: ', fg);
...@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map'; ...@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map';
class SourceMap { class SourceMap {
__source_map: SourceMapConsumer; __source_map: SourceMapConsumer;
// $FlowFixMe
constructor(sourceMap) { constructor(sourceMap) {
this.__source_map = sourceMap; this.__source_map = sourceMap;
} }
Supports Markdown
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