5 merge requests!12191Lim.Pisey.168:/Identified - We are currently investigating reports of missing build logs. The issue has been identified and a resolution is in progress. We will provide a further update when available.Mar 21, 09:02 UTC,!12853brikk,!5717Automatically extract project file structure from build bundle file,!5360Docusaurus,!5347Port user guide over
`npm run build` creates a `build` directory with a production build of your app. Set up your favorite HTTP server so that a visitor to your site is served `index.html`, and requests to static paths like `/static/js/main.<hash>.js` are served with the contents of the `/static/js/main.<hash>.js` file.
### Static Server
For environments using [Node](https://nodejs.org/), the easiest way to handle this would be to install [serve](https://github.com/zeit/serve) and let it handle the rest:
npm install-g serve
serve -s build
The last command shown above will serve your static site on the port **5000**. Like many of [serve](https://github.com/zeit/serve)’s internal settings, the port can be adjusted using the `-p` or `--port` flags.
Run this command to get a full list of the options available:
serve -h
### Other Solutions
You don’t necessarily need a static server in order to run a Create React App project in production. It works just as fine integrated into an existing dynamic one.
Here’s a programmatic example using [Node](https://nodejs.org/) and [Express](http://expressjs.com/):
The choice of your server software isn’t important either. Since Create React App is completely platform-agnostic, there’s no need to explicitly use Node.
The `build` folder with static assets is the only output produced by Create React App.
However this is not quite enough if you use client-side routing. Read the next section if you want to support URLs like `/todos/42` in your single-page app.
### Serving Apps with Client-Side Routing
If you use routers that use the HTML5 [`pushState` history API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API#Adding_and_modifying_history_entries) under the hood (for example, [React Router](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router) with `browserHistory`), many static file servers will fail. For example, if you used React Router with a route for `/todos/42`, the development server will respond to `localhost:3000/todos/42` properly, but an Express serving a production build as above will not.
This is because when there is a fresh page load for a `/todos/42`, the server looks for the file `build/todos/42` and does not find it. The server needs to be configured to respond to a request to `/todos/42` by serving `index.html`. For example, we can amend our Express example above to serve `index.html` for any unknown paths:
If you’re using [Apache HTTP Server](https://httpd.apache.org/), you need to create a `.htaccess` file in the `public` folder that looks like this:
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]
It will get copied to the `build` folder when you run `npm run build`.
If you’re using [Apache Tomcat](http://tomcat.apache.org/), you need to follow [this Stack Overflow answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/41249464/4878474).
Now requests to `/todos/42` will be handled correctly both in development and in production.
On a production build, and when you've [opted-in](#why-opt-in),
a [service worker](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/service-workers/) will automatically handle all navigation requests, like for
`/todos/42`, by serving the cached copy of your `index.html`. This
service worker navigation routing can be configured or disabled by
[`eject`ing](#npm-run-eject) and then modifying the
and [`navigateFallbackWhitelist`](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-precache#navigatefallbackwhitelist-arrayregexp)
options of the `SWPreachePlugin`[configuration](../config/webpack.config.prod.js).
When users install your app to the homescreen of their device the default configuration will make a shortcut to `/index.html`. This may not work for client-side routers which expect the app to be served from `/`. Edit the web app manifest at [`public/manifest.json`](public/manifest.json) and change `start_url` to match the required URL scheme, for example:
### Building for Relative Paths
By default, Create React App produces a build assuming your app is hosted at the server root.<br>
To override this, specify the `homepage` in your `package.json`, for example:
This will let Create React App correctly infer the root path to use in the generated HTML file.
**Note**: If you are using `react-router@^4`, you can root `<Link>`s using the `basename` prop on any `<Router>`.<br>
More information [here](https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/BrowserRouter/basename-string).<br>
> Note: this feature is available with `react-scripts@0.9.0` and higher.
If you are not using the HTML5 `pushState` history API or not using client-side routing at all, it is unnecessary to specify the URL from which your app will be served. Instead, you can put this in your `package.json`:
This will make sure that all the asset paths are relative to `index.html`. You will then be able to move your app from `http://mywebsite.com` to `http://mywebsite.com/relativepath` or even `http://mywebsite.com/relative/path` without having to rebuild it.
### Customizing Environment Variables for Arbitrary Build Environments
You can create an arbitrary build environment by creating a custom `.env` file and loading it using [env-cmd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/env-cmd).
For example, to create a build environment for a staging environment:
1. Create a file called `.env.staging`
1. Set environment variables as you would any other `.env` file (e.g. `REACT_APP_API_URL=http://api-staging.example.com`)
1. Add a new script to your `package.json`, building with your new environment:
"build:staging":"env-cmd .env.staging npm run build"
Now you can run `npm run build:staging` to build with the staging environment config.
You can specify other environments in the same way.
Variables in `.env.production` will be used as fallback because `NODE_ENV` will always be set to `production` for a build.
### [Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/)
See [this](https://medium.com/@to_pe/deploying-create-react-app-on-microsoft-azure-c0f6686a4321) blog post on how to deploy your React app to Microsoft Azure.
See [this](https://medium.com/@strid/host-create-react-app-on-azure-986bc40d5bf2#.pycfnafbg) blog post or [this](https://github.com/ulrikaugustsson/azure-appservice-static) repo for a way to use automatic deployment to Azure App Service.
### [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/)
Install the Firebase CLI if you haven’t already by running `npm install -g firebase-tools`. Sign up for a [Firebase account](https://console.firebase.google.com/) and create a new project. Run `firebase login` and login with your previous created Firebase account.
Then run the `firebase init` command from your project’s root. You need to choose the **Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites** and choose the Firebase project you created in the previous step. You will need to agree with `database.rules.json` being created, choose `build` as the public directory, and also agree to **Configure as a single-page app** by replying with `y`.
=== Project Setup
First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project.
You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add,
but for now we'll just set up a default project.
? What Firebase project do you want to associate as default? Example app (example-app-fd690)
=== Database Setup
Firebase Realtime Database Rules allow you to define how your data should be
structured and when your data can be read from and written to.
? What file should be used for Database Rules? database.rules.json
✔ Database Rules for example-app-fd690 have been downloaded to database.rules.json.
Future modifications to database.rules.json will update Database Rules when you run
firebase deploy.
=== Hosting Setup
Your public directory is the folder (relative to your project directory) that
will contain Hosting assets to uploaded with firebase deploy. If you
have a build process for your assets, use your build's output directory.
? What do you want to use as your public directory? build
? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes
✔ Wrote build/index.html
i Writing configuration info to firebase.json...
i Writing project information to .firebaserc...
✔ Firebase initialization complete!
IMPORTANT: you need to set proper HTTP caching headers for `service-worker.js` file in `firebase.json` file or you will not be able to see changes after first deployment ([issue #2440](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2440)). It should be added inside `"hosting"` key like next:
You can configure a custom domain with GitHub Pages by adding a `CNAME` file to the `public/` folder.
Your CNAME file should look like this:
#### Notes on client-side routing
GitHub Pages doesn’t support routers that use the HTML5 `pushState` history API under the hood (for example, React Router using `browserHistory`). This is because when there is a fresh page load for a url like `http://user.github.io/todomvc/todos/42`, where `/todos/42` is a frontend route, the GitHub Pages server returns 404 because it knows nothing of `/todos/42`. If you want to add a router to a project hosted on GitHub Pages, here are a couple of solutions:
- You could switch from using HTML5 history API to routing with hashes. If you use React Router, you can switch to `hashHistory` for this effect, but the URL will be longer and more verbose (for example, `http://user.github.io/todomvc/#/todos/42?_k=yknaj`). [Read more](https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/Router) about different history implementations in React Router.
- Alternatively, you can use a trick to teach GitHub Pages to handle 404 by redirecting to your `index.html` page with a special redirect parameter. You would need to add a `404.html` file with the redirection code to the `build` folder before deploying your project, and you’ll need to add code handling the redirect parameter to `index.html`. You can find a detailed explanation of this technique [in this guide](https://github.com/rafrex/spa-github-pages).
#### Troubleshooting
##### "/dev/tty: No such a device or address"
If, when deploying, you get `/dev/tty: No such a device or address` or a similar error, try the following:
1. Create a new [Personal Access Token](https://github.com/settings/tokens)
If, when deploying, you get `Cannot read property 'email' of null`, try the following:
1.`git config --global user.name '<your_name>'`
2.`git config --global user.email '<your_email>'`
3. Try `npm run deploy` again
### [Heroku](https://www.heroku.com/)
Use the [Heroku Buildpack for Create React App](https://github.com/mars/create-react-app-buildpack).<br>
You can find instructions in [Deploying React with Zero Configuration](https://blog.heroku.com/deploying-react-with-zero-configuration).
#### Resolving Heroku Deployment Errors
Sometimes `npm run build` works locally but fails during deploy via Heroku. Following are the most common cases.
##### "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory'"
If you get something like this:
remote: Failed to create a production build. Reason:
remote: Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory'
MyDirectory in /tmp/build_1234/src
It means you need to ensure that the lettercase of the file or directory you `import` matches the one you see on your filesystem or on GitHub.
This is important because Linux (the operating system used by Heroku) is case sensitive. So `MyDirectory` and `mydirectory` are two distinct directories and thus, even though the project builds locally, the difference in case breaks the `import` statements on Heroku remotes.
##### "Could not find a required file."
If you exclude or ignore necessary files from the package you will see a error similar this one:
In this case, ensure that the file is there with the proper lettercase and that’s not ignored on your local `.gitignore` or `~/.gitignore_global`.
### [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/)
**To do a manual deploy to Netlify’s CDN:**
npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify deploy
Choose `build` as the path to deploy.
**To setup continuous delivery:**
With this setup Netlify will build and deploy when you push to git or open a pull request:
1.[Start a new netlify project](https://app.netlify.com/signup)
2. Pick your Git hosting service and select your repository
3. Click `Build your site`
**Support for client-side routing:**
To support `pushState`, make sure to create a `public/_redirects` file with the following rewrite rules:
/* /index.html 200
When you build the project, Create React App will place the `public` folder contents into the build output.
### [Now](https://zeit.co/now)
Now offers a zero-configuration single-command deployment. You can use `now` to deploy your app for free.
1. Install the `now` command-line tool either via the recommended [desktop tool](https://zeit.co/download) or via node with `npm install -g now`.
2. Build your app by running `npm run build`.
3. Move into the build directory by running `cd build`.
4. Run `now --name your-project-name` from within the build directory. You will see a **now.sh** URL in your output like this:
> Ready! https://your-project-name-tpspyhtdtk.now.sh (copied to clipboard)
Paste that URL into your browser when the build is complete, and you will see your deployed app.
Details are available in [this article.](https://zeit.co/blog/unlimited-static)
### [S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3) and [CloudFront](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/)
See this [blog post](https://medium.com/@omgwtfmarc/deploying-create-react-app-to-s3-or-cloudfront-48dae4ce0af) on how to deploy your React app to Amazon Web Services S3 and CloudFront.
### [Surge](https://surge.sh/)
Install the Surge CLI if you haven’t already by running `npm install -g surge`. Run the `surge` command and log in you or create a new account.
When asked about the project path, make sure to specify the `build` folder, for example:
project path: /path/to/project/build
Note that in order to support routers that use HTML5 `pushState` API, you may want to rename the `index.html` in your build folder to `200.html` before deploying to Surge. This [ensures that every URL falls back to that file](https://surge.sh/help/adding-a-200-page-for-client-side-routing).