index bc0f7aa00305ea47a3e001b235a29d5cb210b10b..0cb0ed88a5a8377dbbd4d5fa2f47757eda5b32ff 100644
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ and then run `npm start` or `npm run build`.
 6. Make sure to include “Migrating from ...” instructions for the previous release. Often you can copy and paste them.
 7. After merging the changelog update, create a GitHub Release with the same text. See previous Releases for inspiration.
 8. **Do not run `npm publish`. Instead, run `npm run publish`.**
-9. Wait for a long time, and it will get published. Don’t worry that it’s stuck. It will bundle dependencies into a single tarball before publishing for faster installs. In the end the publish script will prompt for versions before publishing the packages.
+9. Wait for a long time, and it will get published. Don’t worry that it’s stuck. In the end the publish script will prompt for versions before publishing the packages.
 Make sure to test the released version! If you want to be extra careful, you can publish a prerelease by running `npm run publish -- --tag next` instead of `npm run publish`.
diff --git a/packages/react-scripts/package.json b/packages/react-scripts/package.json
index 3bad0b428f5a4fd42a69511eb0a8a44b030a234c..1558529da5cd692cf4164e6ecf0c4ef796bc211a 100644
--- a/packages/react-scripts/package.json
+++ b/packages/react-scripts/package.json
@@ -68,57 +68,10 @@
     "whatwg-fetch": "1.0.0"
   "devDependencies": {
-    "bundle-deps": "1.0.0",
     "react": "^15.3.0",
     "react-dom": "^15.3.0"
   "optionalDependencies": {
     "fsevents": "1.0.14"
-  },
-  "bundledDependencies": [
-    "autoprefixer",
-    "babel-core",
-    "babel-eslint",
-    "babel-jest",
-    "babel-loader",
-    "babel-preset-react-app",
-    "case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin",
-    "chalk",
-    "connect-history-api-fallback",
-    "cross-spawn",
-    "css-loader",
-    "detect-port",
-    "dotenv",
-    "eslint",
-    "eslint-config-react-app",
-    "eslint-loader",
-    "eslint-plugin-flowtype",
-    "eslint-plugin-import",
-    "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y",
-    "eslint-plugin-react",
-    "extract-text-webpack-plugin",
-    "file-loader",
-    "filesize",
-    "find-cache-dir",
-    "fs-extra",
-    "gzip-size",
-    "html-webpack-plugin",
-    "http-proxy-middleware",
-    "jest",
-    "json-loader",
-    "object-assign",
-    "path-exists",
-    "postcss-loader",
-    "promise",
-    "react-dev-utils",
-    "recursive-readdir",
-    "rimraf",
-    "strip-ansi",
-    "style-loader",
-    "url-loader",
-    "webpack",
-    "webpack-dev-server",
-    "webpack-manifest-plugin",
-    "whatwg-fetch"
-  ]
+  }
diff --git a/tasks/cra.sh b/tasks/cra.sh
index 0271536d706161b30adf54e9272433d51d7446e8..f63fd464b0cd8d4e8bdd357dd31c8d87b2b54eab 100755
--- a/tasks/cra.sh
+++ b/tasks/cra.sh
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ cd packages/react-scripts
 # Save package.json because we're going to touch it
 cp package.json package.json.orig
-# Like bundle-deps, this script modifies packages/react-scripts/package.json,
-# copying own dependencies (those in the `packages` dir) to bundledDependencies
-node $root_path/tasks/bundle-own-deps.js
+# Replace own dependencies (those in the `packages` dir) with the local paths
+# of those packages.
+node $root_path/tasks/replace-own-deps.js
 # Finally, pack react-scripts
 scripts_path=$root_path/packages/react-scripts/`npm pack`
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ mv package.json.orig package.json
 # Now that we have packed them, call the global CLI.
 # ******************************************************************************
+# If Yarn is installed, clean its cache because it may have cached react-scripts
+yarn cache clean || true
 # Go back to the root directory and run the command from here
 cd $root_path
 node packages/create-react-app/index.js --scripts-version=$scripts_path "$@"
diff --git a/tasks/e2e.sh b/tasks/e2e.sh
index 9066af93f21f3a72d77aeca927349fb29fb16b7d..557b48ccda22a9f8966f44e5347986c76d0969d5 100755
--- a/tasks/e2e.sh
+++ b/tasks/e2e.sh
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ if [ "$USE_YARN" = "yes" ]
   # Install Yarn so that the test can use it to install packages.
   npm install -g yarn
+  yarn cache clean
 npm install
@@ -96,13 +97,20 @@ cli_path=$PWD/`npm pack`
 # Go to react-scripts
 cd $root_path/packages/react-scripts
-# Like bundle-deps, this script modifies packages/react-scripts/package.json,
-# copying own dependencies (those in the `packages` dir) to bundledDependencies
-node $root_path/tasks/bundle-own-deps.js
+# Save package.json because we're going to touch it
+cp package.json package.json.orig
+# Replace own dependencies (those in the `packages` dir) with the local paths
+# of those packages.
+node $root_path/tasks/replace-own-deps.js
 # Finally, pack react-scripts
 scripts_path=$root_path/packages/react-scripts/`npm pack`
+# Restore package.json
+rm package.json
+mv package.json.orig package.json
 # ******************************************************************************
 # Now that we have packed them, create a clean app folder and install them.
 # ******************************************************************************
diff --git a/tasks/release.sh b/tasks/release.sh
index 14b5cb77b1850f5b3232c25b13ac738cbbf5d2e7..1520a5f0785045b6a50cd1a41e837792047798c3 100755
--- a/tasks/release.sh
+++ b/tasks/release.sh
@@ -39,23 +39,6 @@ if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then
   exit 1;
-# Update deps
-rm -rf node_modules
-rm -rf ~/.npm
-npm cache clear
-npm install
-cd packages/react-scripts
-# Force dedupe
-npm dedupe
-# Don't bundle fsevents because it is optional and OS X-only
-# Since it's in optionalDependencies, it will attempt install outside bundle
-rm -rf node_modules/fsevents
-# This modifies package.json to copy all dependencies to bundledDependencies
-node ./node_modules/.bin/bundle-deps
 cd $root_path
 # Go!
 ./node_modules/.bin/lerna publish --independent "$@"
diff --git a/tasks/bundle-own-deps.js b/tasks/replace-own-deps.js
similarity index 66%
rename from tasks/bundle-own-deps.js
rename to tasks/replace-own-deps.js
index 61408f1cc0069593c32c606221524b139883c711..23a3f4a01fe12942bc1c507d02ddd2823049b6ec 100755
--- a/tasks/bundle-own-deps.js
+++ b/tasks/replace-own-deps.js
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 'use strict';
-// Like bundle-deps, this script modifies packages/react-scripts/package.json,
-// copying own dependencies (those in the `packages` dir) to bundledDependencies
+// Replaces internal dependencies in package.json with local package paths.
 const fs = require('fs');
 const path = require('path');
@@ -19,10 +18,13 @@ const packagesDir = path.join(__dirname, '../packages');
 const pkgFilename = path.join(packagesDir, 'react-scripts/package.json');
 const data = require(pkgFilename);
-data.bundledDependencies = fs.readdirSync(packagesDir)
-  .filter((name) => data.dependencies[name]);
+fs.readdirSync(packagesDir).forEach((name) => {
+  if (data.dependencies[name]) {
+    data.dependencies[name] = 'file:' + path.join(packagesDir, name);
+  }
 fs.writeFile(pkgFilename, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), 'utf8', (err) => {
   if (err) throw err;
-  console.log('bundled ' + data.bundledDependencies.length + ' dependencies.');
+  console.log('Replaced local dependencies.');