- 22 Aug, 2018 2 commits
Dan Abramov authored
Andrew Clark authored
* Use file name whitelist to prevent RCE Use a whitelist to validate user-provided file names. This doesn't cover the entire range of valid filenames but should cover almost all of them in practice. Allows letters, numbers, periods, dashes, and underscores. Opting to use a whitelist instead of a blacklist because getting this wrong leaves us vulnerable to a RCE attack. * Allow alphabet characters from all languages Updated the whitelist to /^[\p{L}0-9/.\-_]+$/u, which matches alphanumeric characters, periods, dashes, and underscores. Unicode property support is stage 4 so I've inlined the transpiled version. * Only use file name whitelist on Windows * Log error message if file name does not pass whitelist
- 26 Jul, 2018 1 commit
Jed Fox authored
- 23 Jul, 2018 3 commits
Ashley Otero authored
Vladimir Kutepov authored
- 16 Jul, 2018 1 commit
Ian Sutherland authored
* Add Node 10 to Travis config. Remove Node 6. * Add Node 10 to Appveyor config. Remove Node 6. * Remove node 9 from travis config. * Increase mocha timeout. * Update minimum Node version to 8. * Update yarn to latest on Travis. * Update old-node test to use Node 4. * Increase mocha timeout in kitchensink-eject tests. * Update yarn to latest on Appveyor.
- 15 Jul, 2018 1 commit
Jack Zhao authored
* support scoped packages for cra --scripts-version option * seperate out kitchensink test * add eject to node 6 testing * travis node 6 eject * fix CI warnings
- 05 Jul, 2018 2 commits
Mike Wilcox authored
Miguel Palau authored
- 30 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Ideveloper authored
* Suggest `reactstrap` instead of `react-bootstrap` * Update README.md
- 25 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Jack Zhao authored
- 23 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Dan Abramov authored
- 20 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Anton Rusinov authored
- 18 Jun, 2018 2 commits
Jack Zhao authored
* node10 * token * rerun tests
Alex Brazier authored
- 07 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Dmitriy Sadkovoy authored
- 05 Jun, 2018 3 commits
Dmitriy Sadkovoy authored
Marius Gedminas authored
Dan Abramov authored
- 04 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Jack Zhao authored
Allow bundles to be analyzed with Webpack-specific tools
- 03 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Josh Comeau authored
- 01 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Reuben Antz authored
Update file tree view
- 31 May, 2018 3 commits
Jack Zhao authored
enable manifest plugin on dev
Joshua Comeau authored
To analyze Webpack bundles, a "stats" JSON is required. This PR allows that file to be created and saved to the `build` directory, so that users can use it with Webpack-specific insight tools like `webpack-bundle-analyzer` without ejecting their application. Updated the README to include details for how to do this.
Jack Zhao authored
Remove trailing spaces from copyright
- 24 May, 2018 2 commits
Joe Haddad authored
Jack Zhao authored
- 23 May, 2018 1 commit
Graeme authored
* Update paths.js, rename shadow path variable This file requires the "path" module and sets it to a variable `path`. The function `ensureSlash` also has a variable `path` that then shadows the `path` module. * Update paths.js
- 22 May, 2018 1 commit
Saimon Moore authored
- 20 May, 2018 5 commits
Luis Nell authored
* Removes Chokidar Recursive Flag According to the changelog it is not necessary anymore as it doesn't do anything. * Removes initial build on SCSS watch Chokidar now does this on it's own. * Removes sass watch recursive, default include-path as proposed by @michaelwayman * Removes another left-over build-css
jamesvsshark authored
Craig Mulligan authored
Support for .mjs files added in #3239 did not account for npm libraries which ship native mjs files alongside js files. This accounts for this by ensuring .js files resolve before their accompanying .mjs file. Note that this is not an ideal end state since selecting a .mjs over a .js extension should be the result of whether `import` was used instead of `require()` in a node environment with native ESM support (currently via `--experimental-modules`). Instead, this change just *always* selects a .js extension before the .mjs extension if it exists. This unbreaks support for using GraphQL (relay, apollo, etc) within create-react-app projects.
Jack Zhao authored
* - [x] Upgrade to webpack 4.8.X - [x] Utilize webpack 4 development and production modes - [x] Upgrade webpack dev server - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of thread-loader - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of HtmlWebpackPlugin - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of SwPrecacheWebpackPlugin - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of WebpackManifestPlugin - [x] Update README - [x] Update WebpackDevServerUtils - [x] Update InterpolateHtmlPlugin - [x] Update ModuleScopePlugin - [x] Update WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin - [x] Move UglifyJS options to webpack 4 optimize - [x] Move InterpolateHtmlPlugin to make it tapable on HtmlWebpackPlugin - [x] vendor splitting via splitChunks.splitChunks (https://twitter.com/wSokra/status/969633336732905474) - [x] long term caching via splitChunks.runtimeChunk (https://twitter.com/wSokra/status/969679223278505985) - [x] Make sure process.env.NODE_ENV is proxied correctly to `react-error-overlay` - [x] Implicit webpack.NamedModulesPlugin in dev config as its default in webpack 4 - [x] Disable webpack performance hints as we have our own filesize reporter - [x] Replace ExtractTextPlugin with MiniCssExtractPlugin - [x] Switch to css whole file minification via OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin rather than per module css minification to gain performance * disable module concatenation * fix cleanup * fix optimization * restore tmp removal * preserve * fix css tests * fix test run * fix svg test * revert tmp dir * fix import * fix import * help debugging * fix tests * fix sass test * restore cleanup
Andreas Cederström authored
- [x] Utilize webpack 4 development and production modes - [x] Upgrade webpack dev server - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of thread-loader - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of HtmlWebpackPlugin - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of SwPrecacheWebpackPlugin - [x] Webpack 4 compatible release of WebpackManifestPlugin - [x] Update README - [x] Update WebpackDevServerUtils - [x] Update InterpolateHtmlPlugin - [x] Update ModuleScopePlugin - [x] Update WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin - [x] Move UglifyJS options to webpack 4 optimize - [x] Move InterpolateHtmlPlugin to make it tapable on HtmlWebpackPlugin - [x] vendor splitting via splitChunks.splitChunks (https://twitter.com/wSokra/status/969633336732905474) - [x] long term caching via splitChunks.runtimeChunk (https://twitter.com/wSokra/status/969679223278505985) - [x] Make sure process.env.NODE_ENV is proxied correctly to `react-error-overlay` - [x] Implicit webpack.NamedModulesPlugin in dev config as its default in webpack 4 - [x] Disable webpack performance hints as we have our own filesize reporter - [x] Replace ExtractTextPlugin with MiniCssExtractPlugin - [x] Switch to css whole file minification via OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin rather than per module css minification to gain performance
- 16 May, 2018 1 commit
Mike Kusold authored
- 14 May, 2018 2 commits
Ian Sutherland authored
* Update svgr to 1.9.2 in order to reduce install size
Jack Zhao authored
* verdaccio configs * verdaccio configs * fix typo * revert e2e-installs * move config to tasks
- 12 May, 2018 1 commit
shawn wang authored
Add create-react-app-parcel to alternatives section in README
- 11 May, 2018 1 commit
stereobooster authored
Update babel-plugin-macros to 2.2.1.