request: Way to support developing chrome extension
Created by: JasonGoemaat
I want to write pages in my extension (served with the extension) using react. Right now I have to save my file, switch to command line and do a build (20s), then copy the folder to my extension directory. I was hoping I could just use 'npm start' with the live re-build. However when I try to load the script I get a CORS error. Adding 'content_security_policy' allows me to load it, but there is an error opening chrome-extension:<my-id>/sockjs-node
and the script stops executing.
Is there a way to either disable this (with or without ejecting) or to have a 'build' that watches for changes and produces actual output files that I could serve myself? Refreshing the page after a change isn't an issue for me, I just don't want to switch to the console and wait 20 seconds for a full production build...