Q: Overriding Jest testResultsProcessor
Created by: Dubes
Overriding testResultProcessor config for jest is not supported without ejecting. I was wondering why and whether you would see an alternative.
Context We are a distributed team working on a multi-module project based on many technologies (java, groovy and of course react!)
What I am trying to achieve I am trying to add a reporter to jest so that my CI server can parse them. I can see that having this enabled on every test run would be an overhead, right now, I would see it as an extension to CI Heuristics.
Why I need it We use Bamboo for our CI pipeline. Bamboo can parse unit test reports in many formats (JUnit for e.x.) and Bamboo uses this data to provide lot of useful information to the team at a quick glance, such as:
- Are the number of tests growing or shrinking from the build plan screen
- Which test failed the build
- History of an individual test case: does it fail often? This has in the past help us identify areas in our code/test strategy which can require attention
- Create JIRA ticket quickly which preserves the context so that one can take a look at it later.
Other info react-scripts: 1.0.10 CI Server: Bamboo
Thoughts, feedback, criticism welcome.