Consider leaving out babel-preset-es2015 in development.
Created by: kasperpeulen
I think I have suggested this before, but I never saw anything that convinced me that this is a bad idea.
It is great that for production that IE and other older browsers are supported, but just for development, I like to have a super fast rebuild. And I like to debug code that is close to my own source.
So why would we enable all of the plugins of babel-preset-es2015, if the browser we develop in support ES6 syntax natively? I think the only exception is if you develop in IE11 on windows 7. But I think a good estimation would be that 99% of the people develop in Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.
Now it happens to be that those browser support ES6. So I think it would make sense to not use babel-preset-es2015 in development. The only plugin you need is babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs
as the import spec is not yet finalised and implemented in browsers.
I have been trying that in an eject. And it seems much faster on larger apps. And because the lack of source-map support, it does help with understanding where the error is located.