Yarn PnP Compatibility
Created by: DanielRuf
Is this a bug report?
Clone DanielRuf/coding-coach, checkout the feature/yarn-pnp branch and install with Yarn nightly and run yarn start
Module build failed: Error: Failed to load plugin flowtype: Package "eslint@4.10.0" (via "/Users/druf/Library/Caches/Yarn/v3/npm-eslint-4.10.0-f25d0d7955c81968c2309aa5c9a229e045176bb7/node_modules/eslint/lib/config/plugins.js") is trying to require the package "eslint-plugin-flowtype" (via "eslint-plugin-flowtype") without it being listed in its dependencies (ajv, babel-code-frame, chalk, concat-stream, cross-spawn, debug, doctrine, eslint-scope, espree, esquery, estraverse, esutils, file-entry-cache, functional-red-black-tree, glob, globals, ignore, imurmurhash, inquirer, is-resolvable, js-yaml, json-stable-stringify, levn, lodash, minimatch, mkdirp, natural-compare, optionator, path-is-inside, pluralize, progress, require-uncached, semver, strip-ansi, strip-json-comments, table, text-table, eslint)
Referenced from:
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Array.reduceRight (<anonymous>)
Did you try recovering your dependencies?
Not needed as this is a clean install.
Which terms did you search for in User Guide?
The project uses react-scripts@1.1.5
(paste the output of the command here)
Steps to Reproduce
Clone DanielRuf/coding-coach, checkout the feature/yarn-pnp branch and install with Yarn nightly and run yarn start
- Clone DanielRuf/coding-coach
- checkout the feature/yarn-pnp branch
- install Yarn nightly
- run
yarn && yarn start
Expected Behavior
(Write what you thought would happen.)
It should run without any errors.
Actual Behavior
I've got
Module build failed: Error: Failed to load plugin flowtype: Package "eslint@4.10.0" (via "/Users/druf/Library/Caches/Yarn/v3/npm-eslint-4.10.0-f25d0d7955c81968c2309aa5c9a229e045176bb7/node_modules/eslint/lib/config/plugins.js") is trying to require the package "eslint-plugin-flowtype" (via "eslint-plugin-flowtype") without it being listed in its dependencies (ajv, babel-code-frame, chalk, concat-stream, cross-spawn, debug, doctrine, eslint-scope, espree, esquery, estraverse, esutils, file-entry-cache, functional-red-black-tree, glob, globals, ignore, imurmurhash, inquirer, is-resolvable, js-yaml, json-stable-stringify, levn, lodash, minimatch, mkdirp, natural-compare, optionator, path-is-inside, pluralize, progress, require-uncached, semver, strip-ansi, strip-json-comments, table, text-table, eslint)
Referenced from:
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Array.reduceRight (<anonymous>)
Reproducible Demo
(Paste the link to an example project and exact instructions to reproduce the issue.)