create-react-app with --typescript doesn't work when installed globally - update docs accordingly
Created by: methodbox
Is this a bug report?
No - documentation issue.
Did you try recovering your dependencies?
No. Not the issue.
Not relevant. (Write your answer here.)
Which terms did you search for in User Guide?
The user guide is incorrect, by your own statement here: - unfortunately, this wasn't ever corrected, and I believe the behavior is still actually broken, aside from the docs not being updated.
Not relevant. (Write your answer here if relevant.)
Not relevant.
Steps to Reproduce
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Expected Behavior
(Write what you thought would happen.)
Actual Behavior
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Reproducible Demo
(Paste the link to an example project and exact instructions to reproduce the issue.)
This was closed:
This was the answer given: - which works, but doesn't match what the docs say (despite the answer explicitly stating so).
This is still wrong:
I'd be happy to submit a pull request to update the documentation to provide a warning about this, but as it stands you're likely to keep getting bug reports about it.
I've found at least 3 of them myself.