Created by: caub
Avoid throwing if NODE_ENV is not passed, to allow running eslint locally (as an IDE extension), with a local .eslintrc config using react-scripts webpack config for eslint-plugin-import webpack resolver fix #10195
requested review from @root
requested review from @root
requested review from @root
requested review from @root
added CLA Signed label
mentioned in issue #10195
Created by: caub
Hey @SMAKSS, where can I find that template?
I've already added details in the related issues though: #10195
Created by: SMAKSS
Hey @SMAKSS, where can I find that template?
I've already added details in the related issues though: #10195
Well, it's not that fancy with so many requirements but you can find it here, you just need to describe what did you do, but for this particular case I guess mentioning the issue in the description (instead of the title) would be ok.
BTW, the CI pipelines are failing here and you need to check them and fix the problems to make your PR acceptable and make it ready for the review.
Created by: caub
It seems failing due to lint errors in create-react-app/packages/react-error-overlay/src/tests/parser/generic.js, so it's unrelated to my change
added stale label