Created by: zpbrent
📊 Metadata *
react-dev-utils includes some utilities used by Create React App.
The function getProcessForPort in react-dev-utils is vulnerable to command injection.
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⚙ ️ Description *
Used child_process.execFileSync() instead of child_process.execSync().
💻 Technical Description *
The use of the child_process function execSync() is highly discouraged if you accept user input and don't sanitize/escape them. This PR replaces it with execFileSync() which mitigates any possible Command Injections as it accepts input as arrays.
🐛 Proof of Concept (PoC) *
Create a .js file with the content below and run it, then the file pzhou@shu can be illegally created.
// poc.js var getProcessForPort = require('react-dev-utils/getProcessForPort');
getProcessForPort('11;$(touch pzhou@shu)');
🔥 Proof of Fix (PoF) *
use "return execFileSync('lsof', ['-i:'+port, '-P', '-t', '-sTCP:LISTEN'], execOptions)" to replace "return execSync('lsof -i:' + port + ' -P -t -sTCP:LISTEN', execOptions)"
👍 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
var getProcessForPort = require('react-dev-utils/getProcessForPort');
getProcessForPort(3000) // works correctly