Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- AppCache / ServiceWorker support
- Standardized integration with Cordova
- Reuse tab when using Firefox
- Tests won't run if the project's root path contains parentheses
- Does not work in a proxified environment
- Allow customization of Jest: transformIgnorePatterns
- Relay Modern
- Suppress unwanted warnings
- Proxy error: Could not proxy request (ENOTFOUND)
- Re-enable ES6 modules via Webpack when they stop breaking sourcemaps
- Django csrf token
- Is it possible to use load webworkers?
- Using react-scripts from parent folder results in strange behaviour
- Linked packages can't be found during build
- Speed up npm run build
- Display an overlay for syntax errors
- Completely disallow importing from outside of src/, packages/ or node_modules/
- customize eslint rules (.eslintrc)
- Add “red box” on any JavaScript errors in development
- Investigate style enforcement tools
- Relax no-unused-expressions eslint rule
- Applications served from cdn on different host
- some pragmatic features
- Find a way to preserve line numbers in error messages / stack traces
- Expose build manifest
- Document how to debug unit tests
- Remove console "spam"
- How to pass arguments to node in Jest tests?
- Consider including a code formatter?
- Watchman crawl failed.
- Improve/silence WebpackDevServer client
- Consider using Webpack 2