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Matt Harvey authored41d3f8a5
Try to "classify" samples based on random chance and always guessing
the most popular category.
import random
from data import DataSet
most_pop = 'TennisSwing'
data = DataSet()
nb_classes = len(data.classes)
# Try a random guess.
nb_random_matched = 0
nb_mode_matched = 0
for item in
choice = random.choice(data.classes)
actual = item[1]
if choice == actual:
nb_random_matched += 1
if actual == most_pop:
nb_mode_matched += 1
random_accuracy = nb_random_matched / len(
mode_accuracy = nb_mode_matched / len(
print("Randomly matched %.2f%%" % (random_accuracy * 100))
print("Mode matched %.2f%%" % (mode_accuracy * 100))