Commit 18dc3698 authored by Matt Harvey's avatar Matt Harvey Committed by GitHub
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......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The five video classification methods:
1. Classify one frame at a time with a ConvNet
1. Extract features from each frame with a ConvNet, passing the sequence to an RNN, in a separate network
1. Use a time-dstirbuted ConvNet, passing the features to an RNN, much like #2 but all in one network
1. Use a time-dstirbuted ConvNet, passing the features to an RNN, much like #2 but all in one network (this is the `lrcn` network in the code).
1. Extract features from each frame with a ConvNet and pass the sequence to an MLP
1. Use a 3D convolutional network (has two versions of 3d conv to choose from)
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