Martijn Cuppens authored
The `prev()` function doesn't take nodes other than elements into account. Also we could simplify things a lot using the `previousElementSibling` property. This property isn't fully supported in IE, it only works for elements, but since the `element` variable is an element, we can safely use it here. I've also added an additional test. I don't think we had this issue in v4, since we relied on jQuery back then. Ref. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NonDocumentTypeChildNode/nextElementSibling
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* Bootstrap (v4.3.1): dom/selector-engine.js
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
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import { find as findFn, findOne, matches, closest } from './polyfill'
import { makeArray } from '../util/index'
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* Constants
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const NODE_TEXT = 3
const SelectorEngine = {
matches(element, selector) {
return matches.call(element, selector)
find(selector, element = document.documentElement) {
return findFn.call(element, selector)
findOne(selector, element = document.documentElement) {
return findOne.call(element, selector)
children(element, selector) {
const children = makeArray(element.children)
return children.filter(child => this.matches(child, selector))
parents(element, selector) {
const parents = []
let ancestor = element.parentNode
while (ancestor && ancestor.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ancestor.nodeType !== NODE_TEXT) {
if (this.matches(ancestor, selector)) {
ancestor = ancestor.parentNode
return parents
closest(element, selector) {
return closest.call(element, selector)
prev(element, selector) {
let previous = element.previousElementSibling
while (previous) {
if (this.matches(previous, selector)) {
return [previous]
previous = previous.previousElementSibling
return []
export default SelectorEngine