example.html 2.22 KiB
{{- /*
  Usage: `example [args]`
  `args` are optional and can be one of the following:
    id: the `div`'s id - default: ""
    class: any extra class(es) to be added to the `div` - default ""
    show_preview: if the preview should be output in the HTML - default: `true`
    show_markup: if the markup should be output in the HTML - default: `true`
*/ -}}
{{- $show_preview := .Get "show_preview" | default true -}}
{{- $show_markup := .Get "show_markup" | default true -}}
{{- $input := .Inner -}}
{{- if eq $show_preview true -}}
<div{{ with .Get "id" }} id="{{ . }}"{{ end }} class="bd-example{{ with .Get "class" }} {{ . }}{{ end }}">
  {{- $input -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $show_markup true -}}
  {{- $.Scratch.Set "highlight_content" $input -}}
  {{- if (strings.Contains $input `<svg class="bd-placeholder-img`) -}}
    {{- $.Scratch.Set "highlight_content" "" -}}
    {{- $modified_content := replace $input `<svg class="bd-placeholder-img` `✂️<svg class="bd-placeholder-img` -}}
    {{- $modified_content = replace $modified_content "</svg>\n" "</svg>✂️" -}}
    {{- $modified_content = split $modified_content "✂️" -}}
    {{- range $i, $content_chunk := $modified_content -}}
      {{- $image_class := "" -}}
      {{- if (strings.Contains $content_chunk `<svg class="bd-placeholder-img `) -}}
        {{- $image_class = replace $content_chunk "bd-placeholder-img " "bd-placeholder-img ✂️ " -}}
        {{- $image_class = split (replace $image_class `" width="` `✂️" width="`) "✂️" -}}
        {{- $image_class = replace (index $image_class 1) "bd-placeholder-img-lg" "" -}}
        {{- $image_class = trim $image_class " " -}}
      {{- end -}}
      {{- if (strings.Contains $content_chunk `<svg class="bd-placeholder-img`) -}}
        {{- if $image_class -}}
          {{- $.Scratch.Add "highlight_content" (printf `<img src="..." class="%s" alt="...">` $image_class) -}}
        {{- else -}}
          {{- $.Scratch.Add "highlight_content" `<img src="..." alt="...">` -}}
        {{- end -}}
      {{- else -}}
        {{- $.Scratch.Add "highlight_content" $content_chunk -}}
      {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- end -}}
  {{- highlight (trim ($.Scratch.Get "highlight_content") "\n") "html" "" -}}
{{- end -}}