• Mark Otto's avatar
    Flexbox all the time (Drop IE9 support and remove $enable-flex option) (#21389) · eb2e1102
    Mark Otto authored
    * remove the $enable-flex variable option
    * remove bootstrap-flex.css dist file and it's grunt task
    * remove the separate flex css file for docs; it's all the same now
    * remove flexbox docs (porting some to the main grid docs in next commit)
    * clean up few grid docs bits to simplify copy, start to mention flexbox
    * port relevant flexbox-grid.md content to grid.md
    - clean up mixins
    - update how it works section
    - bring over sizing and alignment sections
    * remove the $enable-flex from the options.md page
    * update lead paragraph to mention flexbox
    * update migration to mention loss of ie9 support
    * remove mention of flexbox dist file
    * clarify IE support
    * making a note
    * remove flexbox variant mentions from component docs
    - updates docs for media object, navs, list group, and cards to consolidate docs
    - no more need to callout flexbox variants since it's now the default
    * remove $e...
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