Commit 05b444ae authored by XhmikosR's avatar XhmikosR
Browse files

Run `grunt`.

parent c65deddc
Showing with 50 additions and 50 deletions
+50 -50
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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2649,6 +2649,7 @@ input[type="search"] {
.checkbox-inline {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
padding-left: 20px;
margin-bottom: 0;
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......@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
this.$element = $(element)
this.$indicators = this.$element.find('.carousel-indicators')
this.options = options
this.paused =
this.sliding =
this.interval =
this.$active =
this.paused = null
this.sliding = null
this.interval = null
this.$active = null
this.$items = null
this.options.keyboard && this.$element.on('', $.proxy(this.keydown, this))
......@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
return $this.trigger('click')
var desc = ' li:not(.divider):visible a'
var desc = ' li:not(.disabled):visible a'
var $items = $parent.find('[role="menu"]' + desc + ', [role="listbox"]' + desc)
if (!$items.length) return
......@@ -916,12 +916,13 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
// ======================
var Modal = function (element, options) {
this.options = options
this.$body = $(document.body)
this.$element = $(element)
this.$backdrop =
this.isShown = null
this.scrollbarWidth = 0
this.options = options
this.$body = $(document.body)
this.$element = $(element)
this.$backdrop = null
this.isShown = null
this.originalBodyPad = null
this.scrollbarWidth = 0
if (this.options.remote) {
......@@ -1150,17 +1151,23 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
Modal.prototype.checkScrollbar = function () {
this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight
var fullWindowWidth = window.innerWidth
if (!fullWindowWidth) { // workaround for missing window.innerWidth in IE8
var documentElementRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect()
fullWindowWidth = documentElementRect.right - Math.abs(documentElementRect.left)
this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.clientWidth < fullWindowWidth
this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar()
Modal.prototype.setScrollbar = function () {
var bodyPad = parseInt((this.$body.css('padding-right') || 0), 10)
this.originalBodyPad = || ''
if (this.bodyIsOverflowing) this.$body.css('padding-right', bodyPad + this.scrollbarWidth)
Modal.prototype.resetScrollbar = function () {
this.$body.css('padding-right', '')
this.$body.css('padding-right', this.originalBodyPad)
Modal.prototype.measureScrollbar = function () { // thx walsh
......@@ -1242,11 +1249,11 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
// ===============================
var Tooltip = function (element, options) {
this.type =
this.options =
this.enabled =
this.timeout =
this.hoverState =
this.type = null
this.options = null
this.enabled = null
this.timeout = null
this.hoverState = null
this.$element = null
this.init('tooltip', element, options)
......@@ -1519,7 +1526,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
Tooltip.prototype.hide = function (callback) {
var that = this
var $tip = this.tip()
var $tip = $(this.$tip)
var e = $.Event('' + this.type)
function complete() {
......@@ -1536,7 +1543,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
$.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
$.support.transition && $tip.hasClass('fade') ?
.one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
.emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
......@@ -1779,11 +1786,6 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.arrow'))
Popover.prototype.tip = function () {
if (!this.$tip) this.$tip = $(this.options.template)
return this.$tip
// =========================
......@@ -1832,10 +1834,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
// ==========================
function ScrollSpy(element, options) {
var process = $.proxy(this.process, this)
this.$body = $('body')
this.$scrollElement = $(element).is('body') ? $(window) : $(element)
this.$body = $(document.body)
this.$scrollElement = $(element).is(document.body) ? $(window) : $(element)
this.options = $.extend({}, ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS, options)
this.selector = ( || '') + ' .nav li > a'
this.offsets = []
......@@ -1843,7 +1843,7 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
this.activeTarget = null
this.scrollHeight = 0
this.$scrollElement.on('', process)
this.$scrollElement.on('', $.proxy(this.process, this))
......@@ -1859,20 +1859,19 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
ScrollSpy.prototype.refresh = function () {
var offsetMethod = 'offset'
var offsetBase = 0
var that = this
var offsetMethod = 'offset'
var offsetBase = 0
this.offsets = []
this.targets = []
this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
if (!$.isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0])) {
offsetMethod = 'position'
offsetBase = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()
this.offsets = []
this.targets = []
this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
var self = this
.map(function () {
......@@ -1887,8 +1886,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] })
.each(function () {
......@@ -1928,8 +1927,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
var selector = this.selector +
'[data-target="' + target + '"],' +
this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]'
'[data-target="' + target + '"],' +
this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]'
var active = $(selector)
......@@ -2169,8 +2168,8 @@ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
.on('', $.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this))
this.$element = $(element)
this.affixed =
this.unpin =
this.affixed = null
this.unpin = null
this.pinnedOffset = null
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