<pclass="lead">Bootstrap has a few easy ways to quickly get started, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case. Read through to see what suits your particular needs.</p>
<h3id="download-compiled">Compiled CSS, JS, and fonts</h3>
<p>The fastest way to get Bootstrap is to download the precompiled and minified versions of our CSS, JavaScript, and fonts. No documentation or original source code files are included.</p>
<p>Source Less, JavaScript, and font files, along with our docs. <strong>Requires a Less compiler and <ahref="{{ site.repo }}#compiling-css-and-javascript">some setup.</a></strong></p>
<p>If you work with Bootstrap's uncompiled source code, you need to compile the LESS files to produce usable CSS files. For compiling LESS files into CSS, we only officially support <ahref="http://twitter.github.io/recess/">Recess</a>, which is Twitter's CSS hinter based on <ahref="http://lesscss.org">less.js</a>.</p>
<h3id="download-bower">Install with Bower</h3>
<p>Install and manage Bootstrap's Less, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts using <ahref="http://bower.io">Bower</a>.</p>