49 merge requests!28721Hot test,!27561Adds font-weight-medium to font weight classes,!26437merge,!26197V4 dev xmr,!20778V4 dev,!20539Allow multiple modals,!18047#17986,!18988Blockquote border width,!20854Fixes 15534,!19272V4 dev xmr grunt html,!17218Issue 17066,!19581V4 fix popover,!18283Tether docs fix,!17229Include documentation for .navbar-static-top,!20493V4 dev display,!20636Fix docs for heading sizes,!19824blockquote-center,!22547Finished a new translation for bootstrap,!19534Docs 17264,!19533Npm deps,!22143Fix selectable disabled toggle radio buttons,!19084V4 rhythm,!18085Ie9 click comment,!22598test,!18829Add prefix to carousel classes,!18581Check getting started files for broken links - Issue 18568,!18067replace grunt-autoprefixer with gruntpostcss + autoprefixer,!20099V4.0.0 alpha.3,!20438V4 grid classes,!17307Vertical alignment on Bootstrap columns with equal height,!18477add utility color-contrast function,!18864Feature/navbar toggler support color schemes,!19602V4 palettes arun,!18311V4 dev xmr,!19448New pull request for testing,!19358XXL grid size,!17083v4 - fix after => :after,!19825.blockquote-center,!17508Fix usage of “its” and “it’s” (v4 docs),!25326Adjust examples,!23995Add back cursor: pointer for .btn-link,!23178Spinner,!19754Issue template,!19753Card img overlay padding,!19747Blockquote border width,!19580ExitStars,!18684Docs: change "Button" to "Go somewhere",!18661Docs: accessibility fix-up of collapsible content navbar, change site-wide main navbar,!17021v4
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Here are our guidelines and reasons for choosing what to override in Reboot:
The `<html>` and `<body>` elements are updated to provide better page-wide defaults. More specifically:
- The `box-sizing` is globally set on every element—including `*:before` and `*after`, to `border-box`. This ensures that the declared width of element is never exceeded due to padding or border.
- The `box-sizing` is globally set on every element—including `*:before` and `*:after`, to `border-box`. This ensures that the declared width of element is never exceeded due to padding or border.
- A base `font-size: 16px` is declared on the `<html>` and `font-size: 1rem` on the `<body>` for easy responsive type-scaling via media queryies.
- The `<body>` also sets a global `font-family` and `line-height`. This is inherited later by some form elements to prevent font inconsistencies.
- For safety, the `<body>` has a declared `background-color`, defaulting to `#fff`.