Commit 3c98dd35 authored by Heinrich Fenkart's avatar Heinrich Fenkart
Browse files

Fix IE8 unit test breakage introduced by #14767

parent ab8dbc21
Showing with 6 additions and 2 deletions
+6 -2
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ $(function () {
test('should display the tip on bottom whenever scrollable viewport doesn\'t have enough room if the given placement is "auto top"', function () {
var styles = '<style>'
+ '#scrollable-div { height: 200px; overflow: auto; }'
+ '.tooltip-item { margin: 200px 0 400px; width: 150px; }'
+ '.tooltip-item { padding: 200px 0 400px; width: 150px; }'
+ '</style>'
var $styles = $(styles).appendTo('head')
......@@ -487,13 +487,17 @@ $(function () {
test('should display the tip on bottom whenever scrollable viewport has enough room if the given placement is "auto bottom"', function () {
var styles = '<style>'
+ '#scrollable-div { height: 200px; overflow: auto; }'
+ '.tooltip-item { margin: 200px 0 400px; width: 150px; }'
+ '.spacer { height: 400px; }'
+ '.spacer:first-child { height: 200px; }'
+ '.tooltip-item { width: 150px; }'
+ '</style>'
var $styles = $(styles).appendTo('head')
var $container = $('<div id="scrollable-div"/>').appendTo('#qunit-fixture')
var $target = $('<div rel="tooltip" title="tip" class="tooltip-item">Tooltip Item</div>')
.before('<div class="spacer"/>')
.after('<div class="spacer"/>')
placement: 'bottom auto',
viewport: '#scrollable-div'
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