@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Changes to Reboot, typography, tables, and more.
- Nested tables do not inherit styles anymore.
-`.thead-light` and `.thead-dark` are dropped in favor of the `.table-*` variant classes which can be used for all table elements (`thead`, `tbody`, `tfoot`, `tr`, `th` and `td`).
- The `table-row-variant()` mixin is renamed to `table-variant()` and accepts only 2 parameters: `$color` (colon name) and `$value` (color code). The border color and accent colors are automatically calculated based on the table factor variables.
- Split table cell padding variables into `-y` and `-x`.
-`.text-*` utilities do not add hover and focus states to links anymore. `.link-*` helper classes can be used instead. [See #29267](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29267)
- Drop `.text-justify` class. [See #229793](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/29793)