diff --git a/docs/_includes/getting-started/download.html b/docs/_includes/getting-started/download.html
index edc048df5d9c88933928479c58e0f2750b08e0e1..fd81a405bfb023ccf071980645be76d4df9ccee0 100644
--- a/docs/_includes/getting-started/download.html
+++ b/docs/_includes/getting-started/download.html
@@ -43,4 +43,7 @@
   <h3 id="download-bower">Install with Bower</h3>
   <p>You can also install and manage Bootstrap's Less, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts using <a href="http://bower.io">Bower</a>:</p>
   {% highlight bash %}$ bower install bootstrap{% endhighlight %}
+  <h3 id="download-autoprefixer">Autoprefixer required for Less/Sass</h3>
+  <p>Bootstrap uses <a href="https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer">Autoprefixer</a> to deal with <a href="http://webdesign.about.com/od/css/a/css-vendor-prefixes.htm">CSS vendor prefixes</a>. If you're compiling Bootstrap from its Less/Sass source and not using our Gruntfile, you'll need to integrate Autoprefixer into your build process yourself. If you're using precompiled Bootstrap or using our Gruntfile, you don't need to worry about this because Autoprefixer is already integrated into our Gruntfile.</p>