<p>Images in Bootstrap 3 can be made responsive-friendly via the addition of the <code>.img-responsive</code> class. This applies <code>max-width: 100%;</code> and <code>height: auto;</code> to the image so that it scales nicely to the parent element.</p>
<p>Images in Bootstrap 3 can be made responsive-friendly via the addition of the <code>.img-responsive</code> class. This applies <code>max-width: 100%;</code> and <code>height: auto;</code> to the image so that it scales nicely to the parent element.</p>
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<h4>SVG images and IE 8-10</h4>
<p>In Internet Explorer IE 8-10, SVG images with <code>.img-responsive</code> are disproportionately sized. To fix this, add <code>width: 100% \9;</code> where necessary. Bootstrap doesn't apply this automatically as it causes complications to other image formats.</p>