<p>Create responsive tables by wrapping any <code>.table</code> in <code>.table-responsive</code> to make them scroll horizontally on small devices (under 768px). When viewing on anything larger than 768px wide, you will not see any difference in these tables.</p>
<p>Create responsive tables by wrapping any <code>.table</code> in <code>.table-responsive</code> to make them scroll horizontally on small devices (under 768px). When viewing on anything larger than 768px wide, you will not see any difference in these tables.</p>
<p>Responsive tables make use of <code>overflow-y: hidden</code>, which clips off any content that goes beyond the bottom or top edges of the table. In particular, this can clip off dropdown menus and other third-party widgets.</p>
<p>Firefox has some awkward fieldset styling involving <code>width</code> that interferes with the responsive table. This cannot be overriden without a Firefox-specific hack that we <strong>don't</strong> provide in Bootstrap:</p>
<p>Firefox has some awkward fieldset styling involving <code>width</code> that interferes with the responsive table. This cannot be overriden without a Firefox-specific hack that we <strong>don't</strong> provide in Bootstrap:</p>