assert.ok($btn.hasClass('active'),'button with aria-pressed="true" has been given class active')
assert.true($btn.hasClass('active'),'button with aria-pressed="true" has been given class active')
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($btn.hasClass('active'),'checked checkbox button has been given class active')
assert.true($btn.hasClass('active'),'checked checkbox button has been given class active')
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok(!$btn.hasClass('active'),'button without aria-pressed="true" has had active class removed')
assert.false($btn.hasClass('active'),'button without aria-pressed="true" has had active class removed')
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok(!$btn.hasClass('active'),'unchecked checkbox button has had active class removed')
assert.false($btn.hasClass('active'),'unchecked checkbox button has had active class removed')
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok(countChangeEvent===1,'onchange event fired only once')
assert.strictEqual(countChangeEvent,1,'onchange event fired only once')
@@ -224,28 +224,28 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 has active class')
assert.ok($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 is checked')
assert.ok(!$btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 does not have active class')
assert.ok(!$btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is not checked')
assert.true($btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 has active class')
assert.true($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 is checked')
assert.false($btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 does not have active class')
assert.false($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is not checked')
assert.ok(!$btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 does not have active class')
assert.ok(!$btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 is not checked')
assert.ok($btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 has active class')
assert.ok($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is checked')
assert.false($btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 does not have active class')
assert.false($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 is not checked')
assert.true($btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 has active class')
assert.true($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is checked')
$btn2.find('input').trigger('click')// Clicking an already checked radio should not un-check it
assert.ok(!$btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 does not have active class')
assert.ok(!$btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 is not checked')
assert.ok($btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 has active class')
assert.ok($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is checked')
assert.false($btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 does not have active class')
assert.false($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 is not checked')
assert.true($btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 has active class')
assert.true($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is checked')
assert.ok($btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 has active class')
assert.ok($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 prop is checked')
assert.ok($btn1.find('input')[0].checked,'btn1 is checked with jquery')
assert.ok(!$btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 does not have active class')
assert.ok(!$btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is not checked')
assert.ok(!$btn2.find('input')[0].checked,'btn2 is not checked')
assert.true($btn1.hasClass('active'),'btn1 has active class')
assert.true($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn1 prop is checked')
assert.true($btn1.find('input')[0].checked,'btn1 is checked with jquery')
assert.false($btn2.hasClass('active'),'btn2 does not have active class')
assert.false($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'),'btn2 is not checked')
assert.false($btn2.find('input')[0].checked,'btn2 is not checked')
QUnit.test('should fire click event on input',function(assert){
@@ -300,10 +300,10 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not([aria-pressed])'),'label for nested checkbox input has not been given an aria-pressed attribute')
assert.true($':not([aria-pressed])'),'label for nested checkbox input has not been given an aria-pressed attribute')
assert.ok($':not([aria-pressed])'),'label for nested radio input has not been given an aria-pressed attribute')
assert.true($':not([aria-pressed])'),'label for nested radio input has not been given an aria-pressed attribute')
QUnit.test('should handle disabled attribute on non-button elements',function(assert){
@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'button is initially not active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'button is initially not active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
$btn[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'button did not become active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox did not get checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'button did not become active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox did not get checked')
QUnit.test('should not set active class if inner hidden checkbox is disabled but author forgot to set disabled class on outer button',function(assert){
@@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'button is initially not active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'button is initially not active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
$btn[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'button did not become active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox did not get checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'button did not become active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox did not get checked')
QUnit.test('should correctly set checked state on input and active class on label when using <label><input></label> structure',function(assert){
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'label is initially not active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'label is initially not active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
$label[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok($'.active'),'label is active after click')
assert.ok($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is checked after click')
assert.true($'.active'),'label is active after click')
assert.true($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is checked after click')
QUnit.test('should correctly set checked state on input and active class on the faked button when using <div><input></div> structure',function(assert){
@@ -375,11 +375,11 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'<div> is initially not active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'<div> is initially not active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
$btn[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok($'.active'),'<div> is active after click')
assert.ok($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is checked after click')
assert.true($'.active'),'<div> is active after click')
assert.true($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is checked after click')
QUnit.test('should correctly set checked state on input and active class on the label when using button toggle',function(assert){
@@ -394,13 +394,13 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'<label> is initially not active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox property is initially not checked')
assert.ok(!$input[0].checked,'checkbox is not checked by jquery after click')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'<label> is initially not active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox property is initially not checked')
assert.false($input[0].checked,'checkbox is not checked by jquery after click')
assert.ok($'.active'),'<label> is active after click')
assert.ok($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox property is checked after click')
assert.ok($input[0].checked,'checkbox is checked by jquery after click')
assert.true($'.active'),'<label> is active after click')
assert.true($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox property is checked after click')
assert.true($input[0].checked,'checkbox is checked by jquery after click')
QUnit.test('should not do anything if the click was just sent to the outer container with data-toggle',function(assert){
@@ -415,11 +415,11 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'label is initially not active')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'label is initially not active')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is initially not checked')
$group[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok($':not(.active)'),'label is not active after click')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is not checked after click')
assert.true($':not(.active)'),'label is not active after click')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'checkbox is not checked after click')
QUnit.test('should not try and set checked property on an input of type="hidden"',function(assert){
@@ -434,9 +434,9 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'hidden input initially has no checked property')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'hidden input initially has no checked property')
$label[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'hidden input does not have a checked property')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'hidden input does not have a checked property')
QUnit.test('should not try and set checked property on an input that is not a radio button or checkbox',function(assert){
@@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ $(function () {
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'text input initially has no checked property')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'text input initially has no checked property')
$label[0].click()// fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click')
assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'),'text input does not have a checked property')
assert.false($input.prop('checked'),'text input does not have a checked property')
QUnit.test('dispose should remove data and the element',function(assert){