<p>If your target audience is using the latest and greatest browsers and devices, be sure to just use the <code>box-shadow</code> property on its own. If you need support for older Android (pre-v4) and iOS devices (pre-iOS 5), use the mixin to pick up the required <code>-webkit</code> prefix.</p>
<p>If your target audience is using the latest and greatest browsers and devices, be sure to just use the <code>box-shadow</code> property on its own. If you need support for older Android (pre-v4) and iOS devices (pre-iOS 5), use the <strong>deprecated</strong> mixin to pick up the required <code>-webkit</code> prefix.</p>
<p>The mixin is <strong>deprecated</strong> as of v3.1.0, since Bootstrap doesn't officially support the outdated platforms that don't support the standard property. To preserve backwards-compatibility, Bootstrap will continue to use the mixin internally until Bootstrap v4.</p>
<p>Be sure to use <code>rgba()</code> colors in your box shadows so they blend as seamlessly as possible with backgrounds.</p>