Commit 60922c68 authored by Chris Rebert's avatar Chris Rebert
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Merge pull request #18717 from supergibbs/nuget_fixes_v4

Fixed NuGet link and bugs in MyGet script
parents 95893cd4 a665569b
Showing with 14 additions and 4 deletions
+14 -4
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
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Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development, created by [Mark Otto]( and [Jacob Thornton](, and maintained by the [core team]( with the massive support and involvement of the community.
# set env vars usually set by MyGet (enable for local testing)
#$env:SourcesPath = '..'
#$env:NuGet = "./nuget.exe" #
$nuget = $env:NuGet
#parse the version number out of package.json
$bsversion = ((Get-Content $env:SourcesPath\package.json) -join "`n" | ConvertFrom-Json).version
$bsversionParts = ((Get-Content $env:SourcesPath\package.json) -join "`n" | ConvertFrom-Json).version.split('-', 2) #split the version on the '-'
$bsversion = $bsversionParts[0]
if($bsversionParts.Length -gt 1)
$bsversion += '-' + $bsversionParts[1].replace('.', '').replace('-', '_') #strip out invalid chars from the PreRelease part
#create packages
& $nuget pack "nuget\bootstrap.nuspec" -Verbosity detailed -NonInteractive -NoPackageAnalysis -BasePath $env:SourcesPath -Version $bsversion
& $nuget pack "nuget\bootstrap.less.nuspec" -Verbosity detailed -NonInteractive -NoPackageAnalysis -BasePath $env:SourcesPath -Version $bsversion
\ No newline at end of file
& $nuget pack "$env:SourcesPath\nuget\bootstrap.nuspec" -Verbosity detailed -NonInteractive -NoPackageAnalysis -BasePath $env:SourcesPath -Version $bsversion
& $nuget pack "$env:SourcesPath\nuget\bootstrap.sass.nuspec" -Verbosity detailed -NonInteractive -NoPackageAnalysis -BasePath $env:SourcesPath -Version $bsversion
\ No newline at end of file
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