<pclass="lead">Stylize the HTML5 <code><progress></code> element with a few extra classes and some crafty browser-specific CSS. Be sure to read up on the browser support.</p>
Stylize the HTML5 `<progress>` element with a few extra classes and some crafty browser-specific CSS. Be sure to read up on the browser support.
<p>Add <code>.progress-animated</code> to <code>.progress</code> to animate the stripes right to left via CSS3 animations. Animated progress bars do not work in IE9, older versions of Firefox, and Opera 12 as they don't support CSS3 animations.</p>
The striped gradient can also be animated. Add <code>.progress-animated</code> to <code>.progress</code> to animate the stripes right to left via CSS3 animations.
**Animated progress bars do not work in IE9, older versions of Firefox, and Opera 12** as they don't support CSS3 animations.