@@ -246,6 +246,12 @@ Note that for security reasons the `sanitize`, `sanitizeFn`, and `allowList` opt
<td>Overflow constraint boundary of the popover (applies only to Popper's preventOverflow modifier). By default it's <code>'clippingParents'</code> and can accept an HTMLElement reference (via JavaScript only). For more information refer to Popper's <ahref="https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/utils/detect-overflow/#boundary">detectOverflow docs</a>.</td>
<td>Describes the positioning strategy to use. Accepts the values of <code>'absolute'</code> and <code>'fixed'</code>. For more information refer to Popper's <ahref="https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/constructors/#strategy">strategy docs</a>.</td>