11 merge requests!8635ignore Gruntfile.js in jekyll,!8339Fix broken links to navbar component in docs examples,!7674Clear float on all when navbar is collapsed - v3,!7775added some tests for tooltip title setter,!8157Close Me: Docs "Customize and Download" button fix,!7964commit fixes #7792,!8656Added rel="stylesheet" to CDN-Examples,!8527Inner properties move 1,!8245Interactive color picker - Closed: request against wrong branch,!7865Patch 2,!7651Drop the sizzle dependency to allow smaller builds targeting mobile devices
@@ -3677,7 +3677,7 @@ For example, <code><section></code> should be wrapped as inline.
<pclass="lead">Provide pagination links for your site or app with the multi-page pagination component, or the simpler <ahref="./components.html#pagination-pager">pager alternative</a>.</p>
<pclass="lead">Provide pagination links for your site or app with the multi-page pagination component, or the simpler <ahref="./docs/#pagination-pager">pager alternative</a>.</p>
<p>Simple pagination inspired by Rdio, great for apps and search results. The large block is hard to miss, easily scalable, and provides large click areas.</p>
@@ -4024,7 +4024,7 @@ For example, <code><section></code> should be wrapped as inline.
<pclass="lead">Extend Bootstrap's <ahref="./css/#gridsystem">grid system</a> with the thumbnail component to easily display grids of images, videos, text, and more.</p>
<pclass="lead">Extend Bootstrap's <ahref="./docs/#grid">grid system</a> with the thumbnail component to easily display grids of images, videos, text, and more.</p>
<h3>Default thumbnails</h3>
<p>By default, Bootstrap's thumbnails are designed to showcase linked images with minimal required markup.</p>
@@ -4124,7 +4124,7 @@ For example, <code><section></code> should be wrapped as inline.
<pclass="lead">Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages. For inline dismissal, use the <ahref="./javascript.html#alerts">alerts jQuery plugin</a>.</p>
<pclass="lead">Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages. For inline dismissal, use the <ahref="./docs/#js-alerts">alerts jQuery plugin</a>.</p>
<h3id="alerts-default">Default alert</h3>
<p>Wrap any text and an optional dismiss button in <code>.alert</code> for a basic warning alert message. <strong>To ensure proper behavior across all devices</strong>, be sure to use <code><button></code> element with the <code>data-dismiss="alert"</code> data attribute.</p>