Commit 990db249 authored by Mark Otto's avatar Mark Otto
Browse files

rip responsive styles; they're unnecessary and likely require overriding anyway

parent 1abe4c83
Showing with 0 additions and 34 deletions
+0 -34
......@@ -177,37 +177,3 @@
color: $carousel-caption-color;
text-align: center;
// Responsive variations
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
// Scale up the controls a smidge
.carousel-control-icon-next {
width: $carousel-control-sm-up-size;
height: $carousel-control-sm-up-size;
margin-top: -($carousel-control-sm-up-size / 2);
font-size: $carousel-control-sm-up-size;
.carousel-control-icon-prev {
margin-left: -($carousel-control-sm-up-size / 2);
.carousel-control-icon-next {
margin-right: -($carousel-control-sm-up-size / 2);
// Show and left align the captions
.carousel-caption {
right: ((100% - $carousel-caption-sm-up-width) / 2);
left: ((100% - $carousel-caption-sm-up-width) / 2);
padding-bottom: 30px;
// Move up the indicators
.carousel-indicators {
bottom: 20px;
Supports Markdown
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