Unverified Commit 9f211231 authored by XhmikosR's avatar XhmikosR Committed by GitHub
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docs: use `expanded` Sass output style for development (#32176)

parent bec6eef9
No related merge requests found
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
{{- if (ne .Page.Layout "examples") }}
{{- $targetDocsCssPath := printf "/docs/%s/assets/css/docs.css" .Site.Params.docs_version -}}
{{- $sassOptions := dict "targetPath" $targetDocsCssPath "precision" 6 -}}
{{- $sassOptions := dict "targetPath" $targetDocsCssPath "outputStyle" "expanded" "precision" 6 -}}
{{- $postcssOptions := dict "use" "autoprefixer" "noMap" true -}}
{{ if eq hugo.Environment "production" -}}
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