Unverified Commit a3e45d8c authored by Johann-S's avatar Johann-S Committed by GitHub
Browse files

add information about valid selectors (#27137)

parent 54d86e62
Showing with 5 additions and 35 deletions
+5 -35
......@@ -77,20 +77,13 @@ const Util = (($) => {
getSelectorFromElement(element) {
let selector = element.getAttribute('data-target')
let method = 'querySelector'
if (!selector || selector === '#') {
selector = (element.getAttribute('href') || '').trim()
const validSelector = selector
if (selector.charAt(0) === '#' && selector.indexOf(',') === -1) {
selector = selector.substr(1)
method = 'getElementById'
try {
return document[method](selector) ? validSelector : null
return document.querySelector(selector) ? selector : null
} catch (err) {
return null
......@@ -20,31 +20,6 @@ $(function () {
assert.strictEqual(Util.getSelectorFromElement($el2[0]), null)
QUnit.test('Util.getSelectorFromElement should use getElementById', function (assert) {
var spy = sinon.spy(document, 'getElementById')
var $el = $('<div data-target="#7"></div>').appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
$('<div id="7" />').appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
assert.strictEqual(Util.getSelectorFromElement($el[0]), '#7')
QUnit.test('Util.getSelectorFromElement should use querySelector when there are multi ids', function (assert) {
var spy = sinon.spy(document, 'querySelector')
var $el = $('<div data-target="#j7, #j8"></div>').appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
$('<div id="j7" />').appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
$('<div id="j8" />').appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))
assert.strictEqual(Util.getSelectorFromElement($el[0]), '#j7, #j8')
QUnit.test('Util.typeCheckConfig should thrown an error when a bad config is passed', function (assert) {
var namePlugin = 'collapse'
......@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ $(document).off('.alert.data-api')
{% endhighlight %}
{% capture callout %}
##### Escaping selectors
If you use special selectors, for example: `collapse:Example`, be sure to escape them, because they'll be passed through jQuery.
## Selectors
Currently to query DOM elements we use the native methods `querySelector` and `querySelectorAll` for performance reasons, so you have to use [valid selectors](https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier).
If you use special selectors, for example: `collapse:Example` be sure to escape them.
{% endcapture %}
{% include callout.html content=callout type="warning" %}
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