<p>Add <code>.form-stacked</code> to your form’s HTML and you’ll have labels on top of their fields instead of to their left. This works great if your forms are short or you have two columns of inputs for heavier forms.</p>
<divclass="span4 columns">
<p>As a convention, buttons are used for actions while links are used for objects. For instance, "Download" could be a button and "recent activity" could be a link.</p>
<p>All buttons default to a light gray style, but a blue <code>.primary</code> class is available. Plus, rolling your own styles is easy peasy.</p>
<divclass="span12 columns">
<h3>Example buttons</h3>
<p>Button styles can be applied to anything with the <code>.btn</code> applied. Typically you’ll want to apply these to only <code><a></code>, <code><button></code>, and select <code><input></code> elements. Here’s how it looks:</p>
<p>Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Have at it!</p>
<ahref="#"class="btn large primary">Primary action</a>
<ahref="#"class="btn large">Action</a>
>>>>>>> .merge_file_hNGrGI
<divclass="span12 columns">
@@ -860,6 +874,7 @@
</div><!-- /row -->
@@ -897,6 +912,22 @@
<buttonclass="btn large primary"disabled>Primary action</button>
<buttonclass="btn large"disabled>Action</button>
<h3>Disabled state</h3>
<p>For buttons that are not active or are disabled by the app for one reason or another, use the disabled state. That’s <code>.disabled</code> for links and <code>:disabled</code> for <code><button></code> elements.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> If you're developing for older browsers like IE8 or below -- you're going to want to use the <code>.disabled</code> class for <code><button></code> elements as well.
<ahref="#"class="btn large primary disabled">Primary action</a>
<ahref="#"class="btn large disabled">Action</a>
<buttonclass="btn large primary disabled"disabled>Primary action</button>
<buttonclass="btn large disabled"disabled>Action</button>
>>>>>>> .merge_file_hNGrGI
</div><!-- /row -->
@@ -912,6 +943,7 @@
<h2>Fixed topbar</h2>
<divclass="topbar-wrapper"style="z-index: 5;">
<h3><ahref="#">Project Name</a></h3>
@@ -934,6 +966,32 @@
<divclass="container fixed">
<h3><ahref="#">Project Name</a></h3>
<ulclass="nav secondary-nav">
<li><ahref="#">Secondary link</a></li>
<li><ahref="#">Something else here</a></li>
<li><ahref="#">Another link</a></li>
>>>>>>> .merge_file_hNGrGI
</div><!-- topbar-wrapper -->
@@ -1139,7 +1197,7 @@
<p>Modals—dialogs or lightboxes—are great for contextual actions in situations where it’s important that the background context be maintained.</p>