<li>To start, the plugin adds <code>.affix-top</code> to indicate the element is in its top-most position. At this point no CSS positioning is required.</li>
<li>To start, the plugin adds <code>.affix-top</code> to indicate the element is in its top-most position. At this point no CSS positioning is required.</li>
<li>Scrolling past the element you want affixed should trigger the actual affixing. This is where <code>.affix</code> replaces <code>.affix-top</code> and sets <code>position: fixed;</code> (provided by Bootstrap's code CSS).</li>
<li>Scrolling past the element you want affixed should trigger the actual affixing. This is where <code>.affix</code> replaces <code>.affix-top</code> and sets <code>position: fixed;</code> (provided by Bootstrap's CSS).</li>
<li>If a bottom offset is defined, scrolling past that should replace <code>.affix</code> with <code>.affix-bottom</code>. Since offsets are optional, setting one requires you to set the appropriate CSS. In this case, add <code>position: absolute;</code> when necessary. The plugin uses the data attribute or JavaScript option to determine where to position the element from there.</li>
<li>If a bottom offset is defined, scrolling past it should replace <code>.affix</code> with <code>.affix-bottom</code>. Since offsets are optional, setting one requires you to set the appropriate CSS. In this case, add <code>position: absolute;</code> when necessary. The plugin uses the data attribute or JavaScript option to determine where to position the element from there.</li>
<p>Follow the above steps to set your CSS for either of the usage options below.</p>
<p>Follow the above steps to set your CSS for either of the usage options below.</p>
<p>To have your alerts use animation when closing, make sure they have the <code>.fade</code> and <code>.in</code> class already applied to them.</p>
<p>Wraps all alerts with close functionality. To have your alerts animate out when closed, make sure they have the <code>.fade</code> and <code>.in</code> class already applied to them.</p>
<p>Makes an alert listen for click events on descendant elements which have the <code>data-dismiss="alert"</code> attribute. (Not necessary when using the data-api's auto-initialization.)</p>