Commit b2b4ee20 authored by Mark Otto's avatar Mark Otto
Browse files

responsive table break

parent 802cab52
Showing with 1 addition and 0 deletions
+1 -0
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ While in beta, we aim to have no breaking changes. However, things don't always
- Removed `$badge-color` variable and its usage on `.badge`. We use a color contrast function to pick a `color` based on the `background-color`, so the variable is unnecessary.
- Renamed `grayscale()` function to `gray()` to avoid breaking conflict with the CSS native `grayscale` filter.
- Renamed `.table-inverse`, `.thead-inverse`, and `.thead-default` to `.*-dark` and `.*-light`, matching our color schemes used elsewhere.
- Responsive tables now generate classes for each grid breakpoint. This breaks from Beta 1 in that the `.table-responsive` you've been using is more like `.table-responsive-md`. You may now use `.table-responsive` or `.table-responsive-{sm,md,lg,xl}` as needed.
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