* Designed and built with all the love in the world @twitter by @mdo and @fat.
* Date: Sat Sep 10 19:00:49 PDT 2011
* Date: Sat Sep 10 21:06:02 PDT 2011
/* Reset.less
* Props to Eric Meyer (meyerweb.com) for his CSS reset file. We're using an adapted version here that cuts out some of the reset HTML elements we will never need here (i.e., dfn, samp, etc).
@@ -279,6 +279,88 @@ TODO:
* Scaffolding
* Basic and global styles for generating a grid system, structural layout, and page templates
<p><strong>Nerd alert:</strong> Bootstrap is <ahref="#less"title="Read about using Bootstrap with Less">built with Less</a> and was designed to work out of the gate with modern browsers in mind.</p>
@@ -1516,13 +1516,14 @@ Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet illo error <a href="#" title="below">ipsum</a> verita
<h2>Getting started</h2>
<p>Integrating javascript with the Bootstrap library is super easy. Below we go over the basics and provide you with some awesome plugins to get you started!</p>
<p><aclass="btn primary"href="./javascript.html">Skip to Bootstrap plugins »</a></p>
<h2>Getting started</h2>
<p>We've set out to make your interactive work with Bootstrap even more simple, offering several lightweight plugins for things like modals, tooltips, and other dynamic components. These plugins have been coded up to work with either <ahref="http://jquery.com/"target="_blank">jQuery</a> or <ahref="http://ender.no.de"target="_blank">Ender</a>, but we encourage you to extend and modify them to fit your development needs!</p>
<h2>Do I need javascript?</h2>
<p>The short answer is <strong>no</strong>... of course not! However, for those who need it, we've provided the plugins below to help you understand how to integrate bootstrap with javascript and to give you a quick lightweight option for dropping something in and getting the basic functionality right away! For more information on these plugins and to see demos of them in action, please refer to our <ahref="./javascript.html">plugin documentation page</a>.</p>
<h3>What's included</h3>
<p>Bring some of Bootstrap's primary components to life with new custom plugins that work with <ahref="http://jquery.com/"target="_blank">jQuery</a> and <ahref="http://ender.no.de"target="_blank">Ender</a>. We encourage you to extend and modify them to fit your specific development needs.</p>
@@ -1543,6 +1544,10 @@ Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet illo error <a href="#" title="below">ipsum</a> verita
<td>This plugin adds quick, dynamic tab and pill functionality for cycling through local content.</td>
@@ -1557,6 +1562,10 @@ Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet illo error <a href="#" title="below">ipsum</a> verita
<h3>Is javascript necessary?</h3>
<p><strong>Nope!</strong> Bootstrap is designed first and foremost to be a CSS library. This javascript provides a basic interactive layer on top of the included styles.</p>
<p>However, for those who do need javascript, we've provided the plugins above to help you understand how to integrate Bootstrap with javascript and to give you a quick, lightweight option for the basic functionality right away.</p>
<p>For more information and to see some live demos, please refer to our <ahref="./javascript.html">plugin documentation page</a>.</p>
@@ -1634,34 +1643,13 @@ Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet illo error <a href="#" title="below">ipsum</a> verita
<p>After modifying the <code>.less</code> files in /lib/, you'll need to recompile them in order to regenerate the bootstrap-*.*.*.css and bootstrap-*.*.*.min.css files. If you're submitting a pull request to GitHub, you must always recompile.</p>
<h3>Ways to compile</h3>
<thstyle="width: 120px;">Method</th>
<td>Node with makefile</td>
<p><ahref="http://lesscss.org/">Download the latest Less.js</a> and include the path to it (and your Bootstrap code) in the <code>head</code>.</p>
<p>To recompile the .less files, just save them and reload your page. Less.js compiles them and stores them in local storage.</p>
<td>Command line</td>
<td>Less Mac app</td>
<p><ahref="http://incident57.com/less/">The unofficial Mac app</a> watches directories of .less files and compiles the code to local files after every save of a watched .less file.</p>
<p>If you like, you can toggle preferences in the app for automatic minifying and which directory the compiled files end up in.</p>
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Designed and built with all the love in the world <ahref="http://twitter.com/twitter"target="_blank">@twitter</a> by <ahref="http://twitter.com/mdo"target="_blank">@mdo</a> and <ahref="http://twitter.com/fat"target="_blank">@fat</a>.<br/>
Licensed under the <ahref="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"target="_blank">Apache License v2.0</a>.
<pclass="pull-right"><ahref="#">Back to top</a></p>
Designed and built with all the love in the world <ahref="http://twitter.com/twitter"target="_blank">@twitter</a> by <ahref="http://twitter.com/mdo"target="_blank">@mdo</a> and <ahref="http://twitter.com/fat"target="_blank">@fat</a>.<br/>
Licensed under the <ahref="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"target="_blank">Apache License v2.0</a>.
Bring Bootstrap's components to life with new, custom plugins that work with <ahref="http://jquery.com/"target="_blank">jQuery</a> and <ahref="http://ender.no.de"target="_blank">Ender</a>.
<p><ahref="./index.html">← Back to Bootstrap home</a></p>
@@ -471,6 +486,18 @@ Sunt qui biodiesel mollit officia, fanny pack put a bird on it thundercats seita
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Designed and built with all the love in the world <ahref="http://twitter.com/twitter"target="_blank">@twitter</a> by <ahref="http://twitter.com/mdo"target="_blank">@mdo</a> and <ahref="http://twitter.com/fat"target="_blank">@fat</a>.<br/>
Licensed under the <ahref="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"target="_blank">Apache License v2.0</a>.