Commit dd7ee517 authored by Chris Rebert's avatar Chris Rebert
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add docs for #13745

Good catch @juthilo
[skip sauce]
parent 739bf379
5 merge requests!28721Hot test,!13745set not-allowed cursor on disabled radio+checkbox labels,!16605Test pull please ignore,!22103test,!25326Adjust examples
Showing with 26 additions and 1 deletion
+26 -1
......@@ -207,7 +207,8 @@
{% endhighlight %}
<h3>Checkboxes and radios</h3>
<p>Checkboxes are for selecting one or several options in a list while radios are for selecting one option from many.</p>
<p>Checkboxes are for selecting one or several options in a list, while radios are for selecting one option from many.</p>
<p>A checkbox or radio with the <code>disabled</code> attribute will be styled appropriately. To have the <code>&lt;label&gt;</code> for the checkbox or radio also display a "not-allowed" cursor when the user hovers over the label, add the <code>.disabled</code> class to your <code>.radio</code>, <code>.radio-inline</code>, <code>.checkbox</code>, <code>.checkbox-inline</code>, or <code>&lt;fieldset&gt;</code>.</p>
<h4>Default (stacked)</h4>
<div class="bs-example">
<form role="form">
......@@ -217,6 +218,12 @@
Option one is this and that&mdash;be sure to include why it's great
<div class="checkbox disabled">
<input type="checkbox" value="" disabled>
Option two is disabled
<div class="radio">
......@@ -230,6 +237,12 @@
Option two can be something else and selecting it will deselect option one
<div class="radio disabled">
<input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" id="optionsRadios3" value="option3" disabled>
Option three is disabled
</div><!-- /.bs-example -->
{% highlight html %}
......@@ -239,6 +252,12 @@
Option one is this and that&mdash;be sure to include why it's great
<div class="checkbox disabled">
<input type="checkbox" value="" disabled>
Option two is disabled
<div class="radio">
......@@ -252,6 +271,12 @@
Option two can be something else and selecting it will deselect option one
<div class="radio disabled">
<input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" id="optionsRadios3" value="option3" disabled>
Option three is disabled
{% endhighlight %}
<h4>Inline checkboxes and radios</h4>
Supports Markdown
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