Commit f764aee4 authored by Jacob Thornton's avatar Jacob Thornton
Browse files

add templates for doc generation

parent 1209a375
Showing with 1459 additions and 0 deletions
+1459 -0
* Copyright 2011 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Hogan = Hogan || require('../lib/hogan');
var doc = this["document"];
var fs = require('fs');
var passed = 0;
var failed = 0;
if (!this["output"]) {
var output = function (string) {
return doc ? doc.write(string + '<br/>') : console.log(string);
function runTest(tests) {
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var partials = {};
for (var i in test.partials) {
partials[i] = Hogan.compile(test.partials[i]);
var t = Hogan.compile(test.template);
if ( {
var func = (new Function ('return ' +; = function() { return func; };
var s = t.render(, partials);
is(s, test.expected, + ': ' + test.desc);
var testDir = './test/spec/specs';
var files = fs.readdirSync(testDir)
.filter(function(f) { return f.indexOf('.json') > 0; })
.map(function(f) { return testDir + '/' + f});
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var test = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(files[i]).toString());
function is(got, expected, msg) {
if (got === expected) {
output("OK: " + msg);
} else {
output("FAIL: " + msg);
output("Expected |" + expected + "|");
output(" Got |" + got + "|");
function complete() {
output("\nTests Complete");
output("Passed: " + passed);
output("Failed: " + failed);
2011-03-20: v1.1.2
Added tests for standalone tags at string boundaries.
Added tests for rendering lambda returns after delimiter changes.
2011-03-20: v1.0.3
Added tests for standalone tags at string boundaries.
Added tests for rendering lambda returns after delimiter changes.
2011-03-05: v1.1.1
Added tests for indented inline sections.
Added tests for Windows-style newlines.
2011-03-05: v1.0.2
Added tests for indented inline sections.
Added tests for Windows-style newlines.
2011-03-04: v1.1.0
Implicit iterators.
A single period (`.`) may now be used as a name in Interpolation tags,
which represents the top of stack (cast as a String).
Dotted names.
Names containing one or more periods should be resolved as chained
properties; naïvely, this is like nesting section tags, but with some
built-in scoping protections.
2011-03-02: v1.0.1
Clarifying a point in the README about version compliance.
Adding high-level documentation to each spec file.
2011-02-28: v1.0.0
Initial Release
The repository at is the formal standard for
Mustache. It defines both normal usage and edge-case behavior for libraries
parsing the Mustache templating language (or a superset thereof).
The specification is developed as a series of YAML files, under the `specs`
This specification is being [semantically versioned](
Roughly described, major version changes will always represent backwards
incompatible changes, minor version changes will always represent new language
features and will be backwards compatible, and patch ('tiny') version changes
will always be bug fixes. For the purposes of semantic versioning, the public
API is the contents of the `specs` directory and the algorithm for testing
against it.
Mustache implementations SHOULD report the most recent version of the spec
(major and minor version numbers). If an implementation has support for any
optional modules, they SHOULD indicate so with a remark attached to the
version number (e.g. "vX.Y, including lambdas" or "v.X.Y+λ"). It is
RECOMMENDED that implementations not supporting at least v1.0.0 of this spec
refer to themselves as "Mustache-like", or "Mustache-inspired".
Alternate Formats
Since YAML is a reasonably complex format that not every language has good
tools for working with, we also provide JSON versions of the specs on a
best-effort basis.
These should be identical to the YAML specifications, but if you find the need
to regenerate them, they can be trivially rebuilt by invoking `rake build`.
It is also worth noting that some specifications (notably, the lambda module)
rely on YAML "tags" to denote special types of data (e.g. source code). Since
JSON offers no way to denote this, a special key ("`__tag__`") is injected
with the name of the tag as its value. See `` for more information
about handling tagged data.
Optional Modules
Specification files beginning with a tilde (`~`) describe optional modules.
At present, the only module being described as optional is regarding support
for lambdas. As a guideline, a module may be a candidate for optionality
* It does not affect the core syntax of the language.
* It does not significantly affect the output of rendered templates.
* It concerns implementation language features or data types that are not
common to or core in every targeted language.
* The lack of support by an implementation does not diminish the usage of
Mustache in the target language.
As an example, the lambda module is primarily concerned with the handling of a
particular data type (code). This is a type of data that may be difficult to
support in some languages, and users of those languages will not see the lack
as an 'inconsistency' between implementations.
Support for specific pragmas or syntax extensions, however, are best managed
outside this core specification, as adjunct specifications.
Implementors are strongly encouraged to support any and all modules they are
reasonably capable of supporting.
require 'json'
require 'yaml'
# Our custom YAML tags must retain their magic.
%w[ code ].each do |tag|
YAML::add_builtin_type(tag) { |_,val| val.merge(:__tag__ => tag) }
desc 'Build all alternate versions of the specs.'
multitask :build => [ 'build:json' ]
namespace :build do
note = 'Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.'
desc 'Build JSON versions of the specs.'
task :json do
rm(Dir['specs/*.json'], :verbose => false)
Dir.glob('specs/*.yml').each do |filename|
json_file = filename.gsub('.yml', '.json'), 'w') do |file|
doc = YAML.load_file(filename)
file << doc.merge(:__ATTN__ => note).to_json()
Testing your Mustache implementation against this specification should be
relatively simple. If you have a readily available testing framework on your
platform, your task may be even simpler.
In general, the process for each `.yml` file is as follows:
1. Use a YAML parser to load the file.
2. For each test in the 'tests' array:
1. Ensure that each element of the 'partials' hash (if it exists) is
stored in a place where the interpreter will look for it.
2. If your implementation will not support lambdas, feel free to skip over
the optional '~lambdas.yml' file.
2.1. If your implementation will support lambdas, ensure that each member of
'data' tagged with '!code' is properly processed into a language-
specific lambda reference.
* e.g. Given this YAML data hash:
`{ x: !code { ruby: 'proc { "x" }', perl: 'sub { "x" }' } }`
a Ruby-based Mustache implementation would process it such that it
was equivalent to this Ruby hash:
`{ 'x' => proc { "x" } }`
* If your implementation language does not currently have lambda
examples in the spec, feel free to implement them and send a pull
* The JSON version of the spec represents these tagged values as a hash
with a '`__tag__`' key of 'code'.
3. Render the template (stored in the 'template' key) with the given 'data'
4. Compare the results of your rendering against the 'expected' value; any
differences should be reported, along with any useful debugging
* Of note, the 'desc' key contains a rough one-line description of the
behavior being tested -- this is most useful in conjunction with the
file name and test 'name'.
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Comment tags represent content that should never appear in the resulting\noutput.\n\nThe tag's content may contain any substring (including newlines) EXCEPT the\nclosing delimiter.\n\nComment tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when appropriate.\n","tests":[{"name":"Inline","data":{},"expected":"1234567890","template":"12345{{! Comment Block! }}67890","desc":"Comment blocks should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Multiline","data":{},"expected":"1234567890\n","template":"12345{{!\n This is a\n multi-line comment...\n}}67890\n","desc":"Multiline comments should be permitted."},{"name":"Standalone","data":{},"expected":"Begin.\nEnd.\n","template":"Begin.\n{{! Comment Block! }}\nEnd.\n","desc":"All standalone comment lines should be removed."},{"name":"Indented Standalone","data":{},"expected":"Begin.\nEnd.\n","template":"Begin.\n {{! Indented Comment Block! }}\nEnd.\n","desc":"All standalone comment lines should be removed."},{"name":"Standalone Line Endings","data":{},"expected":"|\r\n|","template":"|\r\n{{! Standalone Comment }}\r\n|","desc":"\"\\r\\n\" should be considered a newline for standalone tags."},{"name":"Standalone Without Previous Line","data":{},"expected":"!","template":" {{! I'm Still Standalone }}\n!","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them."},{"name":"Standalone Without Newline","data":{},"expected":"!\n","template":"!\n {{! I'm Still Standalone }}","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them."},{"name":"Multiline Standalone","data":{},"expected":"Begin.\nEnd.\n","template":"Begin.\n{{!\nSomething's going on here...\n}}\nEnd.\n","desc":"All standalone comment lines should be removed."},{"name":"Indented Multiline Standalone","data":{},"expected":"Begin.\nEnd.\n","template":"Begin.\n {{!\n Something's going on here...\n }}\nEnd.\n","desc":"All standalone comment lines should be removed."},{"name":"Indented Inline","data":{},"expected":" 12 \n","template":" 12 {{! 34 }}\n","desc":"Inline comments should not strip whitespace"},{"name":"Surrounding Whitespace","data":{},"expected":"12345 67890","template":"12345 {{! Comment Block! }} 67890","desc":"Comment removal should preserve surrounding whitespace."}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Comment tags represent content that should never appear in the resulting
The tag's content may contain any substring (including newlines) EXCEPT the
closing delimiter.
Comment tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when appropriate.
- name: Inline
desc: Comment blocks should be removed from the template.
data: { }
template: '12345{{! Comment Block! }}67890'
expected: '1234567890'
- name: Multiline
desc: Multiline comments should be permitted.
data: { }
template: |
This is a
multi-line comment...
expected: |
- name: Standalone
desc: All standalone comment lines should be removed.
data: { }
template: |
{{! Comment Block! }}
expected: |
- name: Indented Standalone
desc: All standalone comment lines should be removed.
data: { }
template: |
{{! Indented Comment Block! }}
expected: |
- name: Standalone Line Endings
desc: '"\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags.'
data: { }
template: "|\r\n{{! Standalone Comment }}\r\n|"
expected: "|\r\n|"
- name: Standalone Without Previous Line
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them.
data: { }
template: " {{! I'm Still Standalone }}\n!"
expected: "!"
- name: Standalone Without Newline
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them.
data: { }
template: "!\n {{! I'm Still Standalone }}"
expected: "!\n"
- name: Multiline Standalone
desc: All standalone comment lines should be removed.
data: { }
template: |
Something's going on here...
expected: |
- name: Indented Multiline Standalone
desc: All standalone comment lines should be removed.
data: { }
template: |
Something's going on here...
expected: |
- name: Indented Inline
desc: Inline comments should not strip whitespace
data: { }
template: " 12 {{! 34 }}\n"
expected: " 12 \n"
- name: Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Comment removal should preserve surrounding whitespace.
data: { }
template: '12345 {{! Comment Block! }} 67890'
expected: '12345 67890'
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Set Delimiter tags are used to change the tag delimiters for all content\nfollowing the tag in the current compilation unit.\n\nThe tag's content MUST be any two non-whitespace sequences (separated by\nwhitespace) EXCEPT an equals sign ('=') followed by the current closing\ndelimiter.\n\nSet Delimiter tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when appropriate.\n","tests":[{"name":"Pair Behavior","data":{"text":"Hey!"},"expected":"(Hey!)","template":"{{=<% %>=}}(<%text%>)","desc":"The equals sign (used on both sides) should permit delimiter changes."},{"name":"Special Characters","data":{"text":"It worked!"},"expected":"(It worked!)","template":"({{=[ ]=}}[text])","desc":"Characters with special meaning regexen should be valid delimiters."},{"name":"Sections","data":{"section":true,"data":"I got interpolated."},"expected":"[\n I got interpolated.\n |data|\n\n {{data}}\n I got interpolated.\n]\n","template":"[\n{{#section}}\n {{data}}\n |data|\n{{/section}}\n\n{{= | | =}}\n|#section|\n {{data}}\n |data|\n|/section|\n]\n","desc":"Delimiters set outside sections should persist."},{"name":"Inverted Sections","data":{"section":false,"data":"I got interpolated."},"expected":"[\n I got interpolated.\n |data|\n\n {{data}}\n I got interpolated.\n]\n","template":"[\n{{^section}}\n {{data}}\n |data|\n{{/section}}\n\n{{= | | =}}\n|^section|\n {{data}}\n |data|\n|/section|\n]\n","desc":"Delimiters set outside inverted sections should persist."},{"name":"Partial Inheritence","data":{"value":"yes"},"expected":"[ .yes. ]\n[ .yes. ]\n","template":"[ {{>include}} ]\n{{= | | =}}\n[ |>include| ]\n","desc":"Delimiters set in a parent template should not affect a partial.","partials":{"include":".{{value}}."}},{"name":"Post-Partial Behavior","data":{"value":"yes"},"expected":"[ .yes. .yes. ]\n[ .yes. .|value|. ]\n","template":"[ {{>include}} ]\n[ .{{value}}. .|value|. ]\n","desc":"Delimiters set in a partial should not affect the parent template.","partials":{"include":".{{value}}. {{= | | =}} .|value|."}},{"name":"Surrounding Whitespace","data":{},"expected":"| |","template":"| {{=@ @=}} |","desc":"Surrounding whitespace should be left untouched."},{"name":"Outlying Whitespace (Inline)","data":{},"expected":" | \n","template":" | {{=@ @=}}\n","desc":"Whitespace should be left untouched."},{"name":"Standalone Tag","data":{},"expected":"Begin.\nEnd.\n","template":"Begin.\n{{=@ @=}}\nEnd.\n","desc":"Standalone lines should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Indented Standalone Tag","data":{},"expected":"Begin.\nEnd.\n","template":"Begin.\n {{=@ @=}}\nEnd.\n","desc":"Indented standalone lines should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Standalone Line Endings","data":{},"expected":"|\r\n|","template":"|\r\n{{= @ @ =}}\r\n|","desc":"\"\\r\\n\" should be considered a newline for standalone tags."},{"name":"Standalone Without Previous Line","data":{},"expected":"=","template":" {{=@ @=}}\n=","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them."},{"name":"Standalone Without Newline","data":{},"expected":"=\n","template":"=\n {{=@ @=}}","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them."},{"name":"Pair with Padding","data":{},"expected":"||","template":"|{{= @ @ =}}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored."}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Set Delimiter tags are used to change the tag delimiters for all content
following the tag in the current compilation unit.
The tag's content MUST be any two non-whitespace sequences (separated by
whitespace) EXCEPT an equals sign ('=') followed by the current closing
Set Delimiter tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when appropriate.
- name: Pair Behavior
desc: The equals sign (used on both sides) should permit delimiter changes.
data: { text: 'Hey!' }
template: '{{=<% %>=}}(<%text%>)'
expected: '(Hey!)'
- name: Special Characters
desc: Characters with special meaning regexen should be valid delimiters.
data: { text: 'It worked!' }
template: '({{=[ ]=}}[text])'
expected: '(It worked!)'
- name: Sections
desc: Delimiters set outside sections should persist.
data: { section: true, data: 'I got interpolated.' }
template: |
{{= | | =}}
expected: |
I got interpolated.
I got interpolated.
- name: Inverted Sections
desc: Delimiters set outside inverted sections should persist.
data: { section: false, data: 'I got interpolated.' }
template: |
{{= | | =}}
expected: |
I got interpolated.
I got interpolated.
- name: Partial Inheritence
desc: Delimiters set in a parent template should not affect a partial.
data: { value: 'yes' }
include: '.{{value}}.'
template: |
[ {{>include}} ]
{{= | | =}}
[ |>include| ]
expected: |
[ .yes. ]
[ .yes. ]
- name: Post-Partial Behavior
desc: Delimiters set in a partial should not affect the parent template.
data: { value: 'yes' }
include: '.{{value}}. {{= | | =}} .|value|.'
template: |
[ {{>include}} ]
[ .{{value}}. .|value|. ]
expected: |
[ .yes. .yes. ]
[ .yes. .|value|. ]
# Whitespace Sensitivity
- name: Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Surrounding whitespace should be left untouched.
data: { }
template: '| {{=@ @=}} |'
expected: '| |'
- name: Outlying Whitespace (Inline)
desc: Whitespace should be left untouched.
data: { }
template: " | {{=@ @=}}\n"
expected: " | \n"
- name: Standalone Tag
desc: Standalone lines should be removed from the template.
data: { }
template: |
{{=@ @=}}
expected: |
- name: Indented Standalone Tag
desc: Indented standalone lines should be removed from the template.
data: { }
template: |
{{=@ @=}}
expected: |
- name: Standalone Line Endings
desc: '"\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags.'
data: { }
template: "|\r\n{{= @ @ =}}\r\n|"
expected: "|\r\n|"
- name: Standalone Without Previous Line
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them.
data: { }
template: " {{=@ @=}}\n="
expected: "="
- name: Standalone Without Newline
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them.
data: { }
template: "=\n {{=@ @=}}"
expected: "=\n"
# Whitespace Insensitivity
- name: Pair with Padding
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { }
template: '|{{= @ @ =}}|'
expected: '||'
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Interpolation tags are used to integrate dynamic content into the template.\n\nThe tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing\nthe current closing delimiter.\n\nThis tag's content names the data to replace the tag. A single period (`.`)\nindicates that the item currently sitting atop the context stack should be\nused; otherwise, name resolution is as follows:\n 1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any\n remaining parts should be retained.\n 2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context\n that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding\n to a method with the given name.\n 3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the\n name.\n 4) If the context is an object, the data is the value returned by the\n method with the given name.\n 5) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved\n against a context stack containing only the result from the former\n resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered\n falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.\nData should be coerced into a string (and escaped, if appropriate) before\ninterpolation.\n\nThe Interpolation tags MUST NOT be treated as standalone.\n","tests":[{"name":"No Interpolation","data":{},"expected":"Hello from {Mustache}!\n","template":"Hello from {Mustache}!\n","desc":"Mustache-free templates should render as-is."},{"name":"Basic Interpolation","data":{"subject":"world"},"expected":"Hello, world!\n","template":"Hello, {{subject}}!\n","desc":"Unadorned tags should interpolate content into the template."},{"name":"HTML Escaping","data":{"forbidden":"& \" < >"},"expected":"These characters should be HTML escaped: &amp; &quot; &lt; &gt;\n","template":"These characters should be HTML escaped: {{forbidden}}\n","desc":"Basic interpolation should be HTML escaped."},{"name":"Triple Mustache","data":{"forbidden":"& \" < >"},"expected":"These characters should not be HTML escaped: & \" < >\n","template":"These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{{forbidden}}}\n","desc":"Triple mustaches should interpolate without HTML escaping."},{"name":"Ampersand","data":{"forbidden":"& \" < >"},"expected":"These characters should not be HTML escaped: & \" < >\n","template":"These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{&forbidden}}\n","desc":"Ampersand should interpolate without HTML escaping."},{"name":"Basic Integer Interpolation","data":{"mph":85},"expected":"\"85 miles an hour!\"","template":"\"{{mph}} miles an hour!\"","desc":"Integers should interpolate seamlessly."},{"name":"Triple Mustache Integer Interpolation","data":{"mph":85},"expected":"\"85 miles an hour!\"","template":"\"{{{mph}}} miles an hour!\"","desc":"Integers should interpolate seamlessly."},{"name":"Ampersand Integer Interpolation","data":{"mph":85},"expected":"\"85 miles an hour!\"","template":"\"{{&mph}} miles an hour!\"","desc":"Integers should interpolate seamlessly."},{"name":"Basic Decimal Interpolation","data":{"power":1.21},"expected":"\"1.21 jiggawatts!\"","template":"\"{{power}} jiggawatts!\"","desc":"Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance."},{"name":"Triple Mustache Decimal Interpolation","data":{"power":1.21},"expected":"\"1.21 jiggawatts!\"","template":"\"{{{power}}} jiggawatts!\"","desc":"Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance."},{"name":"Ampersand Decimal Interpolation","data":{"power":1.21},"expected":"\"1.21 jiggawatts!\"","template":"\"{{&power}} jiggawatts!\"","desc":"Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance."},{"name":"Basic Context Miss Interpolation","data":{},"expected":"I () be seen!","template":"I ({{cannot}}) be seen!","desc":"Failed context lookups should default to empty strings."},{"name":"Triple Mustache Context Miss Interpolation","data":{},"expected":"I () be seen!","template":"I ({{{cannot}}}) be seen!","desc":"Failed context lookups should default to empty strings."},{"name":"Ampersand Context Miss Interpolation","data":{},"expected":"I () be seen!","template":"I ({{&cannot}}) be seen!","desc":"Failed context lookups should default to empty strings."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Basic Interpolation","data":{"person":{"name":"Joe"}},"expected":"\"Joe\" == \"Joe\"","template":"\"{{}}\" == \"{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}\"","desc":"Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Triple Mustache Interpolation","data":{"person":{"name":"Joe"}},"expected":"\"Joe\" == \"Joe\"","template":"\"{{{}}}\" == \"{{#person}}{{{name}}}{{/person}}\"","desc":"Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Ampersand Interpolation","data":{"person":{"name":"Joe"}},"expected":"\"Joe\" == \"Joe\"","template":"\"{{&}}\" == \"{{#person}}{{&name}}{{/person}}\"","desc":"Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Arbitrary Depth","data":{"a":{"b":{"c":{"d":{"e":{"name":"Phil"}}}}}},"expected":"\"Phil\" == \"Phil\"","template":"\"{{}}\" == \"Phil\"","desc":"Dotted names should be functional to any level of nesting."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Broken Chains","data":{"a":{}},"expected":"\"\" == \"\"","template":"\"{{a.b.c}}\" == \"\"","desc":"Any falsey value prior to the last part of the name should yield ''."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Broken Chain Resolution","data":{"a":{"b":{}},"c":{"name":"Jim"}},"expected":"\"\" == \"\"","template":"\"{{}}\" == \"\"","desc":"Each part of a dotted name should resolve only against its parent."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Initial Resolution","data":{"a":{"b":{"c":{"d":{"e":{"name":"Phil"}}}}},"b":{"c":{"d":{"e":{"name":"Wrong"}}}}},"expected":"\"Phil\" == \"Phil\"","template":"\"{{#a}}{{}}{{/a}}\" == \"Phil\"","desc":"The first part of a dotted name should resolve as any other name."},{"name":"Interpolation - Surrounding Whitespace","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":"| --- |","template":"| {{string}} |","desc":"Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Triple Mustache - Surrounding Whitespace","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":"| --- |","template":"| {{{string}}} |","desc":"Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Ampersand - Surrounding Whitespace","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":"| --- |","template":"| {{&string}} |","desc":"Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Interpolation - Standalone","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":" ---\n","template":" {{string}}\n","desc":"Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Triple Mustache - Standalone","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":" ---\n","template":" {{{string}}}\n","desc":"Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Ampersand - Standalone","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":" ---\n","template":" {{&string}}\n","desc":"Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Interpolation With Padding","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":"|---|","template":"|{{ string }}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored."},{"name":"Triple Mustache With Padding","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":"|---|","template":"|{{{ string }}}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored."},{"name":"Ampersand With Padding","data":{"string":"---"},"expected":"|---|","template":"|{{& string }}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored."}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Interpolation tags are used to integrate dynamic content into the template.
The tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing
the current closing delimiter.
This tag's content names the data to replace the tag. A single period (`.`)
indicates that the item currently sitting atop the context stack should be
used; otherwise, name resolution is as follows:
1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any
remaining parts should be retained.
2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context
that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding
to a method with the given name.
3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the
4) If the context is an object, the data is the value returned by the
method with the given name.
5) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved
against a context stack containing only the result from the former
resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered
falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
Data should be coerced into a string (and escaped, if appropriate) before
The Interpolation tags MUST NOT be treated as standalone.
- name: No Interpolation
desc: Mustache-free templates should render as-is.
data: { }
template: |
Hello from {Mustache}!
expected: |
Hello from {Mustache}!
- name: Basic Interpolation
desc: Unadorned tags should interpolate content into the template.
data: { subject: "world" }
template: |
Hello, {{subject}}!
expected: |
Hello, world!
- name: HTML Escaping
desc: Basic interpolation should be HTML escaped.
data: { forbidden: '& " < >' }
template: |
These characters should be HTML escaped: {{forbidden}}
expected: |
These characters should be HTML escaped: &amp; &quot; &lt; &gt;
- name: Triple Mustache
desc: Triple mustaches should interpolate without HTML escaping.
data: { forbidden: '& " < >' }
template: |
These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{{forbidden}}}
expected: |
These characters should not be HTML escaped: & " < >
- name: Ampersand
desc: Ampersand should interpolate without HTML escaping.
data: { forbidden: '& " < >' }
template: |
These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{&forbidden}}
expected: |
These characters should not be HTML escaped: & " < >
- name: Basic Integer Interpolation
desc: Integers should interpolate seamlessly.
data: { mph: 85 }
template: '"{{mph}} miles an hour!"'
expected: '"85 miles an hour!"'
- name: Triple Mustache Integer Interpolation
desc: Integers should interpolate seamlessly.
data: { mph: 85 }
template: '"{{{mph}}} miles an hour!"'
expected: '"85 miles an hour!"'
- name: Ampersand Integer Interpolation
desc: Integers should interpolate seamlessly.
data: { mph: 85 }
template: '"{{&mph}} miles an hour!"'
expected: '"85 miles an hour!"'
- name: Basic Decimal Interpolation
desc: Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance.
data: { power: 1.210 }
template: '"{{power}} jiggawatts!"'
expected: '"1.21 jiggawatts!"'
- name: Triple Mustache Decimal Interpolation
desc: Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance.
data: { power: 1.210 }
template: '"{{{power}}} jiggawatts!"'
expected: '"1.21 jiggawatts!"'
- name: Ampersand Decimal Interpolation
desc: Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance.
data: { power: 1.210 }
template: '"{{&power}} jiggawatts!"'
expected: '"1.21 jiggawatts!"'
# Context Misses
- name: Basic Context Miss Interpolation
desc: Failed context lookups should default to empty strings.
data: { }
template: "I ({{cannot}}) be seen!"
expected: "I () be seen!"
- name: Triple Mustache Context Miss Interpolation
desc: Failed context lookups should default to empty strings.
data: { }
template: "I ({{{cannot}}}) be seen!"
expected: "I () be seen!"
- name: Ampersand Context Miss Interpolation
desc: Failed context lookups should default to empty strings.
data: { }
template: "I ({{&cannot}}) be seen!"
expected: "I () be seen!"
# Dotted Names
- name: Dotted Names - Basic Interpolation
desc: Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections.
data: { person: { name: 'Joe' } }
template: '"{{}}" == "{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}"'
expected: '"Joe" == "Joe"'
- name: Dotted Names - Triple Mustache Interpolation
desc: Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections.
data: { person: { name: 'Joe' } }
template: '"{{{}}}" == "{{#person}}{{{name}}}{{/person}}"'
expected: '"Joe" == "Joe"'
- name: Dotted Names - Ampersand Interpolation
desc: Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections.
data: { person: { name: 'Joe' } }
template: '"{{&}}" == "{{#person}}{{&name}}{{/person}}"'
expected: '"Joe" == "Joe"'
- name: Dotted Names - Arbitrary Depth
desc: Dotted names should be functional to any level of nesting.
a: { b: { c: { d: { e: { name: 'Phil' } } } } }
template: '"{{}}" == "Phil"'
expected: '"Phil" == "Phil"'
- name: Dotted Names - Broken Chains
desc: Any falsey value prior to the last part of the name should yield ''.
a: { }
template: '"{{a.b.c}}" == ""'
expected: '"" == ""'
- name: Dotted Names - Broken Chain Resolution
desc: Each part of a dotted name should resolve only against its parent.
a: { b: { } }
c: { name: 'Jim' }
template: '"{{}}" == ""'
expected: '"" == ""'
- name: Dotted Names - Initial Resolution
desc: The first part of a dotted name should resolve as any other name.
a: { b: { c: { d: { e: { name: 'Phil' } } } } }
b: { c: { d: { e: { name: 'Wrong' } } } }
template: '"{{#a}}{{}}{{/a}}" == "Phil"'
expected: '"Phil" == "Phil"'
# Whitespace Sensitivity
- name: Interpolation - Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { string: '---' }
template: '| {{string}} |'
expected: '| --- |'
- name: Triple Mustache - Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { string: '---' }
template: '| {{{string}}} |'
expected: '| --- |'
- name: Ampersand - Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { string: '---' }
template: '| {{&string}} |'
expected: '| --- |'
- name: Interpolation - Standalone
desc: Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { string: '---' }
template: " {{string}}\n"
expected: " ---\n"
- name: Triple Mustache - Standalone
desc: Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { string: '---' }
template: " {{{string}}}\n"
expected: " ---\n"
- name: Ampersand - Standalone
desc: Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { string: '---' }
template: " {{&string}}\n"
expected: " ---\n"
# Whitespace Insensitivity
- name: Interpolation With Padding
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { string: "---" }
template: '|{{ string }}|'
expected: '|---|'
- name: Triple Mustache With Padding
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { string: "---" }
template: '|{{{ string }}}|'
expected: '|---|'
- name: Ampersand With Padding
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { string: "---" }
template: '|{{& string }}|'
expected: '|---|'
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Inverted Section tags and End Section tags are used in combination to wrap a\nsection of the template.\n\nThese tags' content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT\ncontaining the current closing delimiter; each Inverted Section tag MUST be\nfollowed by an End Section tag with the same content within the same\nsection.\n\nThis tag's content names the data to replace the tag. Name resolution is as\nfollows:\n 1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any\n remaining parts should be retained.\n 2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context\n that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding\n to a method with the given name.\n 3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the\n name.\n 4) If the context is an object and the method with the given name has an\n arity of 1, the method SHOULD be called with a String containing the\n unprocessed contents of the sections; the data is the value returned.\n 5) Otherwise, the data is the value returned by calling the method with\n the given name.\n 6) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved\n against a context stack containing only the result from the former\n resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered\n falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.\nIf the data is not of a list type, it is coerced into a list as follows: if\nthe data is truthy (e.g. `!!data == true`), use a single-element list\ncontaining the data, otherwise use an empty list.\n\nThis section MUST NOT be rendered unless the data list is empty.\n\nInverted Section and End Section tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when\nappropriate.\n","tests":[{"name":"Falsey","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"\"This should be rendered.\"","template":"\"{{^boolean}}This should be rendered.{{/boolean}}\"","desc":"Falsey sections should have their contents rendered."},{"name":"Truthy","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"\"\"","template":"\"{{^boolean}}This should not be rendered.{{/boolean}}\"","desc":"Truthy sections should have their contents omitted."},{"name":"Context","data":{"context":{"name":"Joe"}},"expected":"\"\"","template":"\"{{^context}}Hi {{name}}.{{/context}}\"","desc":"Objects and hashes should behave like truthy values."},{"name":"List","data":{"list":[{"n":1},{"n":2},{"n":3}]},"expected":"\"\"","template":"\"{{^list}}{{n}}{{/list}}\"","desc":"Lists should behave like truthy values."},{"name":"Empty List","data":{"list":[]},"expected":"\"Yay lists!\"","template":"\"{{^list}}Yay lists!{{/list}}\"","desc":"Empty lists should behave like falsey values."},{"name":"Doubled","data":{"two":"second","bool":false},"expected":"* first\n* second\n* third\n","template":"{{^bool}}\n* first\n{{/bool}}\n* {{two}}\n{{^bool}}\n* third\n{{/bool}}\n","desc":"Multiple inverted sections per template should be permitted."},{"name":"Nested (Falsey)","data":{"bool":false},"expected":"| A B C D E |","template":"| A {{^bool}}B {{^bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |","desc":"Nested falsey sections should have their contents rendered."},{"name":"Nested (Truthy)","data":{"bool":true},"expected":"| A E |","template":"| A {{^bool}}B {{^bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |","desc":"Nested truthy sections should be omitted."},{"name":"Context Misses","data":{},"expected":"[Cannot find key 'missing'!]","template":"[{{^missing}}Cannot find key 'missing'!{{/missing}}]","desc":"Failed context lookups should be considered falsey."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Truthy","data":{"a":{"b":{"c":true}}},"expected":"\"\" == \"\"","template":"\"{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}\" == \"\"","desc":"Dotted names should be valid for Inverted Section tags."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Falsey","data":{"a":{"b":{"c":false}}},"expected":"\"Not Here\" == \"Not Here\"","template":"\"{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}\" == \"Not Here\"","desc":"Dotted names should be valid for Inverted Section tags."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Broken Chains","data":{"a":{}},"expected":"\"Not Here\" == \"Not Here\"","template":"\"{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}\" == \"Not Here\"","desc":"Dotted names that cannot be resolved should be considered falsey."},{"name":"Surrounding Whitespace","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":" | \t|\t | \n","template":" | {{^boolean}}\t|\t{{/boolean}} | \n","desc":"Inverted sections should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Internal Whitespace","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":" | \n | \n","template":" | {{^boolean}} {{! Important Whitespace }}\n {{/boolean}} | \n","desc":"Inverted should not alter internal whitespace."},{"name":"Indented Inline Sections","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":" NO\n WAY\n","template":" {{^boolean}}NO{{/boolean}}\n {{^boolean}}WAY{{/boolean}}\n","desc":"Single-line sections should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Standalone Lines","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"| This Is\n|\n| A Line\n","template":"| This Is\n{{^boolean}}\n|\n{{/boolean}}\n| A Line\n","desc":"Standalone lines should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Standalone Indented Lines","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"| This Is\n|\n| A Line\n","template":"| This Is\n {{^boolean}}\n|\n {{/boolean}}\n| A Line\n","desc":"Standalone indented lines should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Standalone Line Endings","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"|\r\n|","template":"|\r\n{{^boolean}}\r\n{{/boolean}}\r\n|","desc":"\"\\r\\n\" should be considered a newline for standalone tags."},{"name":"Standalone Without Previous Line","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"^\n/","template":" {{^boolean}}\n^{{/boolean}}\n/","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them."},{"name":"Standalone Without Newline","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"^\n/\n","template":"^{{^boolean}}\n/\n {{/boolean}}","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them."},{"name":"Padding","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"|=|","template":"|{{^ boolean }}={{/ boolean }}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored."}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Inverted Section tags and End Section tags are used in combination to wrap a
section of the template.
These tags' content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT
containing the current closing delimiter; each Inverted Section tag MUST be
followed by an End Section tag with the same content within the same
This tag's content names the data to replace the tag. Name resolution is as
1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any
remaining parts should be retained.
2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context
that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding
to a method with the given name.
3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the
4) If the context is an object and the method with the given name has an
arity of 1, the method SHOULD be called with a String containing the
unprocessed contents of the sections; the data is the value returned.
5) Otherwise, the data is the value returned by calling the method with
the given name.
6) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved
against a context stack containing only the result from the former
resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered
falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
If the data is not of a list type, it is coerced into a list as follows: if
the data is truthy (e.g. `!!data == true`), use a single-element list
containing the data, otherwise use an empty list.
This section MUST NOT be rendered unless the data list is empty.
Inverted Section and End Section tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when
- name: Falsey
desc: Falsey sections should have their contents rendered.
data: { boolean: false }
template: '"{{^boolean}}This should be rendered.{{/boolean}}"'
expected: '"This should be rendered."'
- name: Truthy
desc: Truthy sections should have their contents omitted.
data: { boolean: true }
template: '"{{^boolean}}This should not be rendered.{{/boolean}}"'
expected: '""'
- name: Context
desc: Objects and hashes should behave like truthy values.
data: { context: { name: 'Joe' } }
template: '"{{^context}}Hi {{name}}.{{/context}}"'
expected: '""'
- name: List
desc: Lists should behave like truthy values.
data: { list: [ { n: 1 }, { n: 2 }, { n: 3 } ] }
template: '"{{^list}}{{n}}{{/list}}"'
expected: '""'
- name: Empty List
desc: Empty lists should behave like falsey values.
data: { list: [ ] }
template: '"{{^list}}Yay lists!{{/list}}"'
expected: '"Yay lists!"'
- name: Doubled
desc: Multiple inverted sections per template should be permitted.
data: { bool: false, two: 'second' }
template: |
* first
* {{two}}
* third
expected: |
* first
* second
* third
- name: Nested (Falsey)
desc: Nested falsey sections should have their contents rendered.
data: { bool: false }
template: "| A {{^bool}}B {{^bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"
expected: "| A B C D E |"
- name: Nested (Truthy)
desc: Nested truthy sections should be omitted.
data: { bool: true }
template: "| A {{^bool}}B {{^bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"
expected: "| A E |"
- name: Context Misses
desc: Failed context lookups should be considered falsey.
data: { }
template: "[{{^missing}}Cannot find key 'missing'!{{/missing}}]"
expected: "[Cannot find key 'missing'!]"
# Dotted Names
- name: Dotted Names - Truthy
desc: Dotted names should be valid for Inverted Section tags.
data: { a: { b: { c: true } } }
template: '"{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}" == ""'
expected: '"" == ""'
- name: Dotted Names - Falsey
desc: Dotted names should be valid for Inverted Section tags.
data: { a: { b: { c: false } } }
template: '"{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "Not Here"'
expected: '"Not Here" == "Not Here"'
- name: Dotted Names - Broken Chains
desc: Dotted names that cannot be resolved should be considered falsey.
data: { a: { } }
template: '"{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "Not Here"'
expected: '"Not Here" == "Not Here"'
# Whitespace Sensitivity
- name: Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Inverted sections should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { boolean: false }
template: " | {{^boolean}}\t|\t{{/boolean}} | \n"
expected: " | \t|\t | \n"
- name: Internal Whitespace
desc: Inverted should not alter internal whitespace.
data: { boolean: false }
template: " | {{^boolean}} {{! Important Whitespace }}\n {{/boolean}} | \n"
expected: " | \n | \n"
- name: Indented Inline Sections
desc: Single-line sections should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { boolean: false }
template: " {{^boolean}}NO{{/boolean}}\n {{^boolean}}WAY{{/boolean}}\n"
expected: " NO\n WAY\n"
- name: Standalone Lines
desc: Standalone lines should be removed from the template.
data: { boolean: false }
template: |
| This Is
| A Line
expected: |
| This Is
| A Line
- name: Standalone Indented Lines
desc: Standalone indented lines should be removed from the template.
data: { boolean: false }
template: |
| This Is
| A Line
expected: |
| This Is
| A Line
- name: Standalone Line Endings
desc: '"\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags.'
data: { boolean: false }
template: "|\r\n{{^boolean}}\r\n{{/boolean}}\r\n|"
expected: "|\r\n|"
- name: Standalone Without Previous Line
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them.
data: { boolean: false }
template: " {{^boolean}}\n^{{/boolean}}\n/"
expected: "^\n/"
- name: Standalone Without Newline
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them.
data: { boolean: false }
template: "^{{^boolean}}\n/\n {{/boolean}}"
expected: "^\n/\n"
# Whitespace Insensitivity
- name: Padding
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { boolean: false }
template: '|{{^ boolean }}={{/ boolean }}|'
expected: '|=|'
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Partial tags are used to expand an external template into the current\ntemplate.\n\nThe tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing\nthe current closing delimiter.\n\nThis tag's content names the partial to inject. Set Delimiter tags MUST NOT\naffect the parsing of a partial. The partial MUST be rendered against the\ncontext stack local to the tag. If the named partial cannot be found, the\nempty string SHOULD be used instead, as in interpolations.\n\nPartial tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when appropriate. If this tag\nis used standalone, any whitespace preceding the tag should treated as\nindentation, and prepended to each line of the partial before rendering.\n","tests":[{"name":"Basic Behavior","data":{},"expected":"\"from partial\"","template":"\"{{>text}}\"","desc":"The greater-than operator should expand to the named partial.","partials":{"text":"from partial"}},{"name":"Failed Lookup","data":{},"expected":"\"\"","template":"\"{{>text}}\"","desc":"The empty string should be used when the named partial is not found.","partials":{}},{"name":"Context","data":{"text":"content"},"expected":"\"*content*\"","template":"\"{{>partial}}\"","desc":"The greater-than operator should operate within the current context.","partials":{"partial":"*{{text}}*"}},{"name":"Recursion","data":{"content":"X","nodes":[{"content":"Y","nodes":[]}]},"expected":"X<Y<>>","template":"{{>node}}","desc":"The greater-than operator should properly recurse.","partials":{"node":"{{content}}<{{#nodes}}{{>node}}{{/nodes}}>"}},{"name":"Surrounding Whitespace","data":{},"expected":"| \t|\t |","template":"| {{>partial}} |","desc":"The greater-than operator should not alter surrounding whitespace.","partials":{"partial":"\t|\t"}},{"name":"Inline Indentation","data":{"data":"|"},"expected":" | >\n>\n","template":" {{data}} {{> partial}}\n","desc":"Whitespace should be left untouched.","partials":{"partial":">\n>"}},{"name":"Standalone Line Endings","data":{},"expected":"|\r\n>|","template":"|\r\n{{>partial}}\r\n|","desc":"\"\\r\\n\" should be considered a newline for standalone tags.","partials":{"partial":">"}},{"name":"Standalone Without Previous Line","data":{},"expected":" >\n >>","template":" {{>partial}}\n>","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them.","partials":{"partial":">\n>"}},{"name":"Standalone Without Newline","data":{},"expected":">\n >\n >","template":">\n {{>partial}}","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them.","partials":{"partial":">\n>"}},{"name":"Standalone Indentation","data":{"content":"<\n->"},"expected":"\\\n |\n <\n->\n |\n/\n","template":"\\\n {{>partial}}\n/\n","desc":"Each line of the partial should be indented before rendering.","partials":{"partial":"|\n{{{content}}}\n|\n"}},{"name":"Padding Whitespace","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"|[]|","template":"|{{> partial }}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.","partials":{"partial":"[]"}}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Partial tags are used to expand an external template into the current
The tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing
the current closing delimiter.
This tag's content names the partial to inject. Set Delimiter tags MUST NOT
affect the parsing of a partial. The partial MUST be rendered against the
context stack local to the tag. If the named partial cannot be found, the
empty string SHOULD be used instead, as in interpolations.
Partial tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when appropriate. If this tag
is used standalone, any whitespace preceding the tag should treated as
indentation, and prepended to each line of the partial before rendering.
- name: Basic Behavior
desc: The greater-than operator should expand to the named partial.
data: { }
template: '"{{>text}}"'
partials: { text: 'from partial' }
expected: '"from partial"'
- name: Failed Lookup
desc: The empty string should be used when the named partial is not found.
data: { }
template: '"{{>text}}"'
partials: { }
expected: '""'
- name: Context
desc: The greater-than operator should operate within the current context.
data: { text: 'content' }
template: '"{{>partial}}"'
partials: { partial: '*{{text}}*' }
expected: '"*content*"'
- name: Recursion
desc: The greater-than operator should properly recurse.
data: { content: "X", nodes: [ { content: "Y", nodes: [] } ] }
template: '{{>node}}'
partials: { node: '{{content}}<{{#nodes}}{{>node}}{{/nodes}}>' }
expected: 'X<Y<>>'
# Whitespace Sensitivity
- name: Surrounding Whitespace
desc: The greater-than operator should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { }
template: '| {{>partial}} |'
partials: { partial: "\t|\t" }
expected: "| \t|\t |"
- name: Inline Indentation
desc: Whitespace should be left untouched.
data: { data: '|' }
template: " {{data}} {{> partial}}\n"
partials: { partial: ">\n>" }
expected: " | >\n>\n"
- name: Standalone Line Endings
desc: '"\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags.'
data: { }
template: "|\r\n{{>partial}}\r\n|"
partials: { partial: ">" }
expected: "|\r\n>|"
- name: Standalone Without Previous Line
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them.
data: { }
template: " {{>partial}}\n>"
partials: { partial: ">\n>"}
expected: " >\n >>"
- name: Standalone Without Newline
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them.
data: { }
template: ">\n {{>partial}}"
partials: { partial: ">\n>" }
expected: ">\n >\n >"
- name: Standalone Indentation
desc: Each line of the partial should be indented before rendering.
data: { content: "<\n->" }
template: |
partial: |
expected: |
# Whitespace Insensitivity
- name: Padding Whitespace
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { boolean: true }
template: "|{{> partial }}|"
partials: { partial: "[]" }
expected: '|[]|'
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Section tags and End Section tags are used in combination to wrap a section\nof the template for iteration\n\nThese tags' content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT\ncontaining the current closing delimiter; each Section tag MUST be followed\nby an End Section tag with the same content within the same section.\n\nThis tag's content names the data to replace the tag. Name resolution is as\nfollows:\n 1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any\n remaining parts should be retained.\n 2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context\n that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding\n to a method with the given name.\n 3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the\n name.\n 4) If the context is an object and the method with the given name has an\n arity of 1, the method SHOULD be called with a String containing the\n unprocessed contents of the sections; the data is the value returned.\n 5) Otherwise, the data is the value returned by calling the method with\n the given name.\n 6) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved\n against a context stack containing only the result from the former\n resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered\n falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.\nIf the data is not of a list type, it is coerced into a list as follows: if\nthe data is truthy (e.g. `!!data == true`), use a single-element list\ncontaining the data, otherwise use an empty list.\n\nFor each element in the data list, the element MUST be pushed onto the\ncontext stack, the section MUST be rendered, and the element MUST be popped\noff the context stack.\n\nSection and End Section tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when\nappropriate.\n","tests":[{"name":"Truthy","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"\"This should be rendered.\"","template":"\"{{#boolean}}This should be rendered.{{/boolean}}\"","desc":"Truthy sections should have their contents rendered."},{"name":"Falsey","data":{"boolean":false},"expected":"\"\"","template":"\"{{#boolean}}This should not be rendered.{{/boolean}}\"","desc":"Falsey sections should have their contents omitted."},{"name":"Context","data":{"context":{"name":"Joe"}},"expected":"\"Hi Joe.\"","template":"\"{{#context}}Hi {{name}}.{{/context}}\"","desc":"Objects and hashes should be pushed onto the context stack."},{"name":"Deeply Nested Contexts","data":{"a":{"one":1},"b":{"two":2},"c":{"three":3},"d":{"four":4},"e":{"five":5}},"expected":"1\n121\n12321\n1234321\n123454321\n1234321\n12321\n121\n1\n","template":"{{#a}}\n{{one}}\n{{#b}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{#c}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{three}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{#d}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{three}}{{four}}{{three}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{#e}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{three}}{{four}}{{five}}{{four}}{{three}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{/e}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{three}}{{four}}{{three}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{/d}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{three}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{/c}}\n{{one}}{{two}}{{one}}\n{{/b}}\n{{one}}\n{{/a}}\n","desc":"All elements on the context stack should be accessible."},{"name":"List","data":{"list":[{"item":1},{"item":2},{"item":3}]},"expected":"\"123\"","template":"\"{{#list}}{{item}}{{/list}}\"","desc":"Lists should be iterated; list items should visit the context stack."},{"name":"Empty List","data":{"list":[]},"expected":"\"\"","template":"\"{{#list}}Yay lists!{{/list}}\"","desc":"Empty lists should behave like falsey values."},{"name":"Doubled","data":{"two":"second","bool":true},"expected":"* first\n* second\n* third\n","template":"{{#bool}}\n* first\n{{/bool}}\n* {{two}}\n{{#bool}}\n* third\n{{/bool}}\n","desc":"Multiple sections per template should be permitted."},{"name":"Nested (Truthy)","data":{"bool":true},"expected":"| A B C D E |","template":"| A {{#bool}}B {{#bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |","desc":"Nested truthy sections should have their contents rendered."},{"name":"Nested (Falsey)","data":{"bool":false},"expected":"| A E |","template":"| A {{#bool}}B {{#bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |","desc":"Nested falsey sections should be omitted."},{"name":"Context Misses","data":{},"expected":"[]","template":"[{{#missing}}Found key 'missing'!{{/missing}}]","desc":"Failed context lookups should be considered falsey."},{"name":"Implicit Iterator - String","data":{"list":["a","b","c","d","e"]},"expected":"\"(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)\"","template":"\"{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}\"","desc":"Implicit iterators should directly interpolate strings."},{"name":"Implicit Iterator - Integer","data":{"list":[1,2,3,4,5]},"expected":"\"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)\"","template":"\"{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}\"","desc":"Implicit iterators should cast integers to strings and interpolate."},{"name":"Implicit Iterator - Decimal","data":{"list":[1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5]},"expected":"\"(1.1)(2.2)(3.3)(4.4)(5.5)\"","template":"\"{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}\"","desc":"Implicit iterators should cast decimals to strings and interpolate."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Truthy","data":{"a":{"b":{"c":true}}},"expected":"\"Here\" == \"Here\"","template":"\"{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}\" == \"Here\"","desc":"Dotted names should be valid for Section tags."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Falsey","data":{"a":{"b":{"c":false}}},"expected":"\"\" == \"\"","template":"\"{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}\" == \"\"","desc":"Dotted names should be valid for Section tags."},{"name":"Dotted Names - Broken Chains","data":{"a":{}},"expected":"\"\" == \"\"","template":"\"{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}\" == \"\"","desc":"Dotted names that cannot be resolved should be considered falsey."},{"name":"Surrounding Whitespace","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":" | \t|\t | \n","template":" | {{#boolean}}\t|\t{{/boolean}} | \n","desc":"Sections should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Internal Whitespace","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":" | \n | \n","template":" | {{#boolean}} {{! Important Whitespace }}\n {{/boolean}} | \n","desc":"Sections should not alter internal whitespace."},{"name":"Indented Inline Sections","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":" YES\n GOOD\n","template":" {{#boolean}}YES{{/boolean}}\n {{#boolean}}GOOD{{/boolean}}\n","desc":"Single-line sections should not alter surrounding whitespace."},{"name":"Standalone Lines","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"| This Is\n|\n| A Line\n","template":"| This Is\n{{#boolean}}\n|\n{{/boolean}}\n| A Line\n","desc":"Standalone lines should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Indented Standalone Lines","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"| This Is\n|\n| A Line\n","template":"| This Is\n {{#boolean}}\n|\n {{/boolean}}\n| A Line\n","desc":"Indented standalone lines should be removed from the template."},{"name":"Standalone Line Endings","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"|\r\n|","template":"|\r\n{{#boolean}}\r\n{{/boolean}}\r\n|","desc":"\"\\r\\n\" should be considered a newline for standalone tags."},{"name":"Standalone Without Previous Line","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"#\n/","template":" {{#boolean}}\n#{{/boolean}}\n/","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them."},{"name":"Standalone Without Newline","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"#\n/\n","template":"#{{#boolean}}\n/\n {{/boolean}}","desc":"Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them."},{"name":"Padding","data":{"boolean":true},"expected":"|=|","template":"|{{# boolean }}={{/ boolean }}|","desc":"Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored."}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Section tags and End Section tags are used in combination to wrap a section
of the template for iteration
These tags' content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT
containing the current closing delimiter; each Section tag MUST be followed
by an End Section tag with the same content within the same section.
This tag's content names the data to replace the tag. Name resolution is as
1) Split the name on periods; the first part is the name to resolve, any
remaining parts should be retained.
2) Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context
that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding
to a method with the given name.
3) If the context is a hash, the data is the value associated with the
4) If the context is an object and the method with the given name has an
arity of 1, the method SHOULD be called with a String containing the
unprocessed contents of the sections; the data is the value returned.
5) Otherwise, the data is the value returned by calling the method with
the given name.
6) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved
against a context stack containing only the result from the former
resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered
falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
If the data is not of a list type, it is coerced into a list as follows: if
the data is truthy (e.g. `!!data == true`), use a single-element list
containing the data, otherwise use an empty list.
For each element in the data list, the element MUST be pushed onto the
context stack, the section MUST be rendered, and the element MUST be popped
off the context stack.
Section and End Section tags SHOULD be treated as standalone when
- name: Truthy
desc: Truthy sections should have their contents rendered.
data: { boolean: true }
template: '"{{#boolean}}This should be rendered.{{/boolean}}"'
expected: '"This should be rendered."'
- name: Falsey
desc: Falsey sections should have their contents omitted.
data: { boolean: false }
template: '"{{#boolean}}This should not be rendered.{{/boolean}}"'
expected: '""'
- name: Context
desc: Objects and hashes should be pushed onto the context stack.
data: { context: { name: 'Joe' } }
template: '"{{#context}}Hi {{name}}.{{/context}}"'
expected: '"Hi Joe."'
- name: Deeply Nested Contexts
desc: All elements on the context stack should be accessible.
a: { one: 1 }
b: { two: 2 }
c: { three: 3 }
d: { four: 4 }
e: { five: 5 }
template: |
expected: |
- name: List
desc: Lists should be iterated; list items should visit the context stack.
data: { list: [ { item: 1 }, { item: 2 }, { item: 3 } ] }
template: '"{{#list}}{{item}}{{/list}}"'
expected: '"123"'
- name: Empty List
desc: Empty lists should behave like falsey values.
data: { list: [ ] }
template: '"{{#list}}Yay lists!{{/list}}"'
expected: '""'
- name: Doubled
desc: Multiple sections per template should be permitted.
data: { bool: true, two: 'second' }
template: |
* first
* {{two}}
* third
expected: |
* first
* second
* third
- name: Nested (Truthy)
desc: Nested truthy sections should have their contents rendered.
data: { bool: true }
template: "| A {{#bool}}B {{#bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"
expected: "| A B C D E |"
- name: Nested (Falsey)
desc: Nested falsey sections should be omitted.
data: { bool: false }
template: "| A {{#bool}}B {{#bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"
expected: "| A E |"
- name: Context Misses
desc: Failed context lookups should be considered falsey.
data: { }
template: "[{{#missing}}Found key 'missing'!{{/missing}}]"
expected: "[]"
# Implicit Iterators
- name: Implicit Iterator - String
desc: Implicit iterators should directly interpolate strings.
list: [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]
template: '"{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}"'
expected: '"(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)"'
- name: Implicit Iterator - Integer
desc: Implicit iterators should cast integers to strings and interpolate.
list: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
template: '"{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}"'
expected: '"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)"'
- name: Implicit Iterator - Decimal
desc: Implicit iterators should cast decimals to strings and interpolate.
list: [ 1.10, 2.20, 3.30, 4.40, 5.50 ]
template: '"{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}"'
expected: '"(1.1)(2.2)(3.3)(4.4)(5.5)"'
# Dotted Names
- name: Dotted Names - Truthy
desc: Dotted names should be valid for Section tags.
data: { a: { b: { c: true } } }
template: '"{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "Here"'
expected: '"Here" == "Here"'
- name: Dotted Names - Falsey
desc: Dotted names should be valid for Section tags.
data: { a: { b: { c: false } } }
template: '"{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}" == ""'
expected: '"" == ""'
- name: Dotted Names - Broken Chains
desc: Dotted names that cannot be resolved should be considered falsey.
data: { a: { } }
template: '"{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}" == ""'
expected: '"" == ""'
# Whitespace Sensitivity
- name: Surrounding Whitespace
desc: Sections should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { boolean: true }
template: " | {{#boolean}}\t|\t{{/boolean}} | \n"
expected: " | \t|\t | \n"
- name: Internal Whitespace
desc: Sections should not alter internal whitespace.
data: { boolean: true }
template: " | {{#boolean}} {{! Important Whitespace }}\n {{/boolean}} | \n"
expected: " | \n | \n"
- name: Indented Inline Sections
desc: Single-line sections should not alter surrounding whitespace.
data: { boolean: true }
template: " {{#boolean}}YES{{/boolean}}\n {{#boolean}}GOOD{{/boolean}}\n"
expected: " YES\n GOOD\n"
- name: Standalone Lines
desc: Standalone lines should be removed from the template.
data: { boolean: true }
template: |
| This Is
| A Line
expected: |
| This Is
| A Line
- name: Indented Standalone Lines
desc: Indented standalone lines should be removed from the template.
data: { boolean: true }
template: |
| This Is
| A Line
expected: |
| This Is
| A Line
- name: Standalone Line Endings
desc: '"\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags.'
data: { boolean: true }
template: "|\r\n{{#boolean}}\r\n{{/boolean}}\r\n|"
expected: "|\r\n|"
- name: Standalone Without Previous Line
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them.
data: { boolean: true }
template: " {{#boolean}}\n#{{/boolean}}\n/"
expected: "#\n/"
- name: Standalone Without Newline
desc: Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them.
data: { boolean: true }
template: "#{{#boolean}}\n/\n {{/boolean}}"
expected: "#\n/\n"
# Whitespace Insensitivity
- name: Padding
desc: Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored.
data: { boolean: true }
template: '|{{# boolean }}={{/ boolean }}|'
expected: '|=|'
{"__ATTN__":"Do not edit this file; changes belong in the appropriate YAML file.","overview":"Lambdas are a special-cased data type for use in interpolations and\nsections.\n\nWhen used as the data value for an Interpolation tag, the lambda MUST be\ntreatable as an arity 0 function, and invoked as such. The returned value\nMUST be rendered against the default delimiters, then interpolated in place\nof the lambda.\n\nWhen used as the data value for a Section tag, the lambda MUST be treatable\nas an arity 1 function, and invoked as such (passing a String containing the\nunprocessed section contents). The returned value MUST be rendered against\nthe current delimiters, then interpolated in place of the section.\n","tests":[{"name":"Interpolation","data":{"lambda":{"php":"return \"world\";","clojure":"(fn [] \"world\")","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { \"world\" }","python":"lambda: \"world\"","ruby":"proc { \"world\" }","js":"function() { return \"world\" }"}},"expected":"Hello, world!","template":"Hello, {{lambda}}!","desc":"A lambda's return value should be interpolated."},{"name":"Interpolation - Expansion","data":{"planet":"world","lambda":{"php":"return \"{{planet}}\";","clojure":"(fn [] \"{{planet}}\")","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { \"{{planet}}\" }","python":"lambda: \"{{planet}}\"","ruby":"proc { \"{{planet}}\" }","js":"function() { return \"{{planet}}\" }"}},"expected":"Hello, world!","template":"Hello, {{lambda}}!","desc":"A lambda's return value should be parsed."},{"name":"Interpolation - Alternate Delimiters","data":{"planet":"world","lambda":{"php":"return \"|planet| => {{planet}}\";","clojure":"(fn [] \"|planet| => {{planet}}\")","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { \"|planet| => {{planet}}\" }","python":"lambda: \"|planet| => {{planet}}\"","ruby":"proc { \"|planet| => {{planet}}\" }","js":"function() { return \"|planet| => {{planet}}\" }"}},"expected":"Hello, (|planet| => world)!","template":"{{= | | =}}\nHello, (|&lambda|)!","desc":"A lambda's return value should parse with the default delimiters."},{"name":"Interpolation - Multiple Calls","data":{"lambda":{"php":"global $calls; return ++$calls;","clojure":"(def g (atom 0)) (fn [] (swap! g inc))","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { no strict; $calls += 1 }","python":"lambda: globals().update(calls=globals().get(\"calls\",0)+1) or calls","ruby":"proc { $calls ||= 0; $calls += 1 }","js":"function() { return (g=(function(){return this})()).calls=(g.calls||0)+1 }"}},"expected":"1 == 2 == 3","template":"{{lambda}} == {{{lambda}}} == {{lambda}}","desc":"Interpolated lambdas should not be cached."},{"name":"Escaping","data":{"lambda":{"php":"return \">\";","clojure":"(fn [] \">\")","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { \">\" }","python":"lambda: \">\"","ruby":"proc { \">\" }","js":"function() { return \">\" }"}},"expected":"<&gt;>","template":"<{{lambda}}{{{lambda}}}","desc":"Lambda results should be appropriately escaped."},{"name":"Section","data":{"x":"Error!","lambda":{"php":"return ($text == \"{{x}}\") ? \"yes\" : \"no\";","clojure":"(fn [text] (if (= text \"{{x}}\") \"yes\" \"no\"))","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { $_[0] eq \"{{x}}\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\" }","python":"lambda text: text == \"{{x}}\" and \"yes\" or \"no\"","ruby":"proc { |text| text == \"{{x}}\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\" }","js":"function(txt) { return (txt == \"{{x}}\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\") }"}},"expected":"<yes>","template":"<{{#lambda}}{{x}}{{/lambda}}>","desc":"Lambdas used for sections should receive the raw section string."},{"name":"Section - Expansion","data":{"planet":"Earth","lambda":{"php":"return $text . \"{{planet}}\" . $text;","clojure":"(fn [text] (str text \"{{planet}}\" text))","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { $_[0] . \"{{planet}}\" . $_[0] }","python":"lambda text: \"%s{{planet}}%s\" % (text, text)","ruby":"proc { |text| \"#{text}{{planet}}#{text}\" }","js":"function(txt) { return txt + \"{{planet}}\" + txt }"}},"expected":"<-Earth->","template":"<{{#lambda}}-{{/lambda}}>","desc":"Lambdas used for sections should have their results parsed."},{"name":"Section - Alternate Delimiters","data":{"planet":"Earth","lambda":{"php":"return $text . \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" . $text;","clojure":"(fn [text] (str text \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" text))","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { $_[0] . \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" . $_[0] }","python":"lambda text: \"%s{{planet}} => |planet|%s\" % (text, text)","ruby":"proc { |text| \"#{text}{{planet}} => |planet|#{text}\" }","js":"function(txt) { return txt + \"{{planet}} => |planet|\" + txt }"}},"expected":"<-{{planet}} => Earth->","template":"{{= | | =}}<|#lambda|-|/lambda|>","desc":"Lambdas used for sections should parse with the current delimiters."},{"name":"Section - Multiple Calls","data":{"lambda":{"php":"return \"__\" . $text . \"__\";","clojure":"(fn [text] (str \"__\" text \"__\"))","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { \"__\" . $_[0] . \"__\" }","python":"lambda text: \"__%s__\" % (text)","ruby":"proc { |text| \"__#{text}__\" }","js":"function(txt) { return \"__\" + txt + \"__\" }"}},"expected":"__FILE__ != __LINE__","template":"{{#lambda}}FILE{{/lambda}} != {{#lambda}}LINE{{/lambda}}","desc":"Lambdas used for sections should not be cached."},{"name":"Inverted Section","data":{"static":"static","lambda":{"php":"return false;","clojure":"(fn [text] false)","__tag__":"code","perl":"sub { 0 }","python":"lambda text: 0","ruby":"proc { |text| false }","js":"function(txt) { return false }"}},"expected":"<>","template":"<{{^lambda}}{{static}}{{/lambda}}>","desc":"Lambdas used for inverted sections should be considered truthy."}]}
\ No newline at end of file
overview: |
Lambdas are a special-cased data type for use in interpolations and
When used as the data value for an Interpolation tag, the lambda MUST be
treatable as an arity 0 function, and invoked as such. The returned value
MUST be rendered against the default delimiters, then interpolated in place
of the lambda.
When used as the data value for a Section tag, the lambda MUST be treatable
as an arity 1 function, and invoked as such (passing a String containing the
unprocessed section contents). The returned value MUST be rendered against
the current delimiters, then interpolated in place of the section.
- name: Interpolation
desc: A lambda's return value should be interpolated.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { "world" }'
perl: 'sub { "world" }'
js: 'function() { return "world" }'
php: 'return "world";'
python: 'lambda: "world"'
clojure: '(fn [] "world")'
template: "Hello, {{lambda}}!"
expected: "Hello, world!"
- name: Interpolation - Expansion
desc: A lambda's return value should be parsed.
planet: "world"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { "{{planet}}" }'
perl: 'sub { "{{planet}}" }'
js: 'function() { return "{{planet}}" }'
php: 'return "{{planet}}";'
python: 'lambda: "{{planet}}"'
clojure: '(fn [] "{{planet}}")'
template: "Hello, {{lambda}}!"
expected: "Hello, world!"
- name: Interpolation - Alternate Delimiters
desc: A lambda's return value should parse with the default delimiters.
planet: "world"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { "|planet| => {{planet}}" }'
perl: 'sub { "|planet| => {{planet}}" }'
js: 'function() { return "|planet| => {{planet}}" }'
php: 'return "|planet| => {{planet}}";'
python: 'lambda: "|planet| => {{planet}}"'
clojure: '(fn [] "|planet| => {{planet}}")'
template: "{{= | | =}}\nHello, (|&lambda|)!"
expected: "Hello, (|planet| => world)!"
- name: Interpolation - Multiple Calls
desc: Interpolated lambdas should not be cached.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { $calls ||= 0; $calls += 1 }'
perl: 'sub { no strict; $calls += 1 }'
js: 'function() { return (g=(function(){return this})()).calls=(g.calls||0)+1 }'
php: 'global $calls; return ++$calls;'
python: 'lambda: globals().update(calls=globals().get("calls",0)+1) or calls'
clojure: '(def g (atom 0)) (fn [] (swap! g inc))'
template: '{{lambda}} == {{{lambda}}} == {{lambda}}'
expected: '1 == 2 == 3'
- name: Escaping
desc: Lambda results should be appropriately escaped.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { ">" }'
perl: 'sub { ">" }'
js: 'function() { return ">" }'
php: 'return ">";'
python: 'lambda: ">"'
clojure: '(fn [] ">")'
template: "<{{lambda}}{{{lambda}}}"
expected: "<&gt;>"
- name: Section
desc: Lambdas used for sections should receive the raw section string.
x: 'Error!'
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| text == "{{x}}" ? "yes" : "no" }'
perl: 'sub { $_[0] eq "{{x}}" ? "yes" : "no" }'
js: 'function(txt) { return (txt == "{{x}}" ? "yes" : "no") }'
php: 'return ($text == "{{x}}") ? "yes" : "no";'
python: 'lambda text: text == "{{x}}" and "yes" or "no"'
clojure: '(fn [text] (if (= text "{{x}}") "yes" "no"))'
template: "<{{#lambda}}{{x}}{{/lambda}}>"
expected: "<yes>"
- name: Section - Expansion
desc: Lambdas used for sections should have their results parsed.
planet: "Earth"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| "#{text}{{planet}}#{text}" }'
perl: 'sub { $_[0] . "{{planet}}" . $_[0] }'
js: 'function(txt) { return txt + "{{planet}}" + txt }'
php: 'return $text . "{{planet}}" . $text;'
python: 'lambda text: "%s{{planet}}%s" % (text, text)'
clojure: '(fn [text] (str text "{{planet}}" text))'
template: "<{{#lambda}}-{{/lambda}}>"
expected: "<-Earth->"
- name: Section - Alternate Delimiters
desc: Lambdas used for sections should parse with the current delimiters.
planet: "Earth"
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| "#{text}{{planet}} => |planet|#{text}" }'
perl: 'sub { $_[0] . "{{planet}} => |planet|" . $_[0] }'
js: 'function(txt) { return txt + "{{planet}} => |planet|" + txt }'
php: 'return $text . "{{planet}} => |planet|" . $text;'
python: 'lambda text: "%s{{planet}} => |planet|%s" % (text, text)'
clojure: '(fn [text] (str text "{{planet}} => |planet|" text))'
template: "{{= | | =}}<|#lambda|-|/lambda|>"
expected: "<-{{planet}} => Earth->"
- name: Section - Multiple Calls
desc: Lambdas used for sections should not be cached.
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| "__#{text}__" }'
perl: 'sub { "__" . $_[0] . "__" }'
js: 'function(txt) { return "__" + txt + "__" }'
php: 'return "__" . $text . "__";'
python: 'lambda text: "__%s__" % (text)'
clojure: '(fn [text] (str "__" text "__"))'
template: '{{#lambda}}FILE{{/lambda}} != {{#lambda}}LINE{{/lambda}}'
expected: '__FILE__ != __LINE__'
- name: Inverted Section
desc: Lambdas used for inverted sections should be considered truthy.
static: 'static'
lambda: !code
ruby: 'proc { |text| false }'
perl: 'sub { 0 }'
js: 'function(txt) { return false }'
php: 'return false;'
python: 'lambda text: 0'
clojure: '(fn [text] false)'
template: "<{{^lambda}}{{static}}{{/lambda}}>"
expected: "<>"
\ No newline at end of file
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