1. 20 Feb, 2019 37 commits
  2. 19 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Patrick H. Lauke's avatar
      Remove incorrect aria-haspopup from dropdown toggles (#28299) · 4b00aa6c
      Patrick H. Lauke authored
      `aria-haspopup` use requires the use of an ARIA `menu`, `listbox`, `tree`, `grid` or `dialog` (see https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-haspopup)
      in our use (as generic disclosure widgets), it's incorrect and sets up the wrong assumption/behavior from assistive technologies.
      in future, we likely want to change our dropdowns to essentially be like a `dialog` - move focus to it when opened, possibly make it modal so focus is maintained inside it and the rest of the page
      is hidden/inert.
      but for now, removing the incorrect attribute is probably the quickest, most immediate fix.
  3. 13 Feb, 2019 2 commits